13- The Test (Part II)

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Kelsie’s POV I am in all smiles as I watch Garnor prepare the equipment. He is currently positioning the target feet away from me. I can sense the stares at me by almost everyone, including Connor and my stepsister who stopped what they were doing when I made my presence known in the public training ground. In my peripheral vision, Connor looked at me. I did not dare meet his eyes and maintain my composure. I notice him walking towards Garnor. The two talked. Based on the movement on their lips, I think Connor asked him why I am here. “Tss. Am I not allowed here?” I whisper to myself. Connor lifts his head and darted his gaze at me. I cleared my throat. I know he’s a skilled one, but it is impossible for him to hear me what I said at this distance. “What is she doing here?” I heard someone in the crowd said. “I have no idea.” “I heard she failed the warm-up test and she’s here to re-take it.” Soft chuckles were followed after that. I look at the direction of the whispers and saw three girls giggling. I narrowed my eyes at them. When they sensed me glaring, they all avoided their gazes and behaved themselves. Why are people so surprised that I’ve shown myself in public places? I am also a member of Black Claw pack! I caught one of the girls who has short and pink-dyed hair stealing glances at me. The smirk attempting to have a place on her lips is pushing my patience to the edge. I raised a brow and pierced my eyes back to Garnor who managed to put three targets in front of me. An evil smirk appears on my lips when an idea pops on my head. Since Garnor is still busy positioning the last two targets, I took the advantage to approach the girl. While walking towards the girl, I notice Connor’s sudden stance on the sides of my eyes. “Hi!” I enthusiastically greeted. The girls looked at me, dumbfounded. Of course, they will be speechless. It’s me. On the other hand, my stepsister curiously watch me as she cross her arms over her chest. I flip my long-straight hair and darted my gaze to the girl on pink hair. “May I know your name?” I asked with all smiles on my face. The two girls beside her kept their mouth shut as I talked to their (I assume) friend. As they should. No one dares to cut me off while I’m speaking. “Vera,” she answered. She avoided her gaze at me and turn on her back to face her friends. “Let’s go, girls.” She was about to walk out when I reach for her wrist and forcefully made her face me again. “What?!” This time, her voice raises. Even she was surprised by her sudden tone. I maintained my composure and smirked at her. I made sure she’ll see no humor on my face. “What’s your current position?” I asked. “I’m a hunter,” she proudly says. I can’t blame her for being proud. There are only few she-wolves that were positioned as a hunter. Some of the she-wolves, even their parents are hunters, they are more likely to be repositioned to Salutary or Sentinels. My smile grew wider. I withdraw my hands from her and faced her properly. “Great! I am retaking my tests today because I absent too much from my training last time…” she raised her brow, nonverbally saying she doesn’t care on anything I’ll say. I maintained my smile, ignoring her rudeness. “Since you are a hunter, why not we duel?” I point at the targets who are now completely standing meters away from us. Her eyes widen. The two girls she is with looked at each other and to me. When our eyes met, they all lowered their heads and made a step backward. Their friend looked at them with pleading eyes, asking for help. “Girls…” she called. However, the two girls bow their heads at us. “Sorry, Vera!” they both said and rushed away from us. She raised her hand to stop the two from going, but she haven’t grip them. She looked at me with a nervous expression. “This is going to be fun!” I exclaimed. Whispers around us started. I’m sure it will only took a second before this news will spread like a wildfire in the whole pack. I reach for her wrist and pull her on the position. I placed her beside me. I raised my hand to call Garnor. He’s standing meters away from us, watching me pull this girl on a duel. Garnor only scratches his head. He already understands what I was about to say. He picks up another bow and set of arrows aside from the ones he’s holding and started walking towards us. “Here you go.” Garnor handed us the bow and the arrows. “Thanks!” I exclaimed. “Welcome, Princess…” he