she is lost

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Xavier POV “This is the last time I am letting you guys inside my car!” in a serious tone I declared. I was driving in a heavy downpour and was in a great hurry to reach home. “Damn! Where the hell is dad?” ignoring my words, my sister Emily mumbled. “Why is his phone still switched off?” I could see her scrolling through her phone, ignorant of my rage about taking them home. When I glanced in the rear-view mirror, hoping at least her twin brother Evan would be hearing me. However, he was also dozing. Furious, I gripped the steering tight and shouted, “I am talking to you guys!” “Damn! Did you say something, big brother?” Evan shuddered from behind and Emily shot me an astounded gaze. “You both know I hate it when people don’t pay attention when I am talking. Especially when I am talking about something serious!” Clearing her throat, Emily pulled down her phone and said, “Um! Sorry! What is it?” “I said this is the last time I am letting you guys in my car. I have bought vehicles for you guys. Make use of it and spare me from this job of babysitting. I did it my whole life, but not anymore. I need to get a life of my own now.” “Extremely sorry for the trouble from the bottom of my heart, big brother!” I could sense sarcasm in Emily’s tone, but I let it slip for a moment. She continued, “It is all because of his stupid bike!” She put the blame on Evan. “Me? Come on! You cannot say that,” Evan muttered from behind in an offended tone. “My bike needs servicing to serve us. Unlike your car, which does nothing apart from occupying the parking spot. Trust me, big brother, if she could drive I would never trouble you. But it is her fear that she never hits the road in a car, and we have to rely on you when my bike goes for treatment.” “You have no right to blame my inability, you filthy human beings!” Here goes Emily once again. Their war has started, and I have to witness it. “Who told you to send your bike for servicing during school days? You could have done that during the weekends. Oh! Sorry! How can I forget that weekends are your escape days for which you need your bike!” Squinting my eyes, I glanced at Evan, asking, “What escape day?” “It's– It's nothing. She is just making up stories!” Evan stammered, and I could feel his nervousness in his tone. “No, I am not. I have proof–” “Hey! Who is that at our gate?” Suddenly, Evan interrupted. Seeing someone at our gate, I hit the brake hard. It was shocking to see a girl squatting burying her head on her thighs. Luggage stood beside her, and strangely she had no umbrella. She was soaked like a chicken. Grabbing my umbrella, I got out of the car and approached her. Standing before her, I inquired, “Who are you? What are you doing here?” Gradually, her face lifted. Her green eyes caught me off guard. The shock of seeing her hit hard made my heartbeat go wild. ‘It’s– It’s her.’ I could hear my inner voice. ‘After all this time I have been trying to stay away from her. How can that go in vain and make her appear at my door?’ As she got on her feet, I could sense her hesitation and fear. I was waiting for her to say something when she stammered, “I–I–am Ashlyn. I– Alex– my mom–” Not able to put her words together to understand apart from her name, I cleared my throat and muttered, “Stop blabbering nonsense. I ain’t got time for that. Tell me, what are you doing here?” “Are–Are you Xavier?” Her voice– that was so soft. She was indeed beautiful, more beautiful was her voice. Controlling myself to fall more into her, I answered, “YES!” She shoved her hand inside her jeans pocket and fetched a piece of paper. As she passed it to me, I stared at it with mixed emotions, unknown how I should react. “What is that?” I asked. “Answers to all your questions. Please read it!” She had her gaze lowered, and I noticed she was trembling like a leaf. Before I read the note, I handed her the umbrella and took off my coat. Then I wrapped it around her. The moment I was done reading the note, I felt my head tightening and heart beating out loud in rage. Furiously, I crumpled the paper and I tossed it away. She glanced at the paper, probably understanding the rejection to take her in. Turning away, I was about to walk back to my car, but I stopped. I knew she needed some explanation. Without facing her, I said, “I see, your mother eloped with my father. However, it has nothing to do with me. So, I have no compulsion to take care of you. I don’t want to see you here again.” As soon as I got inside the car, Evan came forward, asking in curiosity, “Who is it Brother? Is she lost?” “Zip it, Evan,” I ordered, starting the car. “She looks so miserable,” Evan was not ready to let go of the conversation. “Maybe she is lost. Shouldn’t we help her?” Without replying, I drove the car past the gate. He added further, “She looks kind of familiar. Do we know her?” Parking the car quietly, I stayed still. Tapping the steering wheel, I waited for them to leave but none of them stepped out. Taking a glance, I saw them both staring at me. Probably, demanding answers. I sighed heavily before saying, “Father got you, both a step-sister.” Eyes shot wide open, Emily mumbled, “What? Step-sister?” “I knew it!” Evan exclaimed. “The moment I saw dad packing his bag. I had a feeling that he was going for a long vacation. Turns out this vacation was with his lover.” “Forget about dad for now. What is his step-daughter doing here?” Emily questioned, squinting her eyes. “Maybe she came to hang out with us until they come. Wow!” he rubbed his hands as his eyes dazzled in excitement. “ Doesn’t that sound fun? I will go and get her.” “She is not here to hang out. She is here to stay!” I informed them. “However, I am not taking her in. With all the bitter experience you twins have provided me, I am done babysitting.” “But, Brother–” Glancing at him through the rear-view mirror, I warned him, “Don’t even think about that!” “I am just saying that I always wanted a younger sister. How about we take her in? I promise I will take care of her myself and will not bother you at all.” Evan tried to convince me. “Says the person who isn't even able to boil water!” Emily countered him. Then she said to me, “Brother, I am telling you, I don’t want her here. Her mother took our father away. Now she is here to rule over our house. I am not allowing that.” “Hey! How can you be so mean to that poor soul?” Evan shouted. “How dare you call me mean? I am just protecting our territory, which has turned vulnerable after our mom left.” The subject of mom boiled my blood. In a rage, I shouted, “Get the hell out of my car. Both of you.” After they got out, I heard Evan saying, “It is all because of you. You know he doesn’t like talking about mom. Why do you have to–” “Oh! Please, don’t talk to me!” Emily stormed before him and entered the house. Trying to calm myself down, I stayed in the car for some time. I wish I could forget about her, and I wish I could erase my memory of her. But my heart was not ready to let it go. When I finally got out of the car, I headed towards the out house where I stayed all alone. Just as I reached the door, my heels turned around and rushed towards the gate. ‘Just one look at her!’ ‘What if she is still there? Should I call her and let her stay until the rain stops?’ ‘Or should I offer to take her where she wants?’
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