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The swirling breeze is chilling to the bones and the snow is thick as cotton sheets spread over the ground neatly. The sun hasn't shined from days past but the hope is always there.  Everything appeared white as a sea of milk and the fauna residing in the place went to hibernate for the whole winter. Not so far away, near a snow covered forest, a trembling beneath the ground felt and the small birds that were hiding in the trees fled away. A small, black pit appeared from nowhere and someone was thrown away from it with a force. Luckily, he landed on the thick sheet of fresh snow and saved himself from the injury. He stood and checked the baby wrapped in his arms, who was sleeping profoundly under the embrace of his father. His eyes observed the surrounding and there was no sight of civilization. "Where the hell did she throw me? I knew the little devil will do something idiotic again." He mumbled to himself and looked for a way out of the forest. After walking for a mile or longer, he noticed a small wooden hut in his sight. A sly smile appeared on his face. He approached the place and knocked on the door, slowly. After repeated attempts on banging the door, someone finally opened the door. The door was ajar and two brown eyes peeped through it. "Hello! Sorry to disturb you but I need help." Elijah asked the person inside. He was staring at him but did not respond. Elijah stood in confusion whether to ask him again or not. "Who are you?" The person asked him. "I am a traveler and lost my car. Can you please let me inside? My daughter is with me and she needs to get fed." Elijah pointed to the infant in his arms. The person opened the door wide and let him inside. The place is warm because of the fire and it appeared cozy and comfortable too. The person brought a cup of hot milk for both and made them comfortable. He was an old man, not much older but he was likely to be in his late fifties. "It is very rare to have guests in this place. Where did you come from?" The old man asked. "I came from a far away land." Elijah replied. "Oh! Where are my manners, my name is Travis and I am living here from last 14 years. You are the most handsome man I have seen in my life." The old man smiled at him. "Thank you, mister Travis." "You must be very tired, why don't you take some rest?" The old man suggested him. "No! Thank you. I have to reach the city nearby. Can you lead me the way?" He asked. Elijah is not fond of strangers and he is worried because of his daughter. He can't trust anyone that easily. "The nearby city is almost a 9 hours ride from here. But don't worry, I will take you there." The old man is very Frank and helpful, but Elijah is having a hard time digesting his closeness. "I can go there by myself. Not be rude but I don't like to trouble people until necessary. I can manage." Elijah replied. The old man stared at him and sighed, "I know it is not easy to trust a stranger but, my son, I mean no harm to you and your daughter. I had lost my son years ago in the avalanche. That's why I'm suggesting you stay here as the storm will continue for a few more hours." Elijah stayed quiet and thought about it. Reluctantly, he stayed but he was alert and careful. His eyes were on the old man who was busy preparing dinner for them. The baby was still sleeping since she had the option made by Carmen, but Elijah made her drink milk through a feeder in every two hours. He was relaxed that the baby didn't cause him any trouble. "Your daughter is very beautiful, where is her mother?" The old man asked. Elijah felt his throat dry on the question and replied in a low voice after a pause, "she is not with us!" The old man's eyes show a mixed emotion of sorrow and pity but he didn't  raise another question. Instead he offered a bottle of brandy to Elijah. Elijah scrunched his brow and looked at the man, "take it, son. It will keep you warm in this harsh weather." He grabbed the bottle from his hand and they chatted for hours on several topics. The old man is a retired army veteran and he was telling his stories of bravery to Elijah. Elijah admired the man and his friendly demeanor made him feel the missing void of his life is filled, he found a father figure in him. "Where exactly do you wanna go?" Travis asked. "Anywhere far! I don't want anyone to spot me and my daughter there." He stated. "But why? Don't you have a family?" "It's a long story! I am running from them for a reason. They will take her from me and I can't let them have my daughter." Elijah's eyes shine in water and Travis understood the strong emotion hiding behind the smiling handsome face. He put his hands on Elijah's shoulder and concerned, "count me in, in your journey because you and your daughter are my responsibility now. Once this storm gets over, I will take you to my house in Vancouver. I will give a fake identity to live but you have to trust me."  Elijah stared at him dumbfounded and he was speechless as well. "Are you serious?" He asked shockingly. "Yes! I rarely do this for anyone but you remind me of my son and this is the primary reason I am helping you. Now, have dinner and take some rest. You will be fine." The old man suggested. After the warm dinner, Elijah went to the guest room to sleep. He was so tired that the sleep took him the next second he placed his head on the pillow. He did not remember how long he slept. Suddenly, his eyes open wide and he looks for his daughter. She was nowhere to be found on the bed, so he ran to another room to check for her. Neither the old man nor his daughter to be found in the hut. He clutched his knuckles on trusting a stranger. His daughter is not here. He ran outside and saw the old man singing a song in the baby's ear. Elijah observed him closely. The old man turned and looked at Elijah, "your daughter is very active! She woke up early and played with me." Elijah sighed in relief and smiled. "Thank you for taking care of her while I was asleep like a horse." The storm is over and the sky is clear as crystal. After breakfast, The old man packed his bags and important stuff for the journey to Vancouver. Elijah holds his baby tightly in his arms. They hopped inside the truck of the old man and their journey to a mysterious place began. As the old man promised him, he provided Elijah a fake identity to be a citizen to the city and his daughter, a place to live. He can't thank him enough for what the old man did for him. "Are you sure you want to go back? You can live with us?" Elijah asked. "My heart belongs to my wife but since she left the world, I found peace in the mountains. I will come to see you annually." Travis stated. He added, "take care of yourself and my princess. If there will be any problem, just call me and I will be here." He waved his goodbye to them as he hopped in his truck and left Elijah and his daughter to start a fresh life in Vancouver.
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