4. Phade

1840 Words
My first day comes so fast. I wake up early and jump around. I can't believe I'm going to work for Phade. I take a shower and half curl my hair. I think that will be professional. Momma helps me with my make-up. I've never been into make-up. I have no idea what to do with it. She shows me how to keep it light and pretty. Then I put on a knee-length dress. It's dark blue with a round neckline. The sleeves are very short. Only to just past my shoulders. Momma said it's fine. I pair it with simple gold jewelry and a thin gold belt. It's a fitted dress, so it comes together nicely. Then I put on my matching blue heels. I go to breakfast and Sanya jumps up. "NO. Go try again." "What's wrong with me?" Daddy checks his watch. "You look like a blueberry. Do you have a white suit jacket?" "Yes." "Put that over the dress with some white matching heels." "Ok." I hurry and change. "This better?" "Yea. You can wear that." "Thank you." "No problem. You're allowed to take the jacket off if you get warm." Casdy nods. "As long as everyone sees you in it first." "I'll try to remember that." Daddy hands me a designer bag. "Do not carry personal items in your pockets. Use the purse from now on." "Thank you, daddy. I love it. I've always wanted one of these." "There's a special surprise in it." I peek in and there's a wallet. I open it to find $5,000. "Thank you, so much." "You're welcome. You're a working woman now. I'm sure you'll need things." "Oh, Braxtin. Always sneaking in extra gifts." Momma kisses him on the head. "You're so thoughtful." Then she hugs me. "You're not carrying that much money to work." I keep $40 for lunch and hand her the rest. "Thank you, momma." "Good luck on your first day, baby. I know you'll do great." Daddy stands up. "I'm taking you today. I'll make sure you know how to get there safely." "Don't embarrass me daddy." "I wouldn't dream of it. I will make up a reason to have a meeting with him on the way there." Momma and my sisters laugh as we leave. I'm amazed when we get there. The building is big and fancy. "This is Mission Control for Phade. They can send people to Crucorix North from the backyard." Daddy smiles. "You're going to be my little space traveler someday. I can see it in your eyes." "I love the idea of helping our people get more land. That gives us more resources. More food. More everything." "Mr. Kinnik." A man at the front desk jumps up and nearly falls over trying to get to the button to let us in. "How can I help you, sir?" "I need a meeting with Malax. If he's not busy." "Of course, sir. His office is on floor 55. The elevator is right there. I'll let him know you're coming." "Thank you." We get in the elevator and I laugh. "They sure know who you are." "Everyone does, sweetheart. I own Zircon." "Oh that reminds me, the Phade recruiter was telling me they need people to control the suppras. I didn't realize Phade works with suppra's." "They have purchased some for a mission. You just gave me a perfect reason for the meeting." "Glad I could help, daddy." The elevator stops at 54 and 5 businessmen run in. They stare at my dad then thank him for coming in. Nobody even notices me. I stand at the back of the elevator and get out on 55 after they leave. They go into the 1 door on the entire level. There are 2 desks outside the door. A lady smiles at me from behind her desk. "How can I help you, ma'am?" "My name is Echo. I'm supposed to start a summer job here. I'm not even sure I'm in the right place." "Yes, you are. Malax told me you were coming in. That's going to be your desk. You can put your bag there. Is this your first job?" "Yes, ma'am. Is it that noticeable?" "You seem a bit nervous. Don't worry. I'll get you started. Mostly, he's going to want coffee or something to drink. Sometimes, if he's working too much, I bring him some food. Other than that, it's getting files or running something to another department. Making phone calls. It's not difficult. You'll catch on quick. I'll begin by showing you how the computer works. He's in an important meeting. It's best not to disturb him for now." "Thank you." An hour later, daddy winks at me as he walks by. I smile and wiggle. "My desk." "You look good there, sweetheart. My working girl." He smiles at the other lady. "She's doing great, sir." "Good. I'll pick you up at 5." "See you then, daddy." I smile at the lady as daddy leaves. "I'm sorry, but I didn't get your name." "You can call me Kai. I need some coffee. Let's take a walk and I'll show you where it is. I don't think anyone realizes who your dad is. All Malax knew was that your dad was helping someone from Frostford find work experience before 2nd school." "I told daddy not to embarrass me. That's probably why. Please don't tell. Does coffee cost money?" "No. And I'll keep the secret. If they find out, they'll be getting your coffee." I