25 - Surprise

2211 Words

Hel “Where are you taking me?” I ask as Kayson leads me into the woods. Kayson came back from his talk with Viggo and said he wanted me to go somewhere with him. He had been gone two hours and wouldn’t tell me where he’d been. All he would say was that he had to talk to Viggo. I asked my mate what he had to talk to Viggo about, but he told me not to worry. As if telling someone not to worry ever works! I know nothing terrible happened; I would have known instantly. Not to mention, Fenrir would know if something was wrong with his son. But still, I don’t like that Kayson is keeping something from me. I’m not saying my mate must tell me everything; that’s unrealistic, but it must have been important. “Just follow me.” Kayson chuckles. “We’re almost there.” “Almost where?” “So impatien

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