Heart Stopping Moment

1419 Words
AISHA I WENT STRAIGHT to the door after bidding goodbye to Spencer. He was nice enough to walk me to the door. A warm smile displayed on my lips and a feeling of fulfillment surged inside me. Whoa, this is really it. I’m proving to myself that I can explore places alone and that doesn’t constitute loneliness. Spencer and I are currently situated at the center of Santorini. Where restaurants exist one after another. Usually, the paths leading to places that I’d like to explore is just walkable places. From the villa that we were staying in, I kept walking. Stairs after stairs, I could mostly see houses or shops painted in white. I took shots at random views. The walls, the stairs, the sky. The corners featured a unique design of hanging plants by the wall… until I reached a pathway that was not surrounded by a wall. And I could see the panoramic view of another small island, the volcano, as locals call it. Santorini has many islands; it’s considered an archipelago. It’s most famous for the caldera cliffs in which villages situated on the inner rim have beautiful views of the water and more. My mouth went ajar as I looked at the scenery resembling a painting. My heart was filled with warmth and appreciation as I could not keep the excitement to myself. The sun was up high, but I didn’t mind the heat. Instead, I just captured the view. Looked and smiled at some of the tourists who were also exploring the villages right here on Santorini island. For sure, there are other activities one can do to enjoy their stay here on the island. It could be snorkeling, joining tours, exploring the beaches on the other side of the island, and so much more. Sadly, I won’t be able to use the bookings I have made for this trip. As they were all canceled by my cheating ex-boyfriend. God, he truly did ruin everything. But I won’t let myself sulk for that jerk’s behavior. Whether bookings or not, I wouldn’t miss the chance to have fun while in such a beautiful country. I already made it this far only to cave in? Basically no! At this hour of the day, many tourists are exploring places. Walking in the surroundings and trying out foods. I wasn’t gonna be the one missing out on the fun of trying our famous Santorini street food. I lined up with a group of tourists who wanted to try a specific cuisine. Good thing I haven’t had breakfast yet. Smiling ear to ear, I took pictures of the food before bringing it to my mouth. My eyes widened, and my head instinctively nodded repeatedly. Whoa… delicious. But I don’t know what came to me. I just suddenly thought of Spencer. Is he still focused on his laptop conducting a meeting? Would he stay in the meeting throughout the day? What company is he working for again? Isn't he gonna meet his client? I closed my eyes shut, realizing I maybe had become too interested in him. It’s not good. Knowing we have agreed to just hook up until our very vacation on this island comes to an end. I do wish time wouldn’t pass by so fast though. More walking in the next few minutes and then I decided to go inside a restaurant and further explore the food palette here on the island. I ordered the food that first got me hooked as soon as I checked the menu. I went to a seafood-centered restaurant, and so I ordered a platter with a mix of shrimp and lobster. I even ordered a wine to compliment the food. I decided to eat at the outdoor portion of the restaurant. So, I got to see the panoramic view of Santorini once again. This place, the center of the island as they call it, is located at a kinda higher elevation than the other villages. And so, the view right here is like no other. It was breathtaking. Fortunately, I hadn’t been distracted by anything as I started my exploration of the place. No messages from home anymore. Most especially, no chaos coming from my ex—Ricky. I dined in the restaurant and enjoyed my time. Taking in the fresh air coming from the surroundings, and the subtle relaxing music coming from the inside of the restaurant. As I was so close to finishing my meal, I figured I could pay for my meal already. Without even being able to leave the first restaurant, I already had in mind where I would go next. Several people were also dining in the restaurant. Only that they were here along with their families and others. I seemed to be the only one having my self as my only company. I asked for the check and the waiter politely handed me the receipt. I got my phone from my bag and proceeded to input details. As I was doing it, the waiter was just beside me waiting for the transaction to be completed. But unexpectedly, I couldn’t open my bank account on the app. My forehead creased, and I couldn’t figure out why. Was it a network error? Was my bank account locked by the bank once again? “Umm,” I mumbled at the waiter. “Let me take a moment. I’m having trouble accessing my bank details.” Slowly, I could feel my nerves all over my body. My hands were drenched with sweat as I tried my best to resolve the issue. Five minutes passed by, and I got a notification from the bank that online services had been under maintenance. I felt blood leaving my face. I stiffened in my seat. Unable to move. What once was a calm and amazing dining experience has become a massive worry. How do I pay for the meal I just had? God… the fact that it was even quite expensive. I knew I am f****d. I cleared my throat and inhaled a deep breath. Hoping to think of a solution to my problem as soon as possible. Should I wait a few more minutes? What if the online service maintenance is resolved in a few minutes? That seemed a wonderful thing that could happen, but that is too impossible. I looked around and saw the people surrounding me having the time of their lives. What about asking for money and telling them about the issue I am experiencing? Would that be rational? I am seriously in a mess right now. And my brain seemed to only come up with silly solutions. I browsed my phone for my recent calls. An unknown number was there. That was Spencer’s number after he volunteered to have his phone number on my phone. He has such a nice soul for doing that. I never would have asked for his number. But he spared me the misery of attempting something I might get embarrassed at doing. He thought of me. Truly he cared for me. I don’t wanna take advantage of his kindness after all. But with no choice left, I inhaled a deep breath and muttered to myself. Nobody can help me other than him. I couldn’t even save myself from this one. And so, I mustered up the courage to call him. He picked it up immediately. His deep sound was comforting against my ear. “Spencer, I need some help.” “What happened? Where are you?” he asked as soon as he heard the distress in my voice. “Wait there for me.” His words sounded so manly I couldn’t help but melt in his gesture. The sense of urgency in his voice when he asked where I was, was something that I couldn’t just ignore. Something tugged inside my heart. I was sure of it. I told him where I was and the call ended. True enough, after around 20 minutes, he arrived at the restaurant. He was wearing a loose shirt with khaki pants. His eyes were covered with classic sunglasses. He sat on the chair right across from me. He pulled out his card and handed it to the waiter who had just returned in time. I looked at Spencer the entire time. As the surroundings slowly faded into a blur, all I could see was him. His manly features, his protective gesture, and his presence. My heart pounded inside my chest like it wanted to come out.
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