23 - One eye on a stranger

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Kayson ‘Fenrir sure has some stern-looking warriors.’ I chuckle at Hel’s words. Fenrir led us to the training field to meet his warriors. We’ve seen most of them before. They know us as Helen and Kayson – Fenrir’s cousin and Winter’s younger brother. I don’t have to hide my identity here, but Hel does. Though we need help to keep Kaiden safe, the people of Dark Moon do not know who their Alpha truly is. Well, with the exception of Kitty, Jörmungandr’s mate, and Kira, Sleipnir’s mate, but that’s because they’re mated to Fenrir’s brothers. Here, my mate is a blonde-haired, blue-eyed beauty who no man can keep his eyes off. I know men who would gouge the eyes out of other men for looking at their women the way men look at Hel. Me? Not at all. Sure, it’s disrespectful. But I challenge any man to look at my mate in any form she takes and not want her. Hel is stunningly beautiful, and I am so proud of her. I look at those men and smirk because I am the man on Hel’s arm. I’m the man who gets to hold her, kiss her, make love to her, and be her everything. ‘Wow,’ Hel’s voice fills my head once more. ‘Look how big Slayde got.’ Slayde is Kira and Sleipnir’s eldest son. Slayde is seventeen and clearly a warrior with Fenrir’s army. The boy is tall. He’s not built like Viggo, but he’s not small, either. He has the strangest blue eyes I have ever seen. They sparkle like the brightest ocean, and if you look close enough, you’ll see waves within them. Winter told me it had to do with Slayde being a Kelpie. I’ll take her word for it. No one questions why Slayde’s eyes are the way they are. Everyone here knows his mother is a Kelpie, though they believe Sleipnir is half Kelpie, half Lycan. It keeps them from realizing he’s actually an eight-legged horse. ‘He’s definitely filling out.’ Slayde’s eyes lock with Hel’s, and he winks, making Hel chuckle. Slayde makes no secret of the fact that he thinks the world of his aunt. “Most of you remember my cousin. Yes?” “Yes, Alpha!” Ninety percent of the warriors yell. “You know Luna Winter’s younger brother.” “Yes, Alpha.” “For those of you who don’t know… Now, you do. Helen and Kayson will be staying with us for a while, so I want you all to protect them as you would your Alpha and Luna.” My eyes lock with the largest warrior in the ranks. He must be new because I’ve never seen him before. There’s something about him that I can’t quite put my finger on. It’s like he’s wearing a mask. Though I can’t read him, there is something. ‘You’re seeing things.’ Adder scoffs. ‘You’re looking for trouble everywhere because you’re expecting it. Don’t project your fears onto others. The guy is weird, I’ll give you that. But maybe that’s all part of his charm.’ ‘Maybe.’ I mumble as the warrior, still looking at me, smirks and then looks away. I’ll be keeping my eye on that one. I missed everything Fenrir just said. My mind wasn’t on my surroundings. This isn’t like me: I am always on the ball. I have never in my life spaced out like that! That can never happen again. I have a son to protect, and spacing out even for a second could cost my boy his life. Not happening! As Fenrir dismisses his warriors, Hel turns to me. “Are you okay? You seemed miles away, and that’s not like you.” I breathe deeply through my nose and force a smile. I don’t want Hel to worry about me when there’s nothing to worry about. “I’m fine. I was just thinking.” She smiles while wrapping her arms around my waist. “About what?” I take her face in my hands and smirk. “Now, that would be telling.” “What are you up to, Mr Blake?” I want to take her on a date, but it will be a surprise. I want to see the look on her face when I show her what I have planned. “You’ll have to wait and see, Mrs Blake.” I chuckle at the shocked look on Hel’s face. She looks stunned. “You’ve never called me that before. Oh,” Hel rolls her eyes at herself. “Of course. Everyone here thinks I’m Helen Blake.” I stroke her cheek with the back of my hand. “Baby, you’re my mate. In this form or any form you wish you take.” I take her hand and lay it palm flat against my chest and hold it there. Hel looks from our hands to my face. “You are my heart, Hel. I live for you.” “Kayson.” She whispers my name. “I know surnames aren’t a thing for Gods and Goddesses. But for us Lycans, when we mate and marry the ones we love, they take our surname. Or we can take theirs if that’s what the other partner wants. You don’t have to take my name if it’s not what you want. It won’t change anything between us.” “I’ve never had a surname. I think I like being Mrs Blake.” I slam my lips against Hel’s, and she smiles against my mouth before kissing me back. I hold the back of her head and deepen the kiss. I shouldn’t be mauling her out in the open like this, not when she turns me on like crazy. But I can’t help myself. “Ahem!” Hel pulls away from me and slowly looks behind her. She laughs when Slayde raises an eyebrow. “Having fun?” Hel pulls away from me. “Hello, stranger.” “Hey, yourself. Long time no see.” Hel hasn’t seen Slayde since he was eleven. Even then, it was only once because of the mission she was on for Odin for so long. However, Slayde never forgot Hel. He spoke about her all the time, wondering when she would awaken and return. He missed her a lot. When he was a little boy, he would follow Hel around whenever she came here. That wasn’t often, but enough for everyone around to know he loved her. I wish Hel could have realized that’s what Slayde felt. “You grew so big.” Slayde shrugs. “It happens. Now, get over here and hug me.” I smile as Hel giggles. Slayde holds his arms open, and my mate rushes into them. This is what I wanted to see, someone other than me embracing my mate with love. “Gods, I missed you.” “You did?” Slayde chuckles while hugging Hel tighter and rocking her from side to side. “Of course I did.” He looks into Hel’s eyes as she pulls away a little. “You’re my favorite aunt.” “I’m your only aunt.” Hel laughs. It’s true. Hel is Slayde’s only aunt. Sleipnir has no other sisters, and neither does Kira. “Yeah,” Slayde playfully rolls his eyes. “But you’re the best. Can’t believe I’m getting another cousin.” Hel lays her hands on her stomach with a giggle, and I fall a little bit more in love with her. She’s so proud of our son. I pray that I can save him from his fate. If anything happens to Kaiden, I’ll lose Hel. It won’t matter how, but I will. Either Kaiden is taken from us and killed, and I lose Hel to anger and grief. Or we save Kaiden, and the two of us are murdered before Kaiden ends the world. Goddess, the ending will always be the same no matter what I do. However I look at this, I always come back with the same conclusion. A movement to my left has me side-eying the man watching me. The warrior from earlier stands near the wishing well my sister had built a few years ago. What is this fucke.r up to? I don’t know, but I’m about to find out!
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