Under the Sheets

1604 Words
AISHA SPENCER DID NOT say any word, but I felt his lips form into a small smile. When I looked up to him, he nodded. We went back to business. He was kissing my neck again. Slow feathering kisses before he would tease it with a gentle suckle. With both of us panting and gasping, the once quiet villa wouldn’t be filled with silence for the next hours. Strong arms wrapped around my waist and I felt Spencer lifting me as he walked to the main bedroom of the villa while carrying me. We both stared at each other as we took off the robe that wrapped our bodies. Then there were both of us… naked inside a beautiful cozy room with a view of the island on the large glass wall and a massive bed on the right. Anybody who would f**k on the bed could surely explore different positions, and they wouldn’t feel uncomfortable—not even the slightest, given how spacious the bed was. “You’re beautiful,” Spencer mumbled. My attention went back to him. My gaze cascaded at his perfectly shredded body and that huge thing hanging just below his navel. I gulped. Hard. “T-thank you. You’re hot yourself.” Spencer cleared his throat. “So, let’s get this straight. This will only be about s*x. Just a casual thing. That is what you want, right?” I nodded, feeling the nerve getting into me but keeping my face composed. “Right. No feelings. Just pure physical. I mean… we already did things and that doesn’t mean anything at all, besides we were both two grown adults who have needs.” “I suppose you don’t have anything to be afraid of, Aisha.” “Of course. How about you?” Spencer did not say anything immediately. He waited for me to add more context to my question. “I mean, are you married?” He let out a laugh. “Hell, no Aisha, I wouldn’t even allow myself to touch you if I am already committed to a woman. No, I’m not married.” “How about a girlfriend?” Spencer’s eyes squinted as he looked at me with disbelief. “A fiancée?” I kept asking. I don’t know if it was still about the set-up we were about to embark on or maybe because I wanted to know myself. Whether we will become f**k buddies or not, I wanna know. Genuinely. “God, woman.” With a shrug of his head, he captured my waist and pulled my body towards him. Our naked bodies pressed onto each other. And then we allowed our moans to do the talking… *** The beautiful scenery right in front welcomed me in the morning. Soft sheets covered my body, and I was leaning onto someone’s chest. It was none other than Spencer. His expensive cologne wafted my nose as we slept closest to each other’s bodies. When I moved a bit, I noticed our legs were even intertwined. Something tugged my inner thigh with my sudden movements. Oh my gosh, I can’t wake his dragon. It has definitely been exhausting since last night. I guess we already slept at dawn and even lost track of time while enjoying ourselves. Spencer’s left arm was laid out for me as a pillow. While his other arm was resting on my stomach. I just realized that we shared the same sheets the whole night. His steady soft breathing sent shivers in me. That I can feel myself getting—oh, god it’s still so early in the morning! I wanted to get up, but I was worried I might wake him. So, I just remained on my spot for a few minutes, looking at the beautiful view of the ocean, the plants right beside the windows, and the room that we had all by ourselves. The sun was slowly rising from the distance–I wish I had my camera with me so I could capture the magnificent view. My phone buzzed. Good thing I put it above the bedside table. I reached for it so easily. There was a text notification from the bank. I smile formed on my lips. Finally! I can finally access my bank online. I finally have money to spend on this trip. I moved to face Spencer, who I thought was still sleeping, but his soft gaze met mine. “Oh, you’re awake.” “Good morning.” “It’s definitely a great morning,” I muttered with a cheeky smile. Spencer rubbed his eyes before he wrapped his arms around me. “How was your sleep?” My eyes widened, and my heart seemed like it stopped beating for a second before it started leaping inside my chest. I could feel Spencer hugging me, but it wasn’t suffocating at all. It felt warm and fuzzy. “You seemed in high spirits this morning.” I cleared my throat before answering. “Well, I have great reason to feel alive today. I just received a notification from the bank that I can finally access my bank account online. I had problems regarding this one two days ago, since I forgot my password and the bank disabled my account thinking it was an illegal attempt to access my account. But it’s all dealt with. I can finally treat you to compensate for taking me in for this trip.” Spencer shrugged his head. “Don’t worry about it, Aisha. Just think of it as a friendly gesture.” “Because it was. Right?” “Absolutely,” he answered, then laughed a little. We both got up from bed and I headed to the dresser to wrap a robe around my body. “So, what are you up to today? I am thinking we can maybe explore the island and try out restaurants and bars?” I asked, my eyes, meeting him for a few moments before looking away and pretending to look at my surroundings as I occasionally played with my hair. Spencer, however, only put on his jeans and started raiding through the cabinets.“That sounds like a great idea.” Then he raised a laptop. “But I have a little work to finish up.” “Oh,” I mumbled with a nod. “Sure, you must do that. I can walk around the place by myself. I’m so grateful to your company back in Athens. Also, I would like to pay half for this villa that you booked and Santorini isn’t that complicated. I can probably roam the entire area by foot.” I even laughed after saying that. But did my words come out as forced? God… No, I was genuine when I told him I would explore the place by myself. I am a grown adult woman and can certainly navigate a place with Google Maps suggestions. Besides, it is fun to just do something without any particular goal in mind. It often leads to exciting adventures. “Aisha, I can probably finish this in an hour. I can—” “It’s okay, Spencer. I can manage. Thank you, though.” After that, I headed out of the room which was supposed to be his, and then went back to the other room which would be mine during the stay. I don’t know how long Spencer will stay here in Greece, but one thing’s for sure is that sooner or later we need to go separate ways. I picked out clothes to wear and then headed to the shower. I did not buy anything for breakfast, so I wouldn’t be able to cook anything. It’s best to explore the place for restaurants this early in the morning. I suppose the sun wouldn’t hurt so much, unlike when it's noon already. After grabbing my camera, phone, and a little map and putting them all inside my bag, I went out of my room and was about to look for Spencer. I saw him sitting in the living room facing his laptop and talking to some people on Zoom. I was about to call his attention, but I guess he had already noticed my presence. “Excuse me for a second team,” he said before turning his entire attention toward me. Then Spencer motioned something in the air, like drawing some object. My forehead creased, not understanding what he meant. Not until he said, “Your phone.” “Huh? What about my phone?” I mumbled, but I moved to get my phone inside my bag and scanned it. “I have no messages whatsoever.” He chuckled a little but extended his palm toward me. Still confused, I gave him my phone. He typed something in there, and then his phone rang and lit up. “You now have my phone number. Call me when you feel like it.” I was shocked but impressed. He did that without me having any idea what he was about to do. That was actually smooth. I had to compose myself just so my smile wouldn’t escape my lips. “No kidding, Aisha. Call me when you need help. When you feel uncomfortable. Anything. I’ll always keep my line open for you.” I stood right there in front of Spencer looking dazed. His words sinked in. My mind couldn’t possibly be assuming things at this point. Just no. But my heart? God, it felt like it had just joined a race. I laid a hand on my chest and breathed through. Now, does that sound like just hooking up?
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