then darted his gaze to the girl named Vera. “Good luck,” he shrugs. “Princess, I d-don’t want t-to—” “You don’t want to duel? But, why? I thought you were trying to caught my attention when you started talking behind my back?” I innocently asked. I tilt my head, watching her expression. Her eyes are bloodshot as she tries to hold back her tears. Remember when I said this news will spread like a wildfire? I’m not lying. As I roam my eyes, we are now surrounded in circles by our pack members. I look at the crowd and roam my eyes at them. I then pointed my finger at the girl. “She said she doesn’t want to duel!” I announced. The crowd started yelling. Some are throwing ‘boos’ at her. I smiled secretly. If there’s something this pack is good at, it is bullying others. I look at the girl beside me. Her legs are quivering and her grip tightens as she holds the bow. “Calm down. You’re a hunter. I’m a Scout. You’re much experienced than me,” I smirk. “P-Princess—” she bites her lower lip, trying to stop herself from crying. “I didn’t remember you calling me by that title earlier,” I said in a fake sad tone. She looked at me with pleading eyes. However, I already made up my mind. “To be exciting, let’s put on a twist!” I said. Vera gulped and her chest rises up and down. ‘Calm down, girl. I’m just starting!’ “Best of 3! The one who will get the highest point will win. The loser will stand on the center with an apple above her head. The winner have unlimited arrows to shoot it,” I announced. The crowd roar and some whispered. “Vera is f*cked up!” I heard from one of the crowds. “Kelsie is at it again. I told you she won’t do anything good once she started making herself visible on public.” “She’s very different from her sister.” “Maybe because they are not really sisters?” If this was an ordinary day, I’ll probably confront those who are talking behind my back while comparing me to my stepsister. However, I am much more focused on this duel. I’ll deal with them on some other time. Unconsciously, my eyes travel on the crowd, looking for someone’s presence. My eyes landed on the guy standing among the crowd with his hands in his pocket. His dark-gray hooded eyes pierced onto me. He isn’t smiling or smirking. His lips are on a thin line while languidly watching the scene I caused. Behind him is my stepsister, also watching me. My eyes crawl down and notice her hand is hooking onto Connor’s arm. I raised a brow. ‘I just rejected him and now he’s flirting with my stepsister?’ I let out a harsh sigh to ease myself up. “Do whatever you want,” I whisper to myself. If the both of them ended up as mates, then it’s better! This pack already has a new Beta family. I only have to find my alpha mate. I look straight on the targets. Garnor is standing on the middle, waiting for me to give him a cue. I take one last glance to the girl beside me who is stills shaking in fear. “Are you nervous?” I ask in a soft tone and as comfortable as possible. She instantly looked at me with a shining hope in her eyes. She frantically nods her head at me. A small devilish smirk resurfaced in my lips. “As you should,” I said in a low but dangerous voice. The hopes in her eyes suddenly vanished and her eyes started shimmering in tears. I darted my eyes at Garnor and nod. He took a deep breath, as if he was forced to do what I ordered him to. He raised his hand as a sign for us to get ready. I calmly raised my bow and positioned my arrows. On the other hand, Vera’s shaking hands made her composure unstable. I smiled. My eyes narrowed on the target. On the small part of my eyes, I watch Garnor slowly putting his hands down. When his hand pointed at the ground, I released my arrow. A small smirk appears on my lips when I saw where it landed. “Bullseye!” I whispered to myself. The crowd cheered and some even whistled. “10. Bullseye,” Garnor lazily announced. The crowd once again cheered. I relaxed my arm and put down the arrow to have a quick rest. My gaze landed at Vera who is still holding her bow with her shaking hands. Her arrow still unreleased. “Come on, the crowd is waiting,” I said while picking up another arrow to position in my bow. She takes a deep breath. Her chest rises up and down. She bites her lips and I saw how her eyes shut closed when she released her bow. I watch the arrow fly until it reached the target. I bite my inner cheeks to stop myself from smiling. “You can do better on the next round,” I said in a mocking tone. “6!” Garnor