11 - What did he expect?

3547 Words
Hel I don’t know what Kayson is thinking. His expression has been unreadable for what feels like hours. In reality, it’s been one hour since I killed that awful woman. Kayson hasn’t said two words to me, but I put that down to him being drawn into conversation with his father. Starr had been keeping the women busy talking. I stood with them because I was trying to learn how things are done in the Wild Pack. I’m Kayson’s mate, and I don’t want to embarrass him. However, I feel that I did just that when I killed that woman. But what did Kayson expect? I would stand by and listen to a woman brag about how she abused her daughter? Adopted or not, that was disgusting. No woman should have a child just to hurt them. When taking on someone else’s child, you are promising to give them a good life. Torturing any child is punishable by death, in my opinion. So, I ended the sadistic bitc.h! And she was sadistic. I saw things in that fucker.s head that most cannot even imagine. Fine, perhaps I shouldn’t have stepped on the Alpha’s toes. But I don’t come from this world. I never had love and guidance. I had to teach myself everything I know. I had an absent father and a mother who didn’t care about me. She gave me to Odin to do as he wished when I was a child. If it hadn’t been for Hades, I would be nothing more than a hollow shell of hate and anger. Hades taught me compassion. He taught me that being vulnerable sometimes doesn’t make me weak. No, it makes a person relatable. I learned so much from that man. Hades was the first person to hug me, to look upon me without disgust, and the first person to tell me they loved me – like a friend, of course, or a brother, perhaps. Still, something changed within me that day. I thought it would make me weak, but it only made me stronger. It did because I had someone to care about me, someone I would do anything for, someone I loved. Then there’s Lucifer. Now, he was a different kettle of fish altogether. Lucifer was the first male to take me to bed and not turn out the lights so he didn’t have to look at me. Lucifer is a bastard of the worst kind most of the time, but he knew how to make me laugh and how to feel good. Between Hades and Lucifer, I learned how to love myself. Some say the three of us are evil. I disagree. Well, Lucifer is evil, though not every day. Hades is sweet, calm, and laid-back. Me, I’m somewhere in between. We rule the three layers of the underworld. For many years, we had no one but each other for company. Around all the souls we played with, anyway. Then Lucifer found Faylen, and I wondered who would be so stupid as to give him a mate. I soon learned that Faylen was as bad as Lucifer. They were well-matched, but I can’t deny that I like Faylen. She takes no prisoners and knows how to keep Lucifer in line. The Gods know that no one else ever could. Hades and I got closer after that. We became best friends, spending years going through life, fighting side by side. Then I found out Kayson was my mate, and Hades was happy for me. But I saw the sadness in his eyes. Why couldn’t the nicest person I had ever known find his mate? Now he has, and I wonder how things are going for him. I hope whoever she is treats him like the gem he is. If she doesn’t, she’ll have me to deal with! Hades deserves to be someone's everything, the way his mate will be his everything. “Kayson,” I sigh while following him deeper into the woods, the thick trees and dense undergrowth scratching at my long skirt. A few moments ago, Kayson took off into the forest without a word to me. I followed because I wished to speak with him about how he was feeling. I will not be ignored, and I won’t let Kayson treat me like I don’t exist! I am thousands of years old, Kayson isn’t, and he’s male, so he still has a childish streak in him. But he needs to learn what being with someone such as me means. I need a man, not a boy! “Kayson?” I whisper, reaching out to touch his arm. He flinches, pulling away from me. Something in his eyes tells me that I’m done in big trouble. A thrill shoots down my spine, and I force myself not to smirk. I like rough se.x and lots of it, and Kayson is a dominant man. During those days inside our cabin, Kayson took charge of me in ways no one else ever had. Of course, I like to take charge sometimes. But when you spend every day of your life for thousands of years being the strong one, sometimes, all you want and need is for your lover