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Clara The move upstate was exciting, and I was ready to not be living with my parents. Not that I didn’t like my parents, no, I loved them. But the idea of being able to come and go as I pleased and not have my father scaring off any guy I tried to date would be nice. Over the last couple of years, I tried getting over the whole kissing Alex and messing up our friendship thing. And to get him out of my head by dating a few boys I went to school with. But no matter who I dated, I never completely forgot about Alex. And my father hated all of the guys I dated. And all of them were scared shitless of him. This I found funny to a point because my dad was the sweetest person I knew. If either of my parents deserved to be the one anyone should be scared of, I think it should be my mom. But that is my personal opinion. Anyway, back on track. When I chose to go to college after High School, choosing the college was fairly easy. I figured my dad would not have a heart attack if I chose a school in-state instead of one out of state. And to my surprise, he had been completely fine with the school I chose. I knew Alex had left town not long after our kiss, but I didn’t know where he had gone. Well, that was until he walked in, joining the members of the sister MC that had invited all of us to a little party when we first arrived. The second my eyes landed on him, I knew my crush had never gone away. In fact, he looked even better than he did the last time I saw him making my feelings for him make themselves known. It slightly saddened me that we didn’t have more of an interaction with each other than simply saying hi to each other before my dad said it was time to go. But I had a feeling Alex had something to do with that. It was like he went out of his way to avoid coming near me while he talked and laughed with other members. I tried not to let Alex and I’s or lack thereof interaction bother me as my dad, and I headed over to the house I had already arranged to rent with my two best friends Cassy and Holly. Neither one of them was related to anyone in the MC and had driven up last week. I had wanted to drive up with them, but my father wouldn’t let me. Instead, I had to wait until the others were driving their kids up so all the MC guys could drive together. I hated how everything we did had to be planned around the MC most of the time, but at the same time, I always loved the dynamic and life within the MC. Cassy and Holly had the house already set up as I pulled in with my dad following behind me on his bike. With both of them being here already, my parents had furniture delivered for me and made sure it had already been set up, so all I had to do was unpack the few belongings I had brought with me, which was perfect. Two weeks later and all three of us girls had gotten settled in. I felt bad because both of them had to work a part-time job to be able to pay their part of the rent while they also went to school. Meanwhile, I was free to focus completely on school with my parents paying for my part of the rent. I tried to make up for it by making sure they didn’t have to worry about paying for food or anything like that by making sure the fridge stayed stocked completely using the money my parents put into a bank account for me. Neither one seemed to mind that I didn’t have to work, though. And my parents were taking care of everything, but I still wanted to help them as much as possible. They were my friends, after all. By the end of the second week of all of us being on our own, we decided to join in one of the many parties thrown by other college students, heading out together with Holly driving. All of us were excited and looked forward to having fun and meeting new people. From the moment we all got there, we began to mingle with everyone and soon lost track of one another. But I didn’t worry about it until around ten or so, when the alcohol I had been drinking really hit me. I tried looking all over the house for either one, even went outside to try and find them but only found Holly’s car was no longer there. Not believing they would have left without me, I went back inside, looking all over again for either one of them. But when I didn’t find them, and I was sure I would not be able to hold down the alcohol any longer, I found the first bathroom I could and shut myself in there, locking the door. After emptying my stomach, I sat on the floor, staring at my phone. I tried calling both of their phones but didn’t get an answer. I wanted to cry. My father was so far away that calling him wouldn’t do anything other than worry him and my mom. I didn’t know who else I could call. As I sat on the bathroom floor wallowing in my own misery, I scrolled through my contact list. I had long taken Alex’s number out of my phone, or I would have taken the chance to call him.  As I scrolled back up through the list, though, I stalled on the name Gears. I don’t remember ever adding that name to my list. My father had messed with my phone before leaving, so maybe he added it. I know that's the nickname the MC gave Alex when he joined. After a good thirty minutes of arguing with myself, I called the number. He answered almost immediately. “Clara? What’s wrong?” His voice was just as I remembered it. Filled with concern from the randomness of my call, ready to help with whatever I needed. “Alex, I don’t feel good.” There was a slight pause on the other end, “Are you drunk?” I groaned. I didn’t really feel like answering a million questions. I got a sigh in return, “Where are you?” I froze for a second. I never acutely got the address for this place. I pulled my phone away from my ear, pulled open the maps app on my phone, took a screenshot of my current location, and texted it to him. “I think that's right.” From the other end, I could hear his bike startup. “Are you somewhere safe in the house at least?” I nodded but then realized he couldn’t see me, “Yes. I am in a bathroom on the first floor somewhere, I think.” He sighed again. “Alright, stay there.” The sound from his end cut off, making me pull the phone from my ear. He hung up the phone. My stomach rolled again, and I leaned over the toilet even though there was nothing left to come up. When I finally got done retching, I lay down on the floor, letting the cool tiles relax me.  I don’t know how long I lay there. I do know several times someone knocked on the door, and I responded that it would be a minute. I could hear several people starting to complain when that minute seemed never to end. Then someone started to pound on the door. Like I got it, but I am sure there is more than one bathroom in this place. “I said it’s going to be a minute.” Whoever was on the other side tried the doorknob. “Clara, open the door.” It took me a second to register that it was Alex on the other side. Sitting up from my laying position, I reached over and unlocked the door before leaning back over the toilet. The movement having upset my sensitive stomach all over again.
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