laugh and nod. "I brought money. I just don't want to get all the way there and have to come back for the money." "I understand." We get back, and it seems like everyone is gone now. The doors open. "You can introduce yourself now, sweetie. He won't bite." "Ok." I pop up and go into his office. "Hello?" The place seems empty. He spins around in the chair and looks at me 3 times over the papers he's reading. Then he jumps up. "Hi. I'm sorry to keep you waiting. I didn't realize anyone was waiting." He pulls out the chair for me. "Thank you, sir." I sit down and smile. He leans on his desk and smirks. "You can call me Ax. What can I do for you?" "I'm Echo. I'm starting a summer job here. I met Kai. She showed me around. She said I should introduce myself." He puts an eyebrow up and stares at me. Kai cracks up laughing in the doorway. "Oh this is going to be a fun 3 months, Malax." She rubs her eyes. "How old are you, sweetie?" "17." "More fun." She throws her hands up. I smile. "I like fun." "I'm sure you do, sweetie. Let's let Malax recover. Then he can try again." He nods. "Thank you, Kai. I'll do better next time." "Oh, I doubt it." She leads me back to our desks. She is laughing her ass off the whole way. I sit at my desk. "What's funny?" "Nothing." She spins around. "Malax, she needs a computer code." "I'll get it. Stop laughing." She laughs harder. "Thank you." Then a bunch of businessmen walk by us and into Malax's office. They shut the door. "So, what do we do?" "Wait for him to need something. It's the start of the week. Come the end, we'll be swamped. Don't worry." "Ok." I stare at the computer that I can't get into for a half hour. Then I get coffee. Then I dust the whole room. Then I stare out the window. We're high up. It's an amazing view of the city. "My daddy works in that building way over there. I think that's it, anyway." She smiles and nods. "Kai, can you bring me some coffee?" "I'LL GET IT." I run for the elevator. She laughs and gets in with me. "I'll show you how he takes it." We're back in record time. His coffee is boring and black. But it's a certain flavor he likes. It's easy to remember. "You can take it in to him." "Do I have to knock?" "No. He asked for it. So, you can walk in." I put the coffee in front of him. "Would you like anything else, sir?" "No, thank you. This is perfect." He smiles at me. Kai cracks up laughing in the doorway. Then a couple of the men laugh. I scratch my head. "Do any of you need anything?" "So, you already have a job here?" "Hello Mr. Colwort. I didn't notice you were there. And yes, I took a summer job." "How do you know each other?" Malax is staring at Mr. Colwort. He seems kind of mad. "I tried to recruit Octavia from Frostford. She turned Phade down to continue her education." Malax smiles. "That was smart. It's important to get your education." Kai nearly falls over laughing. Mr. Colwort nods. "She graduated from Frostford with perfect marks. If you don't mind my asking, why weren't you interested in Phade, other than school, of course." "You made it seem like I would be opening the door for people. I'm already too qualified for that." Malax smirks. "Yes, it is entry level. Let's see. We are stuck with a problem. We are going to use suppra's for a mission to Crucorix North. About 500 of them. We need people to control them from here. It is entry level with Phade. You would think people would be excited about that, right?" I shake my head. "Not from Frostford." They laugh. "Kagona was offering a 6-figure start-out salary with a corner office. I turned them down too. But that was standard for anyone from Frostford. I believe they would have negotiated with me. But I want to go to school." A man sits back. "What program are you majoring in?" "Terraform and colonization. I'll go to Crucorix North in 2 years." "Yes, it's hard to compete with that. Do you have any ideas about finding the pilots for these 500 suppra?" "Students." "What?" "Frostford, for sure, would put in a class. The other schools may not be able to afford it. I'm sure some could. Also, colleges or even a secondary education program. Teach people how to use them. Most of the population will never be able to afford a suppra. They would jump on the chance to learn and experience it. Especially going to a different planet. You could still have them doing missions, but once they get the certificate, then they could work for you." They stare at me for a minute. Then they laugh. My eyes fill up with tears and I go back to my desk. I didn't think my idea was that dumb. They didn't have to laugh at me. It's my first day. Kai comes out laughing. That's all she does. I'm getting laughed at constantly. I spend the rest of the day with my head down. Trying to avoid everyone. Then I sneak out. I'm not doing this anymore.
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