to dominate you. “Kayson, I know you’re annoyed by what Narfi and I did to that woman and her men. It’s against your pack's rules to do such a thing. But she was disgusting, Kayson! She deserved to die for what she put that poor girl through, and if you can’t see that…” The words die on my tongue when he grabs me roughly by the arm, spinning me around, pulling me to him, and slamming my body against the rough bark of a tree. My breath is knocked from my lungs momentarily as he presses my face into the tree with his hand on the back of my head. My eyes roll behind my closed lid as Kayson growls lowly in my ear. His chest presses against my back, holding me in place while his hands lift my skirt above my waist. I could wave my hand, and I would be naked in less than a second. But Kayson told me he likes to undress me sometimes, so I don’t do anything. “You’re a bad girl, Hel.” “Kayson,” I groan because the touch of his hands on my waist drives me crazy. “Shh. I don’t give a damn that you killed that bitc.h. Watching you tear her head off her shoulders turned me on.” I gasp and bite my lower lip. “However, you killed her in full view of pack members. My father is not pleased.” Before I can even react, Kayson rips my panties from my body. My heart is hammering in my chest as he yanks his belt free from his pants and swiftly brings it up to my eyeline, the metal tongue gleaming in the dim light filtering through the leaves above us. I swallow hard, my throat suddenly dry. “I’m going to punish you, my gorgeous, stubborn, dangerously sex.y mate.” Fuc.k, yes! I press my ass back against him. “Please.” Without another word, he steps even closer and presses his big body further against mine, trapping me against the tree with no way out. Kayson leans in, his breath warm against my ear as he whispers, “You're mine, Hel. Do you understand that?” His grip on the belt tightens, and I feel the cold metal edge dig into the skin of my hip. “Say it!” I swallow hard, the knot in my throat growing tighter with desire. “Yes, I understand. I am yours, Kayson.” The words feel foreign on my tongue, having never said such a thing to anyone, but they roll easily off, and a shiver runs down my spine as I say them. Kayson growls, a low, hungry sound that sends a thrill through me. “Good girl.” He pulls away from me, grabs my hips, pulling them back so my ass is sticking out. My face is still pressed against the tree I’m clinging to, and my arousal is falling down my thighs! I have never been so turned on! Without warning, Kayson brings the belt down across my ass, the leather stinging and burning my skin. I cry out, arching into him as the pain washes over me. Gods, it feels so good! He strikes again, harder this time and again, each impact sending a jolt of pleasure through my body. “Please!” I scream and moan simultaneously. “Do you like that, Hel?” Kayson asks, his voice rough and demanding. “Do you want more?” At this point, I can't form a coherent reply. All I can do is nod frantically, my head spinning with the mix of pain and arousal. Kayson growls again, drops the belt to the ground, and presses his hips forward, grinding his erectio.n against my ass. His other hand reaches around, cupping my breast roughly through my shirt. “Tell me what you want, Hel,” He says, his voice a low, commanding growl. “Do you want me to fuc.k you? Right here, right now, against this oak tree?” I nod. “Tell me how much you want it!” My heart is racing, and I can feel myself growing wetter by the second. “I want you, Kayson. I want you inside me. I want you to fuc.k me like you hate me! Please.” I arch my back, offering myself to him, and he takes it as an invitation, sliding his hand lower between my legs. His fingers are rough as they explore my wetness, torturing my clit with his touch, and I moan, my hips moving instinctively against his touch. Kayson groans, the vibration against my ear sending a shiver down my spine. "You’re so wet for me, Hel. I’ve never felt you so wet. You like this, don’t you? Belted and fuc.ked so hard you won’t be able to walk afterward.” “Oh, fuc.k.” I am so desperate to have him inside me that I can’t wait any longer! His dirty words are pushing me closer to the edge. I press my ass harder into him, and Kayson chuckles. “Please, fuc.k me. I need you!” Kayson pulls his fingers away, and I whimper in protest. He leans away from me, dropping his trousers, and then he presses his hard length against me, guiding it to my