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Gears I finally got her to unlock the door after almost breaking the thing down as it was. Once I found the place, it wasn’t hard to find where she was. People were complaining that someone had locked themselves in the bathroom and wouldn’t open the door. So I took a lucky guess and went straight there. Opening the door, I stepped inside, shutting the door in the face of some guy who said he needed to pee and thought he would come in with me. I waited for her to finish dry heaving over the toilet before I leaned down and picked her up bridal style. Getting her back on my bike was going to be fun. I should have seen if I could borrow a car from someone. But I hadn’t been thinking about that. My only thought was getting to her and making sure she was ok. I knew she was drunk, and I knew guys were perverts. If she passed out somewhere, there was no telling what would happen. She had said she was in a bathroom, but that didn’t mean she was completely safe until I got there. Balancing her in my arms, I opened the door and pushed past the line of drunk people waiting outside. Thankfully the fresh air seemed to help sober her enough. She was able to get on behind me and hold on until we got back to my place. Again I carried her bridal style as I took her inside and laid her in my bed. She mumbled something I didn’t quite understand before passing out. Sighing, I carefully pulled her puke-covered clothes off her and put one of my shirts on her before covering her up, doing my best not to look at or touch anything I shouldn’t. Then made my way over to my small couch and lay down.  It was no surprise I woke up before she did the next day. For one, I was sleeping on a damn loveseat, and two, I was sleeping on a damn loveseat. I started the coffee pot before going in and taking a quick shower. I was sure she would be out for a while longer, so I didn’t fully get dressed, only putting on a pair of shorts. But because my luck sucks, she woke up while I stood in the kitchen pouring a cup of coffee. Sighing, I pulled another cup down for her and poured her one, and walked over to the bed, holding it out. “Here, drink this.” I watched as her eyes darted around the room and fell back on me. I sighed, set the cup down on the table next to the bed, and walked back into the kitchen. “Thanks.” I nodded as I grabbed my own cup and leaned against the kitchen counter, looking at her. With no walls in the place other than for the bathroom, it made it easy to watch someone from anywhere in the small apartment. Taking a sip of her coffee, she made a sour face, set it back down, and looked over herself. “You were covered in vomit. I promise I didn’t look at anything.” Sighing, she picked back up her cup and repeated the process of taking a sip, making a face, and setting it back down. Except for the few seconds I was next to the bed, she refused to look at me directly. Instead, she found anything and everything else to look at. Which, to be honest, slightly annoyed me. “Look, your clothes should be dry soon. Your welcome to the shower and s**t while you wait. There should be a toothbrush and that, still in the package in the dresser's top drawer in the bathroom. Feel free to help yourself. When your clothes are done, I can take you to wherever your car is.” Without saying anything, she climbed out of my bed and walked into the bathroom, shutting the door. I watched her go cursing myself as my d**k grew hard. Why did my eyes have to move over her body as she moved across the room? I had done it without even thinking about it. She looked f*****g sexy as hell with one of my shirts on. Turning my back to the door, I set my cup down and leaned on the counter, closing my eyes, trying to think of anything other than her bare legs. Or the fact she was in my bathroom undressing to get in my shower. I tried not to picture Clara at all instead tried to think about, f**k anything else. Even though I went to great lengths to stay away from her, she was always on my mind. She was beautiful even back then, but her only being sixteen at the time and me being twenty-one had been a hard stop for me then. But she was now eighteen, and time had only made her even better looking. So much so she was f*****g sexy as hell. I was so focused on thinking of anything else other than Clara and getting myself under control that I hadn’t heard the bathroom door open again or even Clara move right up behind me. “Alex?” Slowly I opened my eyes and looked behind me, not turning my whole body since I still hadn’t gotten my erection under control. One look, though, and my grip on the counter tightened as I turned back around. “f**k Clara.” She had removed the shirt I put on her last night and was now standing in just her bra and panties. “I’m sorry….I just wanted to say thank you for picking me up last night. I know after the last time we saw each other, you probably hate me and all...Anyway, I just wanted to say thank you.” I let my head fall forward slightly as I took a deep breath, “Jesus Clara, I don’t hate you.” Silence fell between us, and I was starting to think she had walked away, but then her hand touched my back. The small touch had my d**k twitching in anticipation. “Alex, if you don’t hate me, then why haven’t you talked to me in three years, and why can’t you look at me now?” As she spoke, her hand moved on my back. My grip on the counter tightened as I willed myself to stay where I was. “First of all, you didn’t talk to me for three years either. And second what happened before….” My train of thought was cut off as she moved her hand to my side. I closed my eyes tight as I tried to calm myself, but she just had to keep going. Her hand moved around my side slowly, the tips of her fingers pushed at the waistband of my shorts.  Grabbing her wrist, I pulled her hand away from me as I turned around, pinning her to the fridge. “f**k sake…..” She smiled up at me with pure mischief on her face. “This can’t happen.” Her free hand shot out, grabbing me through my shorts. “Why, we both clearly want it?” I took in a sharp breath, “Clara….” She narrowed her eyes at me, “I am not a kid anymore, Alex. I am eighteen, a grown woman. So what is there stopping us?” Moving her hand, she massaged my d**k through my shorts. Tangling my free hand in her hair, I pulled her head back, so she was looking me in the eye. “Your father would kill me.” She shrugged, “He will kill you if he finds out you kissed me on my sixteenth birthday.” As she spoke, she slipped her hand down my shorts, wrapping her fingers around me. Slowly her hand moved down my length and back up, her thumb running over the tip with every upstroke and her fingers dipping down along my balls with every downstroke. “You're going to be the death of me.” Dipping my head down, I slammed my lips against hers. She was right. I was already a dead man if her father ever found out about that kiss. So why not seal my fate? She was eighteen and completely legal. No one would think anything of the age difference between the two of us.
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