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Kelsie's POV I held my chin up high even I badly want to stare at the floor and hide from everyone. Connor, on the other hand, ignored everyone's stares and proudly walk beside me. The difference between me and him is he doesn't care of what others might think while I am battling the idea of walking away from him and acting as if we just accidentally saw each other in the woods and he decided to help me. We got in the quarters. Connor toss the woods on the ground, grabbing the attention of those near us. "Stop putting the spotlight on us," I said in a whispered tone, hoping no one can hear us. "Everyone's busy. They don't mind," he replied. I rolled my eyes at him. How could he be so clueless when he is already our Alpha? "You know what I'm talking about," I said. "Should I ask Mrs. Gen first if it's okay for you to help me with the fire?" I added. I'm still bothered about him helping me. What if they will disqualify me? "No need. Your task here is to make medicine and bondages, not to build fire." "But I am originally a scout. Shouldn't this be my job?" I pouted. I realized just now that all I did from the past years of my training is to practice the use of different weapons. I never give focus on the survival stuff. Well, for the record, I never thought it will be useful. Since I was a kid, I always think that I am destined to stay inside the pack and marry the alpha so I never think of anything. To be honest, I never thought I have to prove myself to anyone because I am the Alpha's daughter. Whoever my mate would be, he is lucky to have me. Looking back to my mindset, I just realized that I am so full of myself and naive to the world. I was so self-centered. "I can teach you. But not now. Focus on your test first," he said. A smile crawled up to my face. "Really? Alright!" I answered enthusiastically. My job became easy. Aside from the side glances that I received from others and the glare of my stepsister, I managed to make my tea. “You should go now. My stepsister is already killing me with her eyes,” I said. He smirked. “Alright, baby…” he whispered. Connor closes our gap and snaked his arm around my waist. He pulled me closer to him and planted a swift and soft kiss on my forehead. “Just pop into my head if you need help.” I nod at him. He turns on his back and exit the quarters. Some test takers, including my stepsister is watching his every step. I can sense her wanting to talk to him while he is slowly fading on our sight. I do not think we can hold on to what we said that we will keep our relationship to everyone. I went back on what I am doing. I already prepared the hot tea. Since I still have to make a b*****e for the minor injury, I covered the tea with a leaf and set it aside. Good thing the weather is nice and hot. My tea will stay warm after a couple of minutes. I left my place for a while and went to the cupboard to grab a knife for my aloe vera. This is an easy one. I just need to make a gel-based ointment for minor wounds. I can sense the eyes of others who are watching my every move. Fortunately, I am good at ignoring people. I opened the cupboard and roam my eyes inside. There are a pile of plates and bowls. There are also wooden spoon and fork, but there are no knives. I grimaced. I can definitely use the fork to scrape off the gel from the aloe vera but it would be hard to peel the skin off. “What do you need?” a girl’s voice asked. I shut the cupboard and a small face welcomed me. The girl is wearing a thick and round-rimmed eyeglasses. Her hair is dyed brown and short. It falls just above her shoulders. I will lie if I’ll say I wasn’t taken a back. It’s unusual for someone to talk to me. My eyes narrowed at her. I notice how she made a small step backward. Her upper body shifted away from me, and I saw how she gulped. “I-I just w-want to k-know if you n-need any h-help,” she says. I withdraw my defensive stance. She went at ease and sigh in relief. “Did Connor asked you to check on me?” I curiously asked. Not that I have trust issues. I am just doubting her intention. I don’t think someone might actually want to help me. She frantically shake her head and wave her hands in front. “N-No… he d-didn’t.” She glued her eyes on the floor. Her finger pushed the middle of her glasses to fix its position on the bridge of her nose. Without lifting her chin, she asks, “Are you and Connor—I mean, Alpha Connor in a relationship?” she hesitantly asked. I raise a brow. “Why do you ask?” Her eyes meet mine and our gazes locked. “I’m just wondering like everyone else.” “I don’t care what everyone else think.” Lie. A total lie. Of course, the opinion