entrance. He holds it there for a moment, his breath hot against my neck, before pushing inside in one hard thrust. I cry out, arching my back and digging my nails into the tree bark. Kayson growls and I feel him thrust again, deeper this time. I feel like I’m floating outside of my body. The pleasure is so intense that my toes are curling! The pain of Kayson’s grip on me gives way to a sharp, intense pleasure as he begins to move inside me, his hips slamming against my ass in a brutal rhythm. I moan and writhe, lost in the sensation of being claimed, of being his. Kayson’s hands are everywhere, bruising and clawing at my flesh. I can taste the saltiness of blood in my mouth as I bite down on my lip, trying to stifle my cries. His hand wraps around my throat as he grunts and curses. “Kayson,” I whine his name like a prayer. “Please. I need to c.um. I want to cu.m on your big fat coc.k!” He growls louder. “Cu.m for me, Hel!” I can’t stop the scream rising in my throat, or my eyes rolling as I orgas.m so hard I see stars! “Kayson!” “I want to cu.m inside you. Tell me you want that, Hel. Tell me!” I sob because the pleasure is too much! “Cu.m inside me, Kayson. Please. I want to feel you flood my womb with your seed!” Kayson roars, his body tense as he reaches his climax, slamming into me over and over until I can feel him shudder and release inside me. Finally, he collapses against me, his chest heaving as he catches his breath. I feel his weight pressing down on me, holding me to the tree, and I’m not sure if I’d be able to stay on my feet should he let go of me. After what feels like an eternity, Kayson pulls out and steps back, releasing his grip on my shoulder. I slide down the tree, gasping for air and clutching at the tree. Damn, that was everything! Kayson kneels beside me, his hand on my back, and I turn my eyes to look at him. I gasp because his eyes have turned the deepest shade of blue. He smirks and I know he’s not Kayson any longer. “Adder?” “Pleasure to meet you, little mate.” I gasp when he grabs me, pulling me onto his lap so I’m straddling his waist. I swallow hard, nervous because I was not expecting this. This isn’t how I imagined meeting Kayson’s Lycan. “Erm, what’s going on? Where’s Kayson?” ‘I’m right here, my love.’ I hear Kayson’s voice in my head. ‘Why is your Lycan touching me like this?’ Kayson chuckles. ‘He wanted to meet you, touch you, be with you. I didn’t think it would be right for him to do that in Lycan form. So, I let him use my body to be with you.’ ‘And you’re okay with him having se.x with me? Because that’s what he wants, Kayson. If the erectio.n pressing against me is anything to go by.’ Not that I have anything against having se.x with Adder. He’s using Kayson’s body, after all. Plus, Adder is part of Kayson, and he’s my mate, too. I just never imagined it would be like this. ‘You belong to him as much as me, Hel. Adder is your mate, also. You can love us both; there’s nothing wrong with that. Take what you want, baby. Don’t be shy, and don’t hold back. I am right here and can feel everything.” I smirk because that’s all the permission I need. Adder looks at me, his eyes intense and hungry. He’s using Kayson’s body, but those aren’t Kayson’s eyes. I see Adder's soul shining within. They are two different spirits in one body. Two for the price of one. Lucky me! “You are so beautiful. I have waited years for this moment.” “You have?” Adder nods. “I understand if you do not want this. You have the right to tell me to get lost. But I want you, Hel. I need you. I need to mark you the way Kayson has. I want to be one with you the way Kayson is. Please.” I raise my hand to his cheek, lifting his head. “You have me, Adder.” I press my lips to his and moan into his mouth. They even kiss differently! I grind against him, feeling his hardness stroking my clit, and making me throb. Adder’s hands roam over my body. I can’t deny the desire that flares within me. Kayson’s touch always flits between gentle, loving, and rough. But there is something about Adder’s touch that’s different. It’s primal and demanding as if he’s claiming ownership of me in a way I had never imagined. And as he pulls me closer, his hands running over my body with possessive affection, I realize he’s right. I do belong to him as much as I belong to Kayson. His hands tear my shirt in half, making me moan louder as he cups my breasts, his thumbs teasing my nipple.s until they harden against his touch. I arch into