15 - Fixing this mess

2703 Words
Draven Goddess above, this place sucks! Why anybody would want to live in the wild is beyond me. Nature is not for me. I hate creepy crawlies. Vile things! I also love my life back home. I like modern comforts. Do they even have bathrooms here? I’m not prejudiced, but these people look like savages. They walk around in leather and fur, carrying bows and arrows on their backs, swords, and dagger, too. Their hair is so damn long and straight that I have no idea how they brush it. It must take hours! I must admit they’re all clean, though, and they don’t smell bad. So, they must have some modern cleaning products at least. I might have known they’d have Gods here. The Moon Goddess is my aunt’s great-great-grandmother. Jenna told me about the wild Alpha Kai and how he was her cousin. Jenna mentioned something about Kai’s daughter being mated to Fenrir. But I didn’t know Hel also had a mate here. I met Hel when I was a kid. She turned up to speak to my grandfather, Orrin, with Lucifer. The Devil has a friendship of sorts with my family, even more so now since Brayden mated with Lucifer’s daughter. My older brothers flirted with Hel, and she laughed as if they were crazy. To be honest, I never thought anything of what Jenna told me about her wild cousin until I met Elora. Perhaps I should have listened, and I would know what I was walking into. What a mess I made of that. Finding Elora and mating with her should never have happened. I never wanted to find my mate, never mind sleep with them. I had no choice, however, when my Wolf took over and mated with Elora. It took all the strength I had to stop him from marking her. It would have been a fuckin.g disaster if he had. ‘See the trouble you’ve caused?’ ‘I’m sorry. Okay?’ Jax mumbles apologetically. ‘I didn’t mean to hurt anyone. Instinct kicked in, Draven. What was I supposed to do?’ ‘Control yourself! That’s what you were supposed to do. But you couldn’t, and now I’m in the doghouse with Jayden! I’m the one here having to clean up your mess. Why couldn’t you just let Elora reject us? If you had, I wouldn’t be here having to do just that.’ ‘I know.’ My Wolf whines and retreats to the back of my mind. I shouldn’t be angry with Jax; it wasn’t his fault. Though I do blame him for taking over my body and doing what he promised he never would. “What was with those men?” Hel’s mate asks. “Why were they chasing you?” I shrug. “I accidentally passed through their stinking territory. They took offense and wanted me dead. I could have killed them right there, but where would have been the fun in that?” I chuckle. “Asshole.” I hear Fenrir mumble. He doesn’t like me, but I can’t say as I give a shi.t. “If you upset my aunt,” The one they call Kailus snaps at me. “I’ll kill you.” I smirk but don’t reply. Death threats don’t bother me; I get them at least five times a day. There’s always someone who wants me dead. “Remember,” The guy who looks exactly like Kailus says. “There’s nowhere to run from us.” “I vote we just kill him and get rid of the body,” Fenrir growls from behind me. That would be just my luck, being killed by that monster. Coming here was a hard decision to make. I knew I could end up dead if I did, but I can’t go on the way I have been these past couple of months. I need to put an end to things so I can move on. “That’s not for us to decide.” Fenrir’s son states. “He’s Elora’s mate. We need to respect that.” No one says anything as we walk through the canopy of trees into a small village. Yep, definitely could not live like this. The homes are nothing but wooden cabins, and not very big ones either. A few people are milling around, doing one thing or another. The women are dressed like they belong in medieval times, which causes me to blink. I feel like I’ve stepped back in time. “This him?” I stop walking when the Alpha blocks my way. Damn, he’s a big bastard. I wasn’t expecting him to look so… wild. “This is him.” Kailus nods. Everyone moves away from me as the Alpha stares me down. “Why are you here?” “I need to speak with Elora.” “And it took you two months to figure that out?” I rub the back of my neck and sigh. I’m an Alpha as much as this guy is, though I’m a Supreme Alpha, which outtrumps a wild Alpha. However, this is no ordinary Alpha; he has the blood of the Moon Goddess running through his veins. Besides, this is Kai’s territory, and I’m not about to be disrespectful. ‘Isn’t that exactly what you’re about to do?’ ‘Be quiet, Jax!’ ‘Bastard.’ My Wolf grumbles. “I just need to speak with Elora.” “I’m here.” I look to my left, and there she is, Elora Blake, staring at me. She’s not happy to see me, and if the looks I’m getting from the guy beside her are anything to go by, I might not make it out of here alive after all. The tall, dark, and handsome guy has his hand on Elora’s shoulder. That should make me angry. She’s my mate, after all. But I’m not angry, even if I am wondering if they’re together. “Elora.” I tip my head. “I wondered if we could have a word in private?” Growls fill the air, and I refrain from rolling my eyes. I get everyone is worried about Elora, and they have every right to be after what I did. “That’s enough.” Elora sighs. “I know you’re all angry, but please let me deal with this. I’m a grown woman. I can handle this.” I look around at the Werewolves snarling at me. I don’t say anything or change my facial expression from impassive. I wouldn’t want to give them a reason to kill me just yet. The Alpha tips his head at Elora. “This way.” She tells me as the guy who was holding onto her shoulder stares at her. “It’s okay, Rafe. I’ll be fine. I promise.” He nods and walks away. I follow Elora down a concrete path toward a cabin set back from the others. Elora leads me inside, and I realize it’s a sewing room. I remember now, she told me – Jax – how the pack make their own clothes. Elora turns to me. “Sit down if you want.” I shake my head because I’m not here to get comfortable. “Suit yourself. What do you want, Draven? Are you here to accept the rejection? Because after what you said to me, I would prefer that.” The vulnerability in Elora’s eyes pains me. I wish I could have been the one for her. I don’t know why the Moon Goddess did this to us, but she has a lot to answer for. “What I said?” Elora rolls her eyes. “Yes, when you told me you didn’t want someone like me, a wildling.” “No, that is not what I said, Elora. I said I couldn’t be with a wildling like you, not that I didn’t want a wildling like you.” I had no idea Elora had misheard me. But I would not have said what she thought I did. I am not that much of a mean bastard. “Whatever. Just get on with it.” “Okay. I’m here because I believe you deserve an explanation. The day we met and what happened between us wasn’t me, Elora.” She furrows her brow. “What do you mean?” “I should start at the beginning. I’m married, Elora.” Elora’s eyes dart from side to side before she sits in the seat behind her. I have no choice but to pull up a chair. I won’t tower over the girl; that would be wrong. I have nothing against Elora; she’s a sweet woman. No matter how I come across, I never wanted to hurt her. But it’s unavoidable. I move the seat closer. “Elora, I’m sorry, but if my Wolf hadn’t taken over, I would have told you that from the start.” “That’s why you don’t want me? Because of your wife?” “Husband.” I correct before clearing my throat. “I’m gay, Elora, and always have been. I had never so much as kissed a woman before you. Jayden, my husband, and I have been together since we were seventeen. We became chosen mates when we were eighteen. “My mother told me it was wrong, and one day, I would find my mate. She even demanded I break things off with Jayden. You don’t argue with a woman like Lillian Dalgaard. But nothing else matters when you love someone as Jayden and I love each other. Perhaps we should have waited, but I didn’t want to, and that’s the truth. To be honest, I didn’t believe I would meet you. I also know that Jayden and I will have to go through this all over again when he meets his mate.” I scrub my hands over my face in frustration. I feel bad that I’ve done this to Elora. Actually, I feel fuckin.g awful. She didn’t deserve this, and nor did Jayden. “Jax had no right to take over and do what he did. I cheated on my husband because of my Wolf. Jayden and his Wolf were hurt because of that, and it has taken months for him to forgive me.” “Is that why you stayed away until now?” “Yes.” Elora nods. The Goddess knows I hate doing this, but I can’t allow Elora to keep living with the hope that one day, I’ll return. She deserves someone who will love her unconditionally, and not because the mate bond demands it. “I didn’t remember what happened between us when Jax took over. All I know is I was able to push forward. I know how hard I had to fight to stop him from marking you. It was instinct on his part, and I knew he’d hate himself once it was over. Jax