The Color Green

1542 Words

Trevor I am fuming! The twins are all over my girl. I can’t believe this.  “Max, why the f**k are your brothers touching my mate?”   Max looks over at them and shrugs. “I told them to give Laney a confidence boost. Don’t worry, they aren’t going to do anything.” “Those two have a worse track record that I do with the ladies! I can’t believe you chose them to give Laney a ‘confidence boost’, whatever that is supposed to mean.” “You have shaken up Laney’s self worth. Those two know how to make a woman feel empowered, and despite how much of a womanizer they both are, I trust them. They aren’t going to try anything.” “Well I don’t trust them! I don’t like them touching Laney! If they don’t stop this, I am going to be breaking their pretty, little faces.”    Max shakes his head and r

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