17 - You are everything

2334 Words
****Warning, steamy scene ahead**** Hel “My Queen. My King. You have returned!” I wave away the Demon at the gate. I have no time to talk to anyone. I want to show Kayson inside our palace. I want my mate to look upon the throne I made for him. I have never been this excited about anything. I can’t wait to see the look on Kayson’s face! I wave my hand, and the mighty gates open inward, revealing my palace. I keep Kayson’s hand tightly in mine while leading him through the halls. I smile as Kayson’s eyes widen upon seeing what I’ve done with the place. “Did you do all of this for me?” Kayson stops walking and looks at the giant plants in the corner of the hallway. “I wanted you to feel at home here. There are plants everywhere,” I chuckle. “I even have a forest at the back of the palace for you.” Kayson looks at me with the most handsome smile. “My love, you didn’t need to do that. My home is wherever you are.” I cup his cheek. “I know that, Kayson. I also know you’re a wild huntsman who needs nature to thrive. I love you and would do anything to make you happy.” Kayson smiles. “You do make me happy, Hel. Knowing you love me is everything. But I appreciate everything you’ve done here. I love you, baby.” I smile against his mouth right before he kisses me. “Come on, I have something else to show you.” “Is it something kinky?” I roll my eyes and laugh while dragging Kayson behind me. “No, you se.x fiend. Though, it might be.” I wink. Damn, the filthy thoughts I now have inside my head. What I could do to my mate while he sits upon his throne. No! I must calm down. Kayson gasps as soon as we enter the throne room. His eyes are everywhere, drinking everything in. He lets go of my hand and walks toward his throne. I smile when he walks around it, touching each part as if to check it’s real. I knew it would be perfect for him, but I had no idea how perfect it was. It suits him to a tee. He smiles while running his hand over the spikes of the arrows. “When did you do this?” I step closer. “The day I woke up, just before I came to you. I wanted to show you that you are my King, Kayson.” “I didn’t need a throne for that, Hel. But I have to admit that it’s amazing.” Kayson turns away from his throne and looks at mine, sitting proudly beside it. He marvels at the horns wrapped around the head of the seat, the intricate carvings of the bottom, and the mangled faces of the armrests. “Very Queen of the Dead.” I chuckle and walk the stone steps leading to my throne. I sit down with a flourish of my skirt. I wave my hand toward Kayson’s throne. “Will my King not take a seat?” Kayson smirks, and I watch him climb the stone steps and sit on his throne for the first time. Power zings through me, electricity sparks at my fingertips, and light fills my eyes. My King is finally where he belongs. “Hel?” I blink, realizing I had spaced out briefly. Kayson is kneeling before me, looking at me worriedly. No! No, I won’t have him kneel before for any reason. I grab his arm, trying to pull him up. “Kayson, please stand. I don’t want you kneeling before me.” He narrows his eyes. “Why not?” “Because you are my equal, not my servant.” Kayson chuckles, leans up, and takes my face in his hands. “My beautiful mate,” I smile despite myself. Being my true self here with Kayson feels good. My mate loves me just the way I am, and I never have to hide from him. “Yes, I am your equal, and I won’t bend the knee before you in front of others. However, I will kneel when we’re alone like this because you are my Queen.” “Where did you come from, Kayson Blake?” He smiles while leaning in to kiss me. I moan into his mouth as he slides my skirt over my thighs. “Kayson,” I whine. “I want you, baby. I want you right now.” My eyes roll behind my lids as my chest heaves in desire. I pull away and bite my lower lip. “Go sit on your throne, my King. Let me take care of you.” The throne room is dimly lit, the only light emanating from the flickering torches lining the walls. At the center of the room, Kayson now sits on his throne. My perfect mate. The light shining around Kayson makes him look like the most beautiful of Gods. I click my fingers, leaving myself naked before him. My hair cascades down my back, just the way Kayson likes it. His wide eyes follow the length of my body, making me feel more desirable than I ever have. No male could make me feel the way Kayson does, not in any way. My nipple.s pucker under his gaze, and arousal coils in my stomach. “Do you like what you see, my King?” “You have no idea how much I like what I see, my Queen.” His eyes meet mine. “Come over here, beautiful. Show your King how much you want him.” I sway my hips as I walk toward him. Kayson’s eyes burn with lust as I kneel before him, my knees touching the cold marble floor. I click my fingers, leaving Kayson naked on his throne. His coc.k juts free, and I take him in my hand. I stroke him gently, my touch feather-light, and all the while, Kayson doesn’t take his eyes off me. “I worship you,” I whisper before taking him in my mouth. “Hel,” Kayson gasps as I suck him deeper. I love the taste of my mate; there is no taste I like better. I grind into thin air, my hips moving of their own accord. I could orgas.m right now, without touching myself just from sucking Kayson’s coc.k. I hum around the length of him as he strokes the back of my head. Kayson makes me feel like a loyal pet, pleasing her master when he does things like that. But I love it, and I’ll never say otherwise. The way he pushes my head further onto him, forcing his coc.k deeper down my throat, feels so good! I don’t have a gag reflex, so there’s no danger of him choking me with his monster coc.k. Kayson closes his