5 Confrontation

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Scarlett POV I head inside the pack house and pray to the goddess that he doesn't follow me. Once I'm inside, I head for the table where my family is seated. They have a large banquet set up for our pack and guests. Fortunately, my mother placed Zane at the table farthest from ours. "Scarlett, are you alright?" I'm fine dad, I handled it. "You are not alone." "I know you can handle anything I'm asking if you are alright?" I look into my dad's face. I will be once he is gone. My dad hugs me and Jackson. I'm going to go feed him before they serve dinner. My dad nods and I head for an office, closing and locking the door. Alpha Zane I stand there feeling like someone punched me in the gut. "That's our pup you asshole." I know Brutus what do you want me to do. "You better get our mate and pup." She isn't our mate anymore and how do propose I get our pup without them finding out what I did. "I don't care you did this human now fix it." He growls and blocks me. Vanessa grabs my arm "what is wrong with you?" I don't even answer her. I grab her hand leading her inside to the banquet hall. I begin to sweep the room until my eyes land on Scarlett holding my son. "Zane what is your problem that you're staring at that b***h?" Shut up Vanessa, you don't question me ever. She takes a seat at the table and pouts like a child. Why did I ever pick this woman? I have to find a way to speak to Scarlett and convince her that I'm sorry. I need my son and I'm sure I can make her into a Luna now that she has a baby. I walk away from the table and head toward a server. He offers me a drink and I take a chance he might have seen where she has gone. Do you know where Alpha Scarlett went? "Yes, sir I just passed her going into the downstairs office." "She will be back in a moment she is feeding Jackson." I nod and smile. Jackson, I like that name. I walk in the direction the server pointed and knock on a door I assume is an office. Scarlett POV I've just started to feed Jackson when a knock sounds on the door. I'm busy I will be out in a moment. After I finish feeding Jackson and right my clothes the knock sounds again. I pick Jackson up opening the door to a very unwelcome sight. Zane go back to the banquet I have nothing to say to you. "You can't spare me a moment of your time as you stand there with my son on your hip." He isn't your son, he's mine. "Scarlett I just want to talk and then I'll go back to my table." Fine you have five minutes. I step out of the way so he can walk by before I take a seat behind the desk after closing the door. What is it you would like to discuss Alpha Zane? "I don't think you need to use my title since we have been intimate." I would prefer we be formal now I'll repeat again what is it that you want to discuss. "I would like to take back my rejection and we can be mates." "I think that's best for our son, and I realize now rejecting you was a mistake." Did you really think that little speech was going to work on me? I'm going to make this perfectly clear you and I will never happen. I'm glad you rejected me because honestly you aren't good enough for me. I already have the best part of you. Now you might want to get back to your Luna since that's who you chose. Have a very nice life. I stand and tighten my grip on Jackson as I head for the door. Alpha Zane POV She isn't going to make this easy. Why can't she be like other she wolves that are just grateful when their mate finally want them. She starts toward the door, and I can feel Brutus coming to the surface. Scarlett that is my child and I have rights to him. She stops in her tracks and turns on her heel. She is right in my face and her eyes are black. "How could you have a pup when you have no mate." "I dare you to say it in front of the Elders how my son came to be so they can take you away and strip your title." You b***h this is the problem with letting women be Alpha's or think they are equal. "I don't think I'm equal to you because you're a snake." "I'm far superior." She turns and walks out of the office. "That went well you pathetic excuse for an Alpha." Shut the hell up Brutus this isn't over. I will have my heir and her. Alpha Scarlett POV I can feel my blood boiling that he actually thought I would want to be with him. That I should be grateful that he decided that I'm good enough while his Luna sits at a table in my home. I rejoin my table and my mother links me while I place Jackson in his highchair. "Do I need to bury a body?" I chuckle no he will be out after he finishes crying. She smiles and the omegas serve the meal. I can't help myself at one point I look over to his table and he and his Luna are staring our way. I kiss Jackson's forehead and go back to my meal. Unknown POV We have probably missed the ceremony because of those damn rogues. I had to miss the damn mating ball because of training and now I'm missing my first Alpha ceremony. "Calm down they are probably still having the dinner, so you'll have a chance to meet Alpha Scarlett." I'm glad I would like to discuss becoming allies since our borders touch. I know that wasn't anything my father was interested in because he thought it was a sign of a weak pack to want allies. "If she is anything like her father, she will be a great Alpha and welcome the pacts being allies." Good I know some old Alpha's wouldn't think of passing their title to a female which is ridiculous if she is capable. I heard that during her training she did better than most of the male Alpha's. "When you meet her father, you will understand where she gets it from." "We should be there in about fifteen minutes." Good, how many rogues were we able to take prisoner during the attack. "We have three in the cells." When we return, we can question them together? "Absolutely we can I just don't know what you think you will learn from filthy rogues." We may find the reason behind the attacks. Things aren't always what you think. "Even if they answer us there is no way we will know if they are telling us the truth." Trust me we will know.
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