loves Freddy as much as I love Jayden, and cheating has taken its toll on my Wolf.” “So, you want to reject me and stay with your chosen mate. That’s fine.” Elora shrugs like it’s nothing, but it is something. Nobody deserves to be treated like this. “Elora, I’m so sorry. I don’t want to hurt you, but I have, and there’s nothing I can do to change that.” “It’s fine, I get it. You love your husband, and women repulse you.” “Elora,” I sigh. “I am not repulsed by women. I just don’t find them sexuall.y attractive. I don’t know why Selene did this, but she must be insane.” “Doesn’t it bother you that your Wolf could have gotten me pregnant?” I swallow hard at the thought. Elora isn’t pregnant; I would have sensed it. Thank the Goddess for small favors because Jayden would have left me! I can’t lose him; he’s everything to me. I will always regret what I did to him regarding Elora. I don’t deserve Jayden, but I’ll do anything to keep him. No, Jayden didn’t ask me to reject Elora. He told me he’d let me go if that’s what I wanted. I don’t want, I will never want him to let me go. I will not survive without Jayden. “Thankfully, that didn’t happen.” I smile at Elora, who nods. She looks at her hands. “I’m sorry,” She looks at me. “That the Moon Goddess did this to you and your husband. I’m sorry that I didn’t realize your Wolf had taken over. If I had, I would have stopped him from touching me. I feel so stupid.” “Hey,” I take her hands; luckily, she doesn’t pull away from me. There are no sparks, which is weird because there should be. We haven’t rejected each other yet. Touching one’s mate after time apart will always snap the mate bond back in place. So, what the fuc.k? “You’re not stupid, Elora. But I am a fool. I am so sorry this happened, and I would give anything to change it, but I can’t. There is someone out there for you. Someone who will love you unconditionally and without question. Don’t ever doubt your worth, Elora, because you’re perfect. I’m sorry I couldn’t be your happy ever after.” Elora’s chin wobbles, and tears fall from her eyes. “I’ll be just fine, Draven. I’m a strong woman, and I will get over this in time. I hope you have a wonderful life with Jayden. Be happy.” She whispers the last word, and I can’t help pulling her from her seat and into my arms. I kiss her head. I know Elora will be okay because the Moon Goddess isn’t going to let her grandson’s sister die. She might let me die from the rejection, but I doubt it when that would hurt Aunt Jenna. But who knows? Elora pulls away from me and wipes her eyes. “Will you be okay after the rejection?” I nod. “I think so.” I have something to live for – Jayden. “Well, unless your pack rips me to shreds as soon as I leave the cabin.” I laugh. Elora chuckles. “They won’t, I’ll make sure of it.” Elora doesn’t need to protect me, I can move with the speed of a Vampire. I can’t outrun Gods, though, so that could be a problem. “We won’t see each other again after this. Will we?” I shake my head at Elora. “Maybe one day. At a ceremony or ball at Knight Castle, maybe. But not just because.” Elora smiles slightly. “That’s what I thought.” “I, Elora Blake, of Wild Pack, reject you, Supreme Alpha Draven Dalgaard, of Scarlet Nightwalkers Pack, as my mate.” I wait for the pain of rejection to hit me, but it doesn’t come. Strange. If I had a dollar for how many times I’ve heard how painful rejection is, especially when you’re a Supreme Alpha… Well, I’d have a lot of money. “I, Supreme Alpha Draven Dalgaard, of Scarlet Nightwalkers pack, reject you, Elora Blake, of Wild Pack, as my mate and Luna.” Elora’s eyebrows furrow as she waits for the pain. But I can tell there is none. I didn’t feel the bond break, and by the looks of things, nor did Elora. “Okay, what?” I nod. “Yeah, I was about to say the same thing. Something isn’t right.” Elora stares at me momentarily before shaking her head and smiling. “No matter. You should be going. I’ll keep the pack talking while you slip away. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure no one comes after you.” “You’re a wonderful woman, do you know that?” Elora laughs. “I’ve heard it once or twice. Goodbye, Draven Dalgaard.” I take her extended hand and shake. “Goodbye, Elora Blake.” I kiss her cheek and walk away. It’s time I went home to my husband. I’ll never forget Elora or the mess I made of everything. But I’m leaving feeling much lighter than when I arrived.
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