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Kelsie's POV "I'll go with you," he says while I pack my bag. I shake my head without looking at him. I tuck the average size of bottled water on the side of my bag before hooking its strap on my shoulders. "No need. I'll be fine," I answered. The test will start at exactly 8 am. It's already 7:30 and the Salutary's quarters aren't that far from here. I can sense him approaching me from behind. "I do not want to give people the wrong impression," I added before facing him. "How would it be a wrong impression if we are truly together?" he argued. My eyes leveled on his chest. I have to look up to see his serious face. I tiptoed and planted a swift kiss on his pressed lips. "See you later!" I ignored what he said and bid goodbye to him before rushing out of the house. I heard him call my name but I ignored him. I'm sure he will just stop me and initiate to go with me. When I got to the Salutary quarters, some of the test takers are already there. I roam my eyes around. Some of their gazes darted to me and then shifted their eyes to their friends and start whispering. "Is it true that she and Connor are in a relationship?" "What? I think it is just a rumor." "I also heard from one of my omega friends that are working in the Alpha house that she and Alpha Connor is pretty close. He's even sleeping in her bedroom!" "Oh my gosh. Then what about Kristine?" "Poor Kristine. It is not a secret that she liked Connor. Her sister couldn't even give the man of her dreams to her." My forehead creased at what I heard. 'And why should I do that? Why would I give up Connor just because my sister liked him?' As if Connor will like her back if I and him aren't in a relationship. "They are not mates, are they? What if Alpha Connor is just using her as you know. I frowned. I do a little stretch to get ready for the test. My back is facing them since I do not want to see any of their ugly faces. Aren't they aware that I am also a werewolf? Of course, I will hear them! Or maybe they intentionally make me hear their gossip. I won't let them take control of my emotions again. I can't fail this test. I do not want to disappoint myself, Connor, and his parents just because my ego couldn't take to be calm. I tilt my head side by side and place my hand on the side of my neck. "She probably heard us," one of them whispered. I arch my brow. Isn't it obvious? Ugh! I sit back on the bench and avoided my gaze to the group of girls who were gossiping. I do not want to lay my eyes on them. I do not want to engage on any kinds of fight so it's better for me to not see a single strand of their hair. I roam my eyes on the whole quarter. Unlike the quarters of the guardian, this quarter have a bigger space and much wider. There is hallway with 10 door rooms on each side. If I am not mistaken, this is for the rooms of salutary wolves. There is another space for small nipa huts where injured members, or those who needs the assistance of the Salutary are being placed. I remember staying there after my stepmom's personal guards beat me. Outside the rows of nip huts, there is a spacious garden made to plant herbs for medical purposes and spices for food. We heard a soft and graceful footsteps approaching the quarter. I straighten my back and waited for the door to open. I glance at the bog clock hanging on the wall of the quarter. It's already 7:55. 5 minutes before the test will start. My eyes unconsciously travel around the room. There's no signs of my step sister, Good. Is she going to skip today's test because she know she'll pass? I doubt that. After all, this is her field of expertise. Knowing her, I bet she's eager to show everyone how skilled she is. The door opens and Mrs. Gen stepped in. She roam her eyes, checking everyone with a smile on her face. "Good morning, everyone!" she greeted. We all stand on our seats. "Good morning, Mrs. Gen!" we greeted simultaneously. Her eyes glanced at me and a genuine smile flashed on her lips. "I won't make this introductory long. I know that you are all aware of the purpose and importance of this quarter. All members that are injured, wounded, and needed medical assistance will be brought here in our quarter. If you would pass this test and chose to stay, then it would be an honor to the quarter to have you as a member. Our duty is to make sure we can take care of the needy and help them recover to whatever they were dealing with their health," she pauses and once again roamed her eyes to each of everyone listening to her in the room. "I do not care of you are the most skilled member of our pack. I do not care if you're smart. I do not care if you are influential." I gulp. I know she's talking in a general perspective, but I cannot stop myself but to think that this message is for me. "What I need in this pack is someone who is compassionate, calm, and knows how to sympathize. Skills can be taught, but attitude and behavior relies on your effort and willingness to do good." When her words meet silence, it is a que that she's done with her speech. We all gave her a round