Chapter 21

2184 Words
"Good, good, I was thinking the same. That's all I really needed. But feel free to stick around. I'm sure there will be more entertainment tonight." Exor said with a chuckle, reaching over to pet Sallion's hair. Sallion flinched, then silently cursed herself, hoping that wasn't enough to have been considered a violation of the rules he'd just given her. "My Lord... what uses do you have planned for the angel?" A different, older, male asked, his heady gaze never leaving Sallion. As if reading the male's mind, Exor laughed loudly before speaking. "Did you require her services, Ambrose?" The older man, who'd been called Ambrose, nodding almost eagerly, a greedy smirk playing on his lips. "I'll make you a deal. After dinner, I'll allow you to utilize her services, but only in view of all my guests and myself." "Thank you, my Lord." Ambrose replied gratefully, bowing to Exor before the five of them moved back to their table. Sallion wanted to know what "services" would be required of her but she knew she wasn't allowed to speak. She sighed softly and glanced around the room, noting how only she and Exor had wings and how other demons kept stealing glances her way. It didn't take long for the servants to come back with carts loaded with all different types of food and every bit of it looked amazing. The scents filled Sallion's nose and her stomach grumbled loudly in response. She blushes and snuck a glance at Exor, who chuckled softly and pet her hair again. "Don't worry, little angel, I know how hungry you must be." He muttered, his voice low enough that only she could hear. There was something about kneeling next to him as he pet her hair that made her feel almost... peaceful. It wasn't a feeling she enjoyed, finding pleasure in something that should disgust her and humiliate her and make her feel ashamed. But she felt none of those things in that moment. In fact, when he pulled his hand away, she found she craved the touch. In this unfamiliar place, even with how angry he'd gotten earlier and how he'd treated her, she couldn't help but feel a sense of safety kneeling next to him. She moved closer to his throne, unable to deny herself the closeness to him, and was pleasantly surprised when he placed his hand on her head once more. It was in that moment that she had the realization that she wanted to please him, strange as it may seem. She thought back to when he'd stopped her from standing up, his foot on her back, the words he'd spoken, and felt warmth pooling between her thighs. The feeling startled her and caused her cheeks to redden with embarrassment. How could being degraded and humiliated like that have these effects on her? What were these new feelings stirring in the pit of her stomach, the tingling, the warmth, the little shivers shooting up her spine, and the overwhelming urge to grind her hips against something.   The fire crackled and popped in the giant stone hearth. Its intensity spilled warmth and flickering light across the room. Sallion rested on the smooth wood floor, naked except for the soft black leather collar around her neck. Nearby is Master's big leather armchair. It is empty for the moment but Sallion can hear her Master's booted footfalls, walking through the house. She dozes lazily in the warm glow of the fire, until she hears his approach. He stops on the opposite side of the chair from her, she can hear him placing items on his dark lacquered side table, it is his drink she thinks to herself, and then she hears the distinct sounds of his boots falling to the floor, one and then the other. When he settles into the well-worn comfort of his chair, she hears him sigh and then Master tugs gently on her leash and pulls her closer. She rises languidly from the floor and wriggles across the plush carpeting that stretches out in front of Master's chair and folds herself around Master's feet. Master reaches down and slowly strokes her cheek before running his warm strong hand down her naked flank and gently begins patting her rump. Master's touch is so loving. Sallion tries to wriggle even closer but she has already snaked her naked form around his legs and bare feet. Her tongue reaches out to lick Master's feet. She loves the taste of Master's skin, it is salty and smooth and feels blissful against her wet and wanting tongue. Her skin is glowing in the heat from the flames. She feels so safe and secure with Master. Master leans forward from his seat and rolls her over onto her back and spreads Sallion's legs, so that each one rests on either side of his large chair. She is open and exposed to him now. Her large breasts are tightening, her n*****s hardening despite the warmth. His touch has sent shivers through her, and the exposure to his worshipful stares inflames her s*x, which grows slick, desiring for nothing but another touch or caress. He takes her leash in his hand again and circles the smooth metal links around each breast before bringing the rest of the chain down. He uses his fingers to spread the lips of her cleft and places the leash deep within her moist valley. He then gently closes the lips over the chain and pats her mound, playfully nudging the links into her tender flesh. He sits back and admires his work. The metal feels cold because she is so hot. She watches every move her Master is making. Her eyelids are already heavy with desire, her eyes are glazed with lust, love and need. Every breath he takes without marking her flesh with his own touch is agony to her now. Master takes his time securing the leash to the floor and then he clips a braided silk cord to the chain just above and below her cleft. He then gently pulls, first in one direction and then the other so that the leash slides back and forth across her sensitive nub. Her toes and fingers curl up, fighting the overwhelming sensations and soft rumbling moans of pleasure come out from between her luscious ruby lips. Master sits back and smiles at her. She is mewling. She is panting gently. Master