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Kelsie’s POV “Eva needs help, Mrs. Gen. She’s injured!” she said in a frantic voice. My eyes landed on the girl whose hands are placed on the waists of both of her friends on her sides. My sight crawled down and darted in the injured knees of the girl named Eva. She’s bleeding but it was just a scratch. Nothing serious. Mrs. Gen attended to them. She guided them and motioned the girls to help Eva sit on one of the benches. “What exactly happened?” Mrs. Gen asked while examining Eva’s knees. She bends down and reached for the injured leg and check whether it’s something that she should worry about. “We were just running and joking around when she tripped.” “We are just worried that it might be something serious because she’s bleeding!” they answered. Mrs. Gen fix her stance and look at the girls. “From what quarters are you originally?” she asked. “We are all from the Sentinels,” one of them answered. I notice how Mrs. Gen’s brows wanting to arch. She then shakes her head. “Good thing the Alpha and the high-ranking officials thought of having this test,” she commented. I bite my inner lips to stop a smile from appearing on my face. “Kelsie?” I look at Mrs. Gen’s direction when she called me. She motioned her finger to me, telling me to come over. “Bring the b*****e that you made for the minor wound,” she added. I was already half my way to her when I went back to the long table and grabbed the bowl of my aloe vera gel. “Here, ma’am,” I said and lend the gel that I made. “What are the herbs that you use here?” she asked. “Just an aloe vera. I made sure the consistency is accurate for a minor wound,” I explained. “Okay, good. This will do.” My eyes widen. I already had an idea on what she will do when she made me bring my product to her, but I am still surprised. She still haven’t checked my work yet! “Mrs. Gen, wait!” I called. My hands left hanging on the air as I tried to reach her. She turns her head to me. “What?” I bite my lower lip and my eyes dropped on the gel in her hand. She already scooped a gel and ready to put it on the girl’s wound. “Shouldn’t you check it first?” I asked. I am confident on what I did since it is only aloe vera and I did not do anything special on it so there would be no complications. “How old are you when you start memorizing different kinds of herbs?” she asked back. I already know what she is pointing out. “This is just aloe vera, right?” I nod. “Do you have an allergy on aloe vera?” I asked. Our eyes are now all on Eva who is sitting in front of her. Her friends are beside her, stroking her hair and holding her hands to comfort her. Am I just used of not having friends that I find these things cringe? I mean, her wound is not that deep. This is the kind of injury that a kid get for tripping. I mentally shake my head. Eva’s brows furrowed at me. She sneezed and look at me with her bloodshot eyes and blushing cheeks. “If I am, then I should be telling Mrs. Gen, right?” she sarcastically answered. I want to raise a brow at her but she got a point. “Can I put it now? It’s not good for an open wound to remain open for so long,” Mrs. Gen commented. Seems like I do not have other choice. This is not a big deal. I just don’t want to be held accountable if things go wrong. “Sure, Mrs. Gen,” I forced the words out of my throat. I watch her wipe the gel onto Eva’s wound. I already sigh in relief when nothing happened not until Eva screamed. “OH MY F*CKING GOSH IT’S HOT!” My eyes widen. Eva frantically jump on her seat while waving her hand on her knees, fanning it as if she was burned. “What happened?” one of her friends asked. “It’s burning me, oh my gosh, wipe it off!” Everyone, including me and Mrs. Gen found something that can help her with what is happening. One of her friends wipe out the gel on her knees, but the burn still stays. I decided to go to the kitchen and grab a pale. I rush towards the sink and filled it with water until it’s half full. When I got back, it is still chaotic. Her friends grabbed a large and thick leaf to use it as a fan. Some watchers are holding back their laughs while the others, like the group of my step sister, are shamelessly, making Eva a laughing stock. “It’s still burning. Please, help me!” she screamed. Without thinking clearly, I ran towards her and splash the pale onto her knee. But I forget to consider that I filled the pale half full of water. Her lower body is now wet. She’s only wearing a white fitted leggings and since she’s wet, everyone can see her underwear. “Oh my gosh!” she yelped and crossed her hands to cover her lower body. Panicked crossed over her face. Her friends tried to help her by standing and surrounding her, blocking the view of everyone. I was stunned on my place. I do not know what to do. I was targeting her knees. I forgot to measure the amount of water to spill on her. It wasn’t my intention! “Enough! All of you, get back to your places,” Mrs. Gen ordered. I rush to her and tried to pass through her friends to apologize. I can see her lowering her head with her palms covering her face. “I-I’m sorry. I did not mean to—" “Kelsie, what did you put in here?” Mrs. Gen is holding a green gel-like ointment. She politely motioned the girls to stand down so she can check on Eva. “Just aloe vera, I swear,” I answered. Mrs. Gen kneel one of her knees to level her face to Eva’s wound. She examined it first. Afterward, she gently put an ointment. “How does it feel?” she asked. “Cool,” Eva answered. “That’s good.” Mrs. Gen stand on her feet and closed the lid of the ointment. “I apologize for what happened. I should