3. Alarm

1374 Words
I sit with my family for dinner. We talk about the training courses. Then the girls argue about what swimsuits to wear to the pool. They're 4 years younger than me. Rune is 14 years younger. My parents really spaced us out. I roll my eyes. "Seriously. It's only the backyard. Does it even matter what you wear?" "We could get company." I rub my face. No idea how I'm going to deal with them for 3 months. Daddy nods. "I got you a job for the summer, Echo. You'll be the secretary for Malax at Phade Enterprise. It'll do you good to get out of the house. They do a lot with Crucorix North as well. I know you are interested in that." "Daddy." "No complaining. It'll be good for you to see how work... works. I spoke with him. He knows you graduated from Frostford. He knows who I am. He knows it's only for the summer. He assured me you'll be safe. You'll mainly be getting his coffee. Getting reports around. Things like that. This will be good for you." "I turned down a job at Phade, daddy." "Because of school?" "Yes." "That's a perfectly good reason. He knows you're going to school and this is a summer job only. He's looking forward to having an extra secretary." Momma smiles. "It's a good opportunity, baby. Do your best. He may help you get a job there after your next schooling. Or even next summer." Daddy nods. "This is a good experience." "THIS IS THE BEST EXPERIENCE." I jump up and down. "I'M GOING TO WORK AT PHADE FOR THE SUMMER. THANK YOU. THANK YOU. THANK YOU. I'M GOING TO GET READY." "You don't start until next week. Eat and stop yelling." "DADDY, I NEED BUSINESS CLOTHES." My sisters nod. "Yea, she can't show up dressed like that." I'm in a regular t-shirt and shorts. Momma laughs. "They're all in agreement." "Yes, this doesn't happen often. You and your mother can do some shopping this weekend." "Thank you, daddy." Momma wiggles in her seat. "I love shopping and I know a few good stores are for business clothes too. We'll go tomorrow afternoon." "Can you get us something, momma?" "I will not forget you girls. I noticed you'll need new shorts for the summer. I'll grab some while we're out." "Thank you." Eriska and I turn into our androids and go out at 9. We find a big party. Someone's parents are obviously out of town. Everyone is drunk and loud. I'm not going to lie, this is better than trying to get paid for s*x. The house is big. The pool is nicer than mine. They obviously have some money. We dance half the night. Nobody knows who we are. I think Eriska does 3 boys for the hell of it. That is so out of character for her. She's never had a boyfriend either. I'm surprised she knows what to do. But it doesn't matter. We're out of school and having fun. I dance with a boy I don't know and he rubs my butt. "You are sexy." "So are you, sir." He steps in closer and kisses my neck. Figures. I've never been kissed, and he goes for my neck. "You want to go have some real fun?" He puts a little kiss on my lips. "I better not." "You seem nervous." "Sorry, I don't really do this." "That's a good thing." He pulls me against his chest and tightens his arms around me. "Can I have a real kiss?" I can't help but smile. "Yes." He gives me the sweetest kiss. He's so gentle. I like this. I like being in his arms. Even if it doesn't feel right, it's still nice. We stand there kissing and holding each other until Eriska pulls me away. "As fun as this looks, it's after 2. We have to head back." I give him a hug and 1 more kiss. "Thank you. This was fun." "Can I see you again?" Eriska smirks. "We'll stop by next weekend." "I'll be here." "Do you live here?" "Yes. It's my parents' house." I stare blankly at him. "Nice house." "Thank you." He laughs. "I hope I see you next weekend. What's your name?" "Echo." "Nice to meet you Echo. I'm Scotch." "Nice to meet you, sir." I smile, and he pulls me in for another kiss. "Ok. Time to go." Eriska pulls me all the way out the door. Then she looks around. "What is that beeping?" "I don't hear anything." "It's an alarm, I think." She turns and pukes in a bush. It's straight alcohol that comes out. Then she stands up. "If the tanks get to full, they will empty forcibly." I laugh so hard. "Why were you even drinking? We can't get drunk like this." "It adds to the party atmosphere. I didn't want to be the only person not drinking." "I guess that was me. I didn't even think about it." "Drink 1 every now and then. You'll smell like alcohol and won't stand out. Just don't drink as much as I did." "Good plan. Why do you keep sleeping with everyone?" "I have no idea. It's safe this way. I can." "I guess that's as good of a reason as any. Maybe I'll try next weekend." "This body doesn't feel much, but it's nice to make the guy feel good." I laugh. "And you can make money." "Correction." She puts her finger up. "We can make money." "I think I'll stick to my real job. But yes, I could make money that way too. You are right." "At least you admit it." "How do you even know what to do?" "Movies. I fake it. I seem to be good at faking it." "Guess I need to watch a movie before next weekend." "I'll send you a good one. I learned a lot from it." "Thank you. I don't want to search through them. Am I prettier like this?" "No. Why?" "Boys, don't notice me. I got the suppra and I got kissed. A sexy man bought me a drink." I scratch my head. "They notice you. But you don't go to parties or anywhere. You can't. The press would show up. So, you're always studying. It's not a bad thing. But you never noticed the boys noticing you." She spins me to look at her. "But now we are on break. We are going to have fun for the next few months. No thinking about classes or books or studying until next year. It is party time." "Not too much partying. I still have work." "We can party every weekend though. We're going to have so much fun this summer. Trust me." We put the suppras back in the boxes, then go to bed. Mom wakes me up at 11 the next day. "Echo, you are going to sleep all day. At least each lunch before we go shopping." "Yes, momma. I'm up." I take a quick shower and dress. Then I play with Rune while mom finishes lunch. She has the stores shut down so we can shop in peace. The first store we go to, I swear they can smell daddies' money. Every single person tries to help us. I get some new perfume and a few dresses. In the next store, they don't even acknowledge us. It's nice. I try on so much stuff. "I like this, Echo." "The skirt is kind of short." "It's appropriate for business wear. It's only shorter than what you're used to. You could pair it with a white button-down shirt. Maybe a jacket over it." "Alright. I'll try it. I want some heels too." We spend all afternoon shopping for different stuff. I get dresses and skirt suits. 8 pairs of heels. Some new jewelry that matches. I will be fine for the summer. I even talk momma into getting me some school clothes for next year. Momma gets a couple of new dresses. Then we get the twins some stuff. We even grab Rune a few things. Then we have dinner at a little shop. It's nice being just the two of us. I think she enjoys it too.
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