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BRIAR’S POV The look on Madam Hail’s face could murder anyone. Veins pop on both sides of her forehead, and her face turns a deep shade of beet red, breathing furious hot air that seems to steam out of her ears. “How dare you!” she stands on her own feet, pulling her hands away from the maids that held her up before. I don’t flinch or feel threatened by her in the slightest. Instead, I brace myself to hit her again. I have no regard for the difference in age; anyone willing to raise their hands against me should be ready to take the heat that follows. Then the door to the office room finally opens, and Eli walks out with Tavian closely behind him. The look on Eli’s face already lets me know that whatever commotion happened out here must have alerted them. Tavian’s cold eyes read

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