13- The Test (Part I)

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Kelsie’s POV “You should do better next time or you’ll end up as an Omega.” “There are still a lot of tests. I know I can keep up!” "Being an Omega isn't a ba thing at all. You'll just have to clean the Alpha's house and serve them. to be honest, I like it better than roaming around the pack territory to check on some lurking rogues. It's safer," said one o the girls in her glasses. I am standing in front of the glass window of my father’s office, staring at the ground where several werewolves are busy on their training. In the far right corner, I saw Connor playing with his knife. My stepsister, Kristine, went after him. The two talked. I have no idea what they are talking about, but the seriousness on Connor’s face was easily replaced by a smile. Kristine jokingly slaps his shoulders as they laugh together. I raise a brow. It’s been a month since I rejected him. I still haven’t found a new mate. I am planning to find my mate before my stepsister turns 18. My eyes narrowed at them. Connor is topless, while my sister is carrying some herbal plants in her hands. My brows furrow when she placed her hand on Connor’s broad and n***d shoulder. Even at this distance, I notice how she gives his shoulder a squeeze. Connor slightly leans forward to hear what my stepsister is saying. I tilt my head, trying to hear what they were talking about even though I know it was impossible. Out of a sudden, I felt my chest tightening. I tried to take a deep breath to somehow ease the pain. I avoided my gaze at them by turning on my back. It took me a good five minutes before my body completely relaxed. My father’s empty desk and office chair welcomed me. He’s been in critical condition since a week ago and in complete bed rest. I already visited him earlier when I woke up, but he was sleeping. Good thing that today, we are going to visit a neighboring pack as a part of training as a scout. I can somehow relax my mind from all this stuff happening in our pack. I already failed my first warm-up test for the reason that I don’t attend my training with Connor. I do not know if it is counted. I mean, it’s just a warm-up exercise. Also, the real reason behind this test is to find my mate. Why would I take it seriously when it is useless on my end? I do not care who wins among them or who will get the highest rank or who will be the next Beta. All I want is for my mate to not be from this pack. Three consecutive knocks were heard on the currently closed door. I compose myself, fix my stance, and straighten my back. “Come in.” The door pushes open. Garnor’s head peeked from behind the door. He gave me an awkward smile. “Uhh, Kelsie, are you ready?” My forehead furrowed. I crossed my arms over my chest. My small movement made Garnor do a little step back. “I thought we are going to go after lunch?” I raise my left arm to check the time on my wristwatch. “It’s still 10 in the morning,” I added. Garnor scratches the back of his head. “Did Luna Denette didn’t inform you that you have a test today?” My brows were about to meet each other. “What test?” As far as I remember, I am already done with the first warm-up test… and I failed it. The next test will be held next two weeks. “Connor told me to give you another chance…” I bite my tongue to stop myself from talking hastily. Instead, I sighed and tilt my head. “Does he have the authority to do so?” I asked. As far as I remember, only the Alpha, which is my father, has that kind of power. “I think he asked your father about it,” Garnor answered, also not sure if what he is saying is true. I shut my eyes tightly. So, now, my father knew that I failed a warm-up test? Sh*t! Even the lowest, slowest, and dumbest werewolves wouldn’t fail a warm-up test! When I opened my eyes, I saw Garnor stopping himself from smiling. I frowned. “What?!” I hiss. A soft chuckle escapes his lips. If there’s someone in this pack who is not afraid of me, it’s my father, Connor, and him. “I’m sure Alpha Audig understands. You weren’t attending your training—” “I told you, I’m sick,” I cut him off. He lazily nods his head, as if he is only agreeing with me because he doesn’t want to argue anymore. “Yeah. That is why you were given another chance to take the test.” I sigh. Maybe my father is too embarrassed that his only daughter by blood failed the easiest test that he implemented. I shrug. Whatever. I know to myself that I can pass it if I did not choose to be absent. “Fine. How long would it take?” We still have to visit the other pack! What if I’ll finally find my mate? Ugh! Why is this test happened to be on this date? “Since you already asked me to retake the test, you should have scheduled it on my free day,” I rolled my eyes at him. “Let’s go,” I added and walk past him. I heard him shut the door and followed me from behind. “I did not ask anyone for you to retake the test. Connor—I mean, the Beta did,” he corrected. “Then you could have rescheduled it. You know I have to visit the neighboring pack today, right?” I pull out the scrunchy on my left arm and tied my hair in a high ponytail as we walk down the stairs. I do not like the sweat to stick on my hair so every training, I always tie them up. “Connor was the one who scheduled your test. I just obeyed what I was ordered to do,” I can sense him shrugging from behind. I stopped in the middle of going down the stairs before fully turning on my back to face him. “What?” I rhetorically asked. “I said, Connor, was the one—” “I heard you!” I annoyingly replied. Garnor placed his arms on his back and nod at me calmly. He knows when I’m mad and what to do when I’m pissed. He’s way taller than me but not taller than Connor. If Connor is about 6’2 in height, Garnor is probably 6 flat. And the fact that I am a step ahead of him on the stairs makes him taller than he already is. I have to look up just to meet his eyes. “Why did he schedule it today? I have other errands!” I rant. Garnor scratched his ear. “Maybe he forgot? Or he isn’t aware? Does Connor know your schedule?” he innocently asked. I blink uncontrollably. He is right. Connor has no idea about my weekly schedule. I silently clear my throat. The sides of Garnor’s lips are attempting to stretch up to his ears and the only ones stopping him to do so are my glaring eyes. I held my chin up high and faces my back. I continue walking down the stairs. When I managed to get on the ground floor, he jog towards me to close our gap. “I’m sure he did not mean to—” “I know. Tss!” The fact that he did not bother to check my schedule before giving me a chance to retake the test pisses me off. I know I should be grateful but.. but— Ugh! “Tsk!” I hissed. “What’s pissing you off, Princess?” Garnor asked. We are now on my personal training ground. I travel my eyes around. The well-trimmed grass looks vast on the empty ground. It’s just me and Garnor. The only sound that I can hear is the equipment being prepared by Garnor to start the test. “Granor…” I called. He is currently preparing the bow and arrow. Scouts should be experts in long-range combats. “Yes?” he asked. His back is facing me. He’s still busy with the equipment. “Let’s have my test on the training grounds,” I said. He stopped what he is doing and confusingly looked at me. His hands are still carrying the bow. “We’re on the training grounds, Princess.” I roll my eyes at him. This test is indeed needed for someone who is too slow to pick up. “I want to do the test on the public training ground!” I almost stomp my foot out of annoyance. His jaw drops at what I said. His thick eyebrow twitches. I couldn’t explain his facial expression. “You mean, public training grounds were other pack members that you usually don’t like, trains? I thought you don’t like crowded areas?” I frowned at his first sentence. “Public raining grounds were never crowded. The number of members who can use it is controlled,” I reasoned. “Yeah. But you don’t like others on your training grounds while you are on your training.” I did not answer him. Instead, I snatch the bow from his hand and picked up the arrows. I turn my back to him to walk out of the place. Garnor followed me. “Are you going to kick out those who are currently training?” I stopped. I can sense him nearly bumping into my back. I turn 360 degrees to face him. He instantly moved a step backward. “Am I that bad? Tss.” I did not wait for his response and went back to walking out of my private training grounds. “Then what are you planning?” he asked while he jogs to catch up with me. A small upward curve flashes into my lips. “I’ll take the test with them,” I answered without looking at him. ----- Unedited. English is not my first language. My apologies for the grammar, sentence construction, and wrong spelling. ----- Once A Princess, Now A Slave By: Joanne Cristel ©2023
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