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Jennie's POV I woke up 6 in the morning and Lisa were still sleeping because of drunkness and she's full of cuts and I know that when she woke up hangover will gonna make her head throbbing. I go downstairs and go to the kitchen to cook for Lisa's hangover Lisa's POV I woke up 6:30 in the morning. My head is throbbing because of hangover, I can still feel the dizziness and my vision were still spinning. When I look beside me Jennie is nowhere to be found so I go down stairs and my walk were crossing, rubbing my temple because of hangover. I go downstairs and I saw my beautiful wife cooking, I approached her and back hug her, I lean my head and my chin is on her shoulder while sniffing her neck. Jennie:"Oh you're here already" I smiled Lisa:" Yes hon, after we eat mind to have a little talk?" I asked softly Jennie:" sure" After few minutes the foods are now ready to be served. We ate together but we didn't talk that much, I am still disappointed about her because of her doings, she's not pissed or whatever it is just she's drunk and I don't know about her emotions. Jennie:" Does your wounds still hurts?" I asked her without looking and just continue eating Lisa:" Yeah" After eating and short conversation we have, she's the one who make our silence cut off. She asked me if I am willing to hear her explanation on what happened yesterday, I know I am the one who is the problem here because I don't if I was just carried away, it's just giving me a vulnerable. She first moved and asked me again. Lisa:" Can we do the dishes later after we talk?" I spoke making her to look at me. Jennie:" Yeah sure, you go first at the living room and I will just clean this, and I go after I cleaned it" I said while putting the dishes away and after that I go to the living room seeing her sitting with no emotion.. Lisa:"Can you come here?" I spoke softly because I know she's high pride Jennie come closer to me and just sat beside me and didn't bother to talk Lisa:" Hon can I start now?" I slightly smiles Jennie:" Yeah go on" I said flattened, with no emotion Lisa:" Promise me to talk to you again if I disappointed you?" I awkwardly said and awkwardly smile Jennie:"I promised" I spoke Lisa:"uhm hon, so I'll start now. I am very sorry for what I have done yesternight sorry gripping your hand tightly and for lying. I really don't know how to said this to you that I was carried away by me emotions like hon, come here. I hope you'll never leave me once I said this to you" she come closer and now she's beside me more closely, I grab her head and I lean it on my chest, she just let me to do what I want and when I started to speak again I gently caressing her head and combing her hair by my hand. "Hon, I know we've been 10 months in a relationship yesterday and it ended up badly, Jisoo was also involved. I am sorry for acting like this for acting weird and suspicious but I honestly wanted to tell you this, I am the hidden son of Bruschweiler, I have this man Ax, and also his mens was in my hand ever since. Ax was always with you whenever you go, I sent him to always guard you but of course about the privacy I know my limitation an-" I was cur off by Jennie and she sit up with shocked and disbelief on her face. Jennie:"You're not joking right?" laugh a little bit but that can't offend her, I was shocked by her story but I really can't believe it if she was the son of Bruschweiler. Lisa:" I'm not love" I respond Jennie:" I heard the news that the hidden child of the Bruschweiler is boy not a girl. You lied again Manoban you lied again." I was disappointed again, really really disappointed. Lisa:"Hon please believe me, I did a plastic surgery and I am not joking around" I pleased Jennie:"If you're a Bruschweiler then why you didn't tell me ever since." We're starting to fight again but I can only see in her eyes were calmness. Lisa:" Hon, it's just I don't want to lose you" I meant it. Jennie:" Don't want to lose me but you're losing my trust already Manoban, fck this!" My head want to explode because of disappointment, and anger. Lisa:" Hon calm down please, let me introduce my reak identity okay?" I grab her hand and I hugged her to make her calm down While Lisa hugging Jennie, Jennie's tears were flowing down on her cheeks that can make Lisa's shirt soaked a little bit Lisa:"Hey don't cry hon" I faced her and now we're staring each other's eyes with mix if emotions. "Hon I am Limario Bruschweiler Manoban, I am the hidden son and I just want to say this that I didn't tell you about this because I don't want to lose you. I know that what I did is really wrong but love will you still accept me even though I am a boy but only did a plastic surgery and I lied for the fcking 10 months of being ina relationship with you" I sai while she's listening about my side. Jennie:" Hon I am so disappointed but if I will get mad we will gonna fight again and I don't want to argue with you again. Hon I fully accepted you for being who you are but please stop lying and don't do it again, hmkay? Iloveyousomuch my Bruschweiler" I said while looking at her eyes and I kissed her. I hold her nape and kissed her aggressively after a minutes we pulled out to catch our breath. You're the best among the beast Manoban. Lisa were surprised because Jennie accepted her. They didn't fight anymore ti avoid break up and cool off, they really love each other even in highs and downs they are together. Jennie:" Hon does your head still throbbing? I asked worriedly Lisa:" Yes hon" I giggled Jennie:" Your mess is still there, I'll just clean them hmkay?" I said but she didn't agree Lisa:"No hon, I'll help you" I said with smiley face Jennie:"hon you have wounds and you need to rest. Your head is still throbbing and for sure your wounds also were aching until now and she agreed. Jennie's POV I go the kitchen to clean her mess, I clean the sharp shattered glasses and I noticed something because there's a cellophane inside the bottle can of beer that Lisa drank yesternight and on the other cans there is these white big particles that was not totally dissolved so I quickly hid the can before Lisa will notice something suspicious about me. That's why Lisa yesternight can't control her anger because of this, and I have my suspect now, no other than Mina...
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