announced. Vera gulped. Even with our gap, I can feel her getting cold sweats. Her hands started quivering more. When Garnor raised his hand, we both positioned our bow and arrows. This time, we shoot at the same time. “Yes. Got it!” I cheered when I notice my arrow pierced onto the center of the target. “10. Bullseye… and 8 for the hunter,” Garnor announces. I shrug. “Well, you improved!” I clap my hands. I was caught off guard when suddenly, Vera dropped her bow and arrows. She closed our gap and reach for my hands. “Princess, please! I won’t do it again. Please!” Her knees kissed the damp ground as she lowered her head, pleading me to not continue this duel. “Too late. Just wish you’ll hit the bullseye this time.” I free myself from her hold and positioned my bow and arrow. Since she was left with no choice, she was forced to stand on her feet and position herself back. It is not my fault that I grew up with this kind of heart. They made me do this. They were too jealous of me that they always wanted me out of their group. Now that I am fighting back, I’m the bad one? Screw them! My grip tightens around the bow. When Garnor made the signal, I did not think twice and released it. As expected, I hit the 10. I maybe lazy when it comes to attending trainings, but I know I got the skills. The alpha’s blood is running through my veins. I look at the other target and saw Vera hit the 8 once again. An evil smile appears on my lips. Vera slowly looked at me. Her lower lids are now pooled with tears. I am certain that her vision is now blurry. “Don’t worry. I’m good at hitting the target,” I raised an arrow, and looked at it and back to her. I then shake my head. “This won’t kill you. Besides, you have friends in the Salutary. You can make them heal you,” I smirk. This time, she cried. The bow she was holding fell on the floor as her hand started shaking. Garnor walk towards her. He pulled her by her arm to position her in the middle. “Stop moving. It will fall,” I heard Garnor said from a distance, pertaining to the apple that he was trying to put on top of her head. The crowd roared, excited on what might happen. “Stop moving or I might hit your head!” I yelled. Vera forced herself to stand still. Her eyes are still bloodshot, and her shoulders are still shaking as she tried to stop herself from crying. When Garnor managed to put the apple on top of her head, I positioned my bow and arrow. I can easily target the apple, but I decided to put on some show. I released the arrow and it landed right in front of her. Vera’s eyes widens. Even with the distance between us, I can see how her legs shakes. “Oops, sorry!” I raised a peace sign. I chuckled a little and once again positioned my bow and arrow. I did not wait for her o compose herself and released it. This time, it scratches her left cheek. “Oops, again…” I whisper to myself. Vera kneeled on the damp ground while caressing her cheek that I scratched. I saw the line of blood on her cheek. “At least I did not hit her. Just a scratch,” I said. “Sorry, I was nervous!” I yelled. I travel my eyes on the crowd. Some are still smirking, enjoying the scene, while others are frightened. Some even made a step backward and avoided their gaze when my eyes lands at them. Vera’s shaking hands picked up the apple. She put it above her head and slowly stand on her place. She’s still not completely on her feet when I released my arrow. This time, I hit the apple. The crowd clapped and cheered. My eyes dropped at Vera’s bottom clothes. I almost burst in laughter when I notice that her pants are now wet. “She wet herself!” One from the crowd announced. The training ground was filled of laughter. Vera, out of shame, walked out of the place. There is still a track of laughter in my face when I roam my eyes on the crowd and accidentally landed my sight to him. Connor’s hands are still inside his pockets. When our eyes locked, he shakes his head and turn on his back. My lips parted when he started walking away. I watch him slowly fading on my sight while my stepsister followed her. I gulp. My stomach started forming a hollow feeling and my hands started sweating. ‘Why do I feel this way?’ I never cared when someone’s disappointed on my actions! ----- Unedited. English is not my first language. My apologies for the grammar, sentence construction, and wrong spelling. ----- Once A Princess, Now A Slave By: Joanne Cristel ©2023
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