1670 Words

CHAPTER 13: UNHINGED CRAZY WOMAN BRIAR’S POV I pull as hard as I can on her ugly blonde hair and raise the knife high enough, aiming for a finger—any one will do. The best part about dull blades is that it takes more than one swipe to really cut into anything, meaning I get to have a bit of fun. Turns out, I only get squeamish around blood when it’s not my own. We’re interrupted by another scream coming from the doorway, making me realize that her friend is back, and with the company she went to bring along. “Annalise!” she screams like a banshee, sprinting toward us and pulling her away from me, clutching her shivering friend like a newborn babe. “What did she do to you!” Oh, I haven’t even started to do anything yet. Annalise sobs like a child, weeping and rubbing at her eyes, h

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