eyes, savoring the feel of mouth on his coc.k. But suddenly, he grabs a fistful of my hair, yanking her away from his dic.k, which falls from my mouth with a pop. I furrow my brow a little. “Get up,” Kayson demands, sending a shiver of desire down my spine. Gracefully, I stand, arousal falling down my thighs. Kayson sniffs the air, his eyes roll, and I bite my lower lip seductively. “You’re so fuckin.g sexy.” I blink, trying not to smirk, but I can’t help it. “Come to me, baby.” He lifts me by the waist and sits me on his lap. I straddle his waist and the heat of my se.x brushes against his dic.k, causing him to hiss. “Kayson,” I moan his name while rubbing against the length of him. With his hands on my hips, he stills me. “I want you to ride me,” Kayson growls, his voice thick with desire. “Ride me like only you can.” I lift, take his coc.k in my hand, and guide it toward my waiting entrance. The anticipation is palpable, as if the air itself is charged with electricity. I look at Kayson, our eyes locking, and with a single thrust, I impale myself on his hardness, causing us both to call out. “Fuc.k me, Hel.” I groan and begin to move my hips. “I love you, Kayson," I whisper, my voice barely audible. “You are the sun that warms my soul and the moon that guides me through the darkness.” My movements speed up as I fuc.k him harder. “You are my everything.” “I love you,” He mumbles into my neck. “You’re my everything and more. You feel so good wrapped around me.” I smirk while kissing his neck. “You feel good inside me, Kayson. Nobody could feel this good but you.” My body surrounds him, gripping him tightly as our moans of pleasure fill the throne room. Kayson reaches up, grasping my breasts, his thumbs teasing my hardened nipple.s. I arch my back, meeting his touch, and our bodies move together in perfect rhythm. The room is a whirlwind of motion, of heat and passion, of love and desire. And as we continue to fuc.k, lost in the moment, I lose myself to the man who holds my heart. No one has ever made me feel like this before. It’s not just the way he touches and makes love to me. It's the way he looks at me, with a combination of lust and adoration, that makes me feel like the most desirable woman in the world. It’s the way he takes me, claiming my body as his own and marking me as his property, that makes this man the only one to tame my wild heart. I can feel myself getting closer to the edge of ecstasy. The pleasure building inside me is like a tidal wave about to crash against the shore. Kayson's grip on my hips tightens as he guides me to ride him even harder, his breath hot against my ear as he growls encouragement. I can feel the tension building in his body, the way his thrusts become deeper and more urgent. He’s close, too, and I can’t wait to feel him release, to feel him fill me up with his seed. My eyes widen in shock when Kayson slides his fingers over my asshole. He smirks at me and pushes one finger into me, causing me to gasp, and my eyes roll. “Kayson,” I gasp and push myself back against his coc.k and his finger. It feels so good! Another finger enters me from the back, and I scream and sob with the pleasure of it all. “You like that, don’t you?” I nod my head erratically while riding him so hard and fast that Kayson grunts. The world fades away as we move together, lost in the heat of the moment. Our bodies become one, our hearts beating in unison. I cannot take anymore! “Kayson, I’m…” “Cu.m for me!” My mate demands, and instantly, a powerful orgas.m ravages my body to the point my eyes are stuck at the back of my head, and Kayson holds me against him because my body locks. His thrusts become erratic, desperate, as he releases himself into me, his cries of pleasure echoing off the throne room’s vaulted ceiling. Then, at last, I collapse on top of him, our sweaty, entwined bodies slick with sweat and passion. As Kayson removes his fingers from my backside, I purr against him, my love, my King. He kisses my head, and I can’t open my eyes. I am so fulfilled that I can’t stop smiling. “You are truly amazing,” Kayson whispers, his voice thick with emotion. “There is no one else who could ever compare to you.” I smile up at him, feeling the warmth of his touch on my skin. When Kayson holds me, I feel so treasured. “I love you,” “You don’t need to say the words for me to feel your love, Hel. But for the record, I love you, too.” “As fun as it is seeing you naked again after all this time, Hel, put him down and put some clothes on.” My eyes lock with Kayson, and I see so much anger in his eyes. I quickly lift off him and snap my fingers, cleaning and dressing us both in less than a second. “If you like ana.l play, Hel loves being fucke.d in the arse. Don’t you, Hel?” Mortification fills me, and I can’t tear my eyes from Kayson. He looks so angry, and I can’t blame him because I’m just as furious. “Just roughly bend her over and…” Kayson howls loudly and angrily as Adder pushes forward. “No, Adder!” I scream. “He’s not worth it. Please, calm down.” Kayson turns to look at me, and I see Kayson and his Lycan are present in his eyes. He growls loudly, turns away from me, and storms toward the door. “Not leaving on my account?” Kayson brings his fist back and slams it into the fucker.s face, knocking him to the ground. Kayson then leaves, slamming the door behind him. “Ouch! He hits like a bastard!” “You deserved that and more!” I below while standing over him. He drags himself to his feet. “It was a joke!” “Saying what you did to my mate was not funny, Lucifer! Why are you even here?” “We need to talk.” “And it couldn’t wait? I’ve been back a few hours!” “If you want your mate to live, we talk now.”
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