31 Enemies are Friends

1235 Words

Alpha Zane POV I'm in my office going over paperwork. I can't even focus thinking about everything Rebecca told me. I can't believe that ba**ard Logan killed Theodore. I need to find a way to get her away from him. If I get her alone I can put her in the cells and use our son against her. My phone rings and I pick it up on the second ring. Hello this is Alpha Zane. "Alpha Zane my name is Steven and I'm calling on behalf of my Alpha." What pack and what Alpha, Steven? "Our pack has no formal name but soon it will be the crimson pack." Now I'm intrigued, that seems unlikely the crimson pack has an Alpha. "I wouldn't think an Alpha like yourself would agree with allowing a female to run any pack." "No my Alpha is the first born of Chase Nelson and therefore the rightful Alpha of the c

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