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Fiona I gasped as I heard Alpha Adrian's words. Beta Alaric was not dead? What? I thought that he had died. No wonder his body wasn't cold, neither were his hands cold. Elsa turned to face Alpha Adrian in a swift movement with a frown and surprise on her face. I could see the shock on my face. It matched the one on mine. "Alaric is not dead?" She asked, her shock evident on her face. Alpha Adrian nodded his head. "Yes, Elsa. Your brother is not dead," he replied again. "How…. How is that possible? He was cold when I touched him earlier," She replied. "He wasn't cold, Elsa. He was just unconscious, and he was unconscious because he was paralyzed. If you had checked properly, you would have noticed it," No wonder. No wonder Alpha Adrian wasn't worried when he touched Beta Alaric

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