of others still affects me, they always do. I just don’t have the courage to accept it even to myself before. “O-Okay…” I thought she will stop, but she only paused. “Even though you did not give me an answer, I feel like it is already an answer.” This time, she remained her eyes on me. “I do not know why you are keeping it a secret when it is not a secret that everyone likes him. If another girl will be on your shoes, I bet they will proudly announce to everyone that he is her boyfriend.” I cannot help but to furrow my brows. Usually, I hate it when someone’s giving their unsolicited opinion, but in her case, at the deepest part of my heart, I want to consider her words. “I thought you approached me to ask if I need help?” I said. As much as her words brings light to a moment in my life, I still can’t afford to open up to someone—especially a stranger. “Y-Yes,” I feel like her nervousness crawled back in her system. “I need a knife. Do you know where can I get some?” I asked. I do not want our conversation to continue and I want to finish this freaking test as soon as possible. “There are wooden knives outside. You can borrow it to them.” She pointed at the group of test takers on the open field of the quarters near the fires that they build. I peeked on the small glass window from my place. They are only steps away from the fire that Connor build for me earlier. They definitely saw everything. I face the girl who remains unnamed. “Do you think they will lend me a knife?” I genuinely ask. I do not want to waste my time. Also, I am minimizing my social interaction today. What Connor did will surely set fire to the members of the pack. “After they saw what the Alpha did? They will,” she assured me. “Fine. I’ll go now. I am way behind of most of you. I need to double time,” I say. I was about to rush out of the mini kitchen but before I fade on her sight, I face her again. “What’s your name?” I asked. Hesitation crossed over her face. When I raised a brow, she panicked. “C-Chinkee,” she answered. I nod. “Nice name. It suits your face,” I commented before leaving her behind. I went out of the kitchen and walk past through the long tables that are now almost empty. I am guessing that most test takers are already done. I glance at my tea and it is still safely resting on the table. I jog my way towards the group that Chinkee pointed. One of them already noticed me approaching them. He tried to avoid my gaze. “Hi!” I enthusiastically greeted. They hesitatingly looked at me. I did not wait for any of them to respond and continue speaking. “You don’t have to talk to me if you don’t want to. I just need the knife. Lend me one and I’ll be gone,” I said. One of the girls immediately grabbed the nearest wooden knife to her and handed it to me. “Thanks,” I said and let them face my back. I went inside the quarter and stand in front of my table. I place the back of my hand on the cup of my tea to check if it’s still warm. “Still good,” I commented. I started scraping the peels of the aloe vera. I scoop the gel and toss them onto the small wooden bowl that I grabbed along with the utensils earlier. While making the gel-based ointment, I realized that I need an extra spoon. I swiftly went to the cupboard and grabbed a spoon. When I got back, I notice a group of girls who walk past my table. One of them even glance on what I made. I watch them. Aside from the one who keeps on throwing looks on what I am doing, nothing suspicious. One of her friends elbowed her to stop looking back as they all exit the quarters. I checked the gel that I made. I even lift the bowl to scrutinize whether they did something to it. My eyes narrowed on my bowl. “Nothing’s here,” I whispered to myself. I next check my tea. I shrugged. Still a tea. I finished my herbal tea and the ointment. I place them carefully in front of me, ready to call Veya and Mrs. Gen to check my work. I raised my hand to catch Mrs. Gen’s attention who is currently checking someone’s work on the other table. Mrs. Gen was about to look into my direction, but a loud, high-pitched, and panicking voice forcing everyone to lend their ears and eyes. “What happened?” Mrs. Gen’s worried voice echoed in the room. My eyes landed on the girl who barge into the room. Behind her are three other girls. One of them has a knee injury while the other two are helping her to balance her weight. “Eva needs help, Mrs. Gen. She’s injured!” she said in a frantic voice. ----- Unedited. English is not my first language. My apologies for the grammar, sentence construction, and wrong spelling. ----- Once A Princess, Now A Slave By: Joanne Cristel ©2023
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