have checked Ms. Tamaska’s work first before putting it on you.” “Mrs. Gen, this might affect Eva’s injury. You’re too confident on her work—” “It’s alright, Jade,” Eva’s hand catch her friend’s wrist to stop her. Eva looked at me with an apologetic smile—something that I did not expect. “It’s fine. I know you did not mean to.” Honestly, I do not know how to react. I’m too used at sarcastic comments, mockery, and bullies that encountering genuine people surprised me more. “I’m really sorry. I’ll make it up to you,” I promised, even I do not know how I will keep it. She shakes her head and stand on her feet. She doesn’t feel hurt anymore but I’m guessing that she’s still a little bit in discomfort. Her friend, Jade as well as her other two friends helped her walk. They politely lowered their heads to us and walked out of the room. We all watch them exit the scene. I sigh. I thought I will be in big trouble again. “Mrs. Gen…” I look at the owner of the voice. It’s Veya. “I think I should report this to the Alpha.” My forehead crumpled. Report what? Me? But it was an accident. I did not mean it! “You would report me? It was an accident. Plus, I did not know my gel would give her discomfort—” “It’s not you who’s going to be reported,” she cut me off. She gave me a side eye and darted her gaze back to Mrs. Gen. She then apologetically bow her head to her. Mrs. Gen nodded. “I understand. Yes, you should report this. I will take responsibility.” Veya lowered her head on a 90-degree angle before straightening her back, glanced at me and walked out of the room. I watch her back as she grace her way towards the Alpha’s house. Before she exit, I notice how she and my stepsister give meaningful glance to each other. The way Kristine smirked secretly and the proud looking gaze from Veya made me doubt about what happened. I narrowed my eyes to them two until Veya faded on my line of sight. What was that? Am I imagining things? And why would Veya report Mrs. Gen? Ugh! Amidst the frustration, my eyes subconsciously landed on someone. When my consciousness snapped back in the present time, I realized I am looking straight to Chinkee. She’s standing along with the crowd, watching the scene. She looked worried and at the same time, guilty. I remove my eyes from her. “Mrs. Gen. This isn’t your fault. I’ll talk to Connor—” “Ms. Tamaska,” she stopped me in a formal tone. I know that we are currently having a test and it is only proper for her to formally address me, but I am not used to it. I know Mrs. Gen since I was a kid and she knows me since I was still on my mother’s womb. Her drawing a line between us makes me uncomfortable. “This is a serious offense. It’s my fault that I did not check your gel first. Eva might get hurt.” I nod. I understand what she is saying. But what wonders me is the incident. It was just a pure aloe vera gel. The burning sensation will only occur if the user is allergic to it and they directly apply it to an open wound. However, I clearly asked Eva if she had an allergy and she said ‘no’. What’s probably the cause? To those who are finish on the test and their product has been graded, you may now go home. To those who are left, please double time. You are already running out of time,” Mrs. Gen announced. I bite my lower lip. I can already sense that I won’t pass this test. F*ck! *** I am currently in my room, staring mindlessly on my ceiling when suddenly, I heard a knock on my door. My eyes are comfortably resting on where they are and I’m too lazy to shift my attention to anything else. “Come in,” I answered in a bored tone. The door opened. Even without looking at it, I know it’s Connor. In my peripheral vision, I saw him carefully walking towards me. “Baby…” “I failed,” I cut him off. I know why he’s here and I have no plans of crying or even show him I’m upset about what happened. “No, you’re not. I saw the test results.” I felt the bed moved as he welcomed himself on it. “I got a low score.” I reasoned out. “It’s the same as failing.” Mrs. Gen gave a high score on the tea that I made but gave me 0 points on the gel. It was a fair scoring and I am not against it. I am just upset that the incident happened. “Baby, it’s alright. At least, you passed.” “Barely. And it’s not alright.” I fix my stance and sit on the bed. Connor is now beside me, being careful on his every move. “Someone sabotaged me!” I said. I know it’s wrong to speculate things or blame others on what happened when it was ‘clearly’ my fault. But, I have a strong sense to trouble. I know one when I see one! “It was just pure aloe vera. No matter what it’s consistency, it won’t burn Eva unless she’s allergic to it. She clearly said, and everyone heard it that she said she isn’t allergic to one.” Connor reached my arm and gently pulled me closer to him. He snaked hir arm around my waist and rest it on its usual place—my stomach. “Mrs. Gen said that your gel had a chili extract on it. She checked it.” “WHAT?!” I almost jolted up in bed on what he said. I did not put chili extract on it! He nodded. “I know you didn’t. I’m already investigating.” My jaw clenches. “No need. I already have an idea on who it might be,” I said angrily. I look at Connor in a cold manner. “Don’t intervene. I’ll handle this,” I said in a final tone. He looked concerned and hesitation crossed his face, but in the end, he nods. “Your call. I’ll stand down,” he said. ----- Unedited. English is not my first language. My apologies for the grammar, sentence construction, and wrong spelling. ----- Once A Princess, Now A Slave By: Joanne Cristel ©2023
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