of applause. The claps faded when she raised her hand into a fist, telling us that she has something to say. "This is my assistant, Veya. She will be instructing you and will explain everything about the test." Mrs. Gen. lend her hand in an open palm to the girl beside her named Veya. My brows was about to meet each other while I stare at her. He face us familiar and I bet she's only years older than us. I tilt my head while thinking of where I saw her. Mrs. Gen gently tao her shoulder and nod at her, non verbally saying that she already have to go and putting our care to her assistance hands. Veya politely nodded back at her and smile. Mrs. Gen gave us one last glance before walking out of the room. "Good morning, everyone! I will be your instructor s***h your friend today! Good luck in your test and I hope all of you will pass!" Veya uttered enthusiastically. Her eyes roamed to everyone listening to her as the claps echoes on the room. Her eyes darted on me. In a swift moment, I notice how her soft smile vanished for a second, but when she looked the other way, the sides of her lips stretches up to smile again. I am not sure of what I saw. Kaybe it was just a coincidence that the moment she landed her eyes on me, the muscles on her lips were exhausted and rested a bit. I shrug. I have no time to think of everyone's action. "Alright everyone, listen up!" she call our attention with three consevutive claps. We all lend pur eyes and ears to her. "The test for the Salutary will be divided into three. One for each day." I already expected this. Unlike guardians, the test here will be more on skills and critical thinking. Good thing I am already familiar with herbs. "Today, you will be task to make a medicine for a specific disease. We will be giving you a disease and you will make a herb that can cure it." I nod. This will be easy. At a young age, my mother already made me memorize the different kinds of herbs and when to use them. I prefer this kind of test than that compassionate thingy because obviously, I suck at it. Veya asked for help to arrange the tables. There will be a long table and equipment for us to use. While they are busy preparing the things we need, my eyes looked for someone. My stepsister isn't here yet. I wonder what happened to her. To clear things up, I am not concerened. She's someone I should not be concerned about. I'm just curious. Like what I said earlier, This is her forte. She won't let the opportunity to slip out of her hands. 'Baby...' Out of a sudden, a voice pops on my head. I do not have to think hard on who owns the voice. He is the only person who has the guts to talk in my head, and for the record, he's the only one who wants to talk to me at all. 'What are you doing? I'm preparing for the test,' I replied. I'm not preparing at all. I am confident that I can ace this test. 'Oh, sorry. I just want to say your stepsister went here.' My brows furrowed. 'What is she doing there?' I tried not to sound so curious when I asked. 'She already left.' 'That doesn't answer my question!' I have no mirror to see my face right now, but I'm sure my face is now red. Irritation slowly crept into my body and I hate myself for it. I don't want to be that crazy kind of girlfriend who always speculates every girl that will come near her boyfriend! 'Kelsie...' I can imagine him taking a deep breath and pressing the bridge of his nose. I bite my lower lip. What if he'll get tired of me because I was so nosy and always irritated? I sigh to blow off some steam. 'Your stepsister went here to ask what's going on between us two,' he added. 'Then what did u answer?' 'I said, nothing.' I feel like my heart sank on what he said. I know that it was my idea to not confirm to anyone our relationship so I do not know why I feel upset. 'Okay... g-good.' A moment of silence enveloped us two. I am already thinking that the line is already interrupted, but I can still feel our connection so I'm pretty sure he's still there. 'Kelsie, Imif you want me to tell her about our relationship, I will. I denied it because you said so.' 'I understand. I have to go now. We will start soon.' 'But I think she doesn't believe me.' 'Alright. I got it,' I answered languidly. I do not know how I did it, but I think I completely cut our line. A loud thud from the entrance of the quarter caught our attention. I thought it was Mrs. Gen whi went back and trying to make us look at her. A girl's figure slammed the door open and walk gracefully inside. I arch my brows when I notice the crease on Kristine's forehead as she walk straight to a group of girls who were talking sh*t about me earlier. I think Connor said is true. She probably did not believe him and know she's throwing a tantrums. Our gaze met. Her brows furrowed more while I arch my brows. She rolled her eyes on me and avoided her gaze to look to her minions. ----- Unedited. English is not my first language. My apologies for the grammar, sentence construction, and wrong spelling. ----- Once A Princess, Now A Slave By: Joanne Cristel ©2023
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