1855 Words

BRIAR’S POV As if my situation couldn't get any worse, they decide to put me in a maid’s dress. The typical long black, unflattering dress with a white apron and a headdress that washes out my natural color. Nothing could possibly infuriate me more. I am a Beta’s daughter, married and mated to one of the most powerful Alphas in the world, yet here I am, reduced to a mere maid—a position reserved for the lowest members of the pack, meant only to serve those above them. If my friends from back home could see me now, they’d laugh. I, myself, cannot even bear to look at myself, to watch my regal and honorable figure disgraced with cheap fabric. To make it worse, a broom and mop are shoved into my hands before I can say a word. I stare back at the woman insolent enough to disrespect me.

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