him, feeling the ache spread between my legs. He growls in approval, lowering his head to take one of my nipple.s into his mouth. I cry out, my hips bucking against him, and for a moment, I’m lost in the sensation. But then I feel something else. Something deep and powerful that seems to echo through my very core. It’s a need, a longing I hadn't known existed. I have never felt so loved as I do in this moment with Adder and Kayson. With a desperate moan, I reach for his coc.k, lift my hips, and hold myself at the tip when he grabs my hips. “Is something wrong, Adder?” “Are you sure?” He whispers. “This isn’t something you want to do just to please Kayson and me. Is it? I don’t want you to do anything you’re uncomfortable with, Hel.” I look into his eyes, and I see such vulnerability. I know what it’s like to sleep with someone because you think someone else wants that from you. Adder might be a separate personality from Kayson, but he’s still my mate. “No,” I whisper back. “I’m not doing this just to please Kayson. I’m doing this because I want to. You’re my mate, too. Right?” Adder smiles. “Right.” His hands find my hips, guiding me down onto his coc.k. I gasp at the sensation, feeling him fill me up and claim me in a way that only he could. He groans, his muscles tensing beneath my touch, and I know he felt it, too. He is mine, just as much as I am his and Kayson’s. ‘That’s it, baby,’ Kayson’s voice washes over me. ‘Fuc.k him like you mean it.’ As if sensing the connection between us, Adder pulls me closer, thrusting upward and fuckin.g me even harder. I arch my back, moaning in pleasure as the sensations build inside me. ‘That’s it,’ Kayson rasps. ‘Let him make you feel good.’ Adder grabs the back of my head, capturing my mouth in a bruising kiss. His tongue slides past my lips, tangling with mine as his hips began to move faster. I feel the heat of him inside me, feel the connection between us grow stronger with every thrust. I can feel my orgas.m building, rising up inside me like a wave about to crash. I can feel the tension in Adder’s body as if he were hoping to feel me cu.m. It won’t take much; I’m already so close that I’m scared to crash down. Adder’s fingers dig into my hips, holding me tight against him as he thrusts deeper. One hand finds my breast, squeezing and pinching, sending waves of pleasure through my body. “Adder, I’m so close!” His hands cross over my back, holding my shoulders and pulling me hard onto him. His thrusts become manic, desperate, and out of control. I can’t keep up with him! “I want to mark you.“ He whispers in my ear. ‘Kayson, what do I do?’ I need Kayson to tell me it’s okay. I won’t do anything he doesn’t want me to do. ‘It’s okay, my love. Accept Adder’s mark and make us one.’ I smile. “Mark me, Adder.” He smirks right before his eyes roll. “Fu.ck! I’m gonna cu.m.” He groans. “Cu.m with me, Hel!” I couldn’t stop it if I wanted to, and as Adder bites into my neck, marking me on the opposite side to Kayson’s mark, a cry that seems to echo through the forest escapes me as I cu.m. My inner walls clench around Adder’s coc.k, and I feel my release wash over me in a wave of intense pleasure. Adder doesn’t stop moving, even after he cum.s. He doesn’t relent until I feel myself beginning to catch my breath again. Only then does he slow, his movements growing gentler and more tender. He keeps his eyes locked on mine as he helps me steady myself, his hands running up and down my back, my sides, and my arms. Finally, when my heartbeat has slowed, and my breathing has returned to normal, Adder lifts me off his coc.k, his gaze never leaving my face. He leans forward, pressing a soft kiss to my lips. “Thank you,” He whispers. “For being brave enough to give this to us.” I lay my hand on his handsome face. “The three of us are a team, right?” “Right,” He smiles. “Perhaps one of these days, you and Kayson will be upfront together. Maybe then we could all…” ‘Filthy girl.’ Kayson laughs inside my head. “Anything you want, Hel. Kayson is nagging to take over, so I must leave you for now. But remember, I will never be too far away. I love you, Hel.” I smile, feeling a little overwhelmed by Adder’s words. I kiss him softly and tell him, “I love you, too.” The smile doesn’t leave his face, even when Kayson takes over. I am loved. For the first time in my life, I really feel it deep within my soul. Perhaps I’m not beyond hope after all.
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