reaches out with his nude foot and clasps an erect n****e between his toes, and he drags it up and away from her chest. It sends tremors down to his girl's now soaking wet cunt. Master picks up the silk cord again and saws the leash chain back and forth some more. Her bud is so sensitive now. Her head rolls from side to side and her body is now glistening with a sheen of perspiration. A flush is working its way up from her lithe neck and all over her beautiful face. Master lets go of the silk cord again, sits back in his chair and raises the heavy glass of whiskey to his lips and takes a strong draught. From where she lies, Sallion can see that her Master is very aroused. In fact, she can do nothing but watch as Master reaches down and unzips his pants. He reaches inside and drags his engorged c**k out of his pants. It stands hard, pointing straight up from his groin. A drop of pre-c*m trickles down the length of the veined shaft leaving a shiny trail in its wake. Master reaches over to a side table and she can hear the sound of metal links scraping across the glass top. He sits relaxed and admires his new possession. A beautiful glimmering chain with a clip at each end. Master lets the chain slide between and through his fingers, the fire glints off the polished links and Master enjoys the feel of the cool metal in his palms. Master reaches forward and drags one of the clips across each of her n*****s. Her flesh creeps and tightens, she is now covered in permanent goose bumps. She can feel the pain in her n*****s already and the clamps are not even in place yet. The room is filled with the sweet scent of her s*x as she feels a gush of cream pour out of her cunt involuntarily. Master sits back in his chair again, his c**k is swaying through the air, and he lifts his glass to his lips and sips his whiskey, while he casually swings the bi-clamped chain back and forth. He purposely causes the chain's pendulum arc as an opposition to the twitching movement of his steely hard c**k. Sallion's entire body is now drenched in perspiration from the raging anticipation that courses through her body as she seeks to please Master. The fire which before seemed to gently caress her with warmth, is now a torturous blazing ember that refuses to let her body cool. She watches as Master grasps his c**k and strokes it up from the base of the shaft. It only takes several of his expert manipulations before she is treated to the vision of a river of c*m that bubbles up from his piss hole and runs down his purple red flesh and over his clenched hand. Her need is too great to keep silent anymore and her voice raspy with need begs, "Please let me clean you, Master. I NEED to taste you." He brings his wet and sticky fingers to her mouth and she licks greedily at Master's gift. It tastes so sweet. When his fingers and hand are clean, he allows her to lick up what remains coated on his still rigid c**k. Then when she tries to move from her cleansing to fellatio, Master puts his thumb in her mouth and grips her lower jaw with his fingers and rocks her head from side to side. "No Sallion. Master is in control. Master gives you what you want. Master loves you deeply and everything he does, he does to pleasure you. You know that Darling Sallion." After pushing her back down to the ground, Master sits back in his chair once more, and a hint of a smile creases the corners of his mouth. He watches as she begins licking her lips seeking another morsel of Master. But it's all gone. However the taste lingers on her tongue and she craves more. Master picks up the silk cord again and drags the leash chain back and forth across her bud. Tears begin to flow from her eyes. It is excruciatingly frustrating. Her hips are starting to buck towards Master. Her back is arching off the floor. A pool of p***y juice has soaked the carpet beneath her buttocks. Just as she hovers on the edge of an orgasmic precipice, Master releases the silk. Her eyes clamp shut as she suppresses the urge to scream for the release that is driving her mad with lust. Master grabs a hold of the new chain from where he had left it draped across his knee and now with one clip in each hand he reaches forward, opens the left clip and rubs it back and forth across her hardened n****e before letting it snap around the protruding flesh. His girl screams as the pain and pleasure rip through her. Tears course from her eyes and her cunt gushes again. She writhes uncontrollably on the floor. Her cunt is clutching at the chain that is torturing her clit. Master brings the right clip to her other n****e and teases some more. Rubbing, pushing and probing. SNAP!! Owwwwww! More tears and new sobs erupt. More gushing from her cunt. "Master please let me c*m!" Her voice is a thready whimper. Master rises from his chair, he bends over bringing one knee in a position that pushes the chain solidly against her now hyper sensitive clit and bends his other knee so that he can grab his Sallion by the hair and coax her forward enabling him to solidly thrust his still hard and newly dripping c**k deep into her mouth. The slight motion of his body shifting from the thrust is enough to break her. "Aaarrrggh." She convulses as the orgasm shatters her body into a million crystallized shards and Master pumps a new load of c*m down her thirsty throat. "You have been such a good Sallion for Master today." Her body twitches in the aftermath. She has no control. She can feel a warm flood between her legs as her bladder releases and urine runs uncontrollably onto the carpet. "Oh Master. Don't ever send me away. Master..." She whimpers the words like a mantra as her body continues to quiver and shake in the wake of ecstasy. Master knows what she needs. He picks her up from the floor and cradles his Sallion in his lap. Caressing and stroking her face and hair as she slowly comes down. Today she visited the hall of ecstasy - a place she has never been before.  
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