32 Elders Meeting

1304 Words

The Next Day Dawson POV I wake to a warm body wrapped around me and the smell of lilacs invading my nose. I can't wait to relive last night over and over again. I can't believe she is mine. I've always heard people talk about the pull and the bond, but it is unimaginable until you feel it for yourself. I kiss the top of her head and she snuggles in deeper. I run my fingers through her beautiful red hair. "Good morning, Dawson" she chuckles. Good morning, Arabella. She props her head up looking in my eyes. "Can I ask you to do something for me," Of course, I would do anything for you. "Everyone calls me Ara; I was hoping my mate would call me Bella." I smile I would love to call you a name that is only for me. She smiles and lays her head back on my chest. I wish I could give y

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