Chapter 22

2083 Words
Sallion’s POV  Demurely, my hair would be pulled back from my face at the sides and tied in a small hair to cascade down my neck, curling at the line of my shoulders. Seated, you would call me to you, indicating to your feet where you would have me sit. Pleased to be in your presence I would eagerly comply, walking forward and curling up at your feet, turning my body so I might face you. I would feel your hand tangle in my hair and relish the feeling, feel you pull back the curls before slipping the delicate collar around my neck and clasping it firmly there. Stretching my body up towards you, I placed a grateful kiss to your lips, my hands curling about your hips as I felt the soothing touch of your hand down my back. I wonder if you can feel the rapid fluttering of my heart, wanting so desperately to please you and at the same time so afraid I might do the wrong thing. Your touch helps me relax though, and calmly I curl back up at your feet. How long we stay there, I don't know but I nuzzle and cuddle against your legs, trying to express with motions alone how happy I am. You seem to understand with the gentle pets to my hair and body until finally you grasp the back of my neck and draw my face to the crotch of your pants. I know what you want, we have discussed it countless times, and I have wondered how well I could please you this way. My hands quickly lift to your pants and your hold relaxes, petting my hair once more as I open up your pants and remove your d**k. With my hand I gently hold you, my eyes curious as my fingers stroke over you, rubbing the tiny opening, circling around the head, running down the vein on the underside before wrapping around the base. Leaning close, I tenderly lick, tasting your flesh as I learn the feel of you on my tongue. My eyes lift to yours to see what you might feel, my tongue continuing its gentle lashing along you, working now around the head and towards the shaft. I so hope to please you and the stiffening of your c**k tells me I am. A smile curls my lips as I lower my eyes back to my task. My lips wrap around the head and begin to suck, my tongue continuing to lick as I do. With a slight bob of my head I take more of you into my mouth and back out, working you in and out as I do, working more of you in my mouth. I feel the strain of your hips, hear the rush of your breath, the tightening of your hand in my hair and I know you like it. Just knowing this has me growing wet. I hope to please you more and with my free hand I slide it into your pants, massaging your balls with my fingers. I struggle to do both actions at once, both new to me and hard to concentrate with, but I try. The hand on my head presses further, silently commanding me to give your more. My hand around your scrotum stills, my lips stretching around you as I work to take more of you in my mouth. I feel you touch the back of my throat and I try to stop and pull back, but you press forward with your hips, pressing down on my head a little as you do. I feel the tip of you start to slide down my throat. I know that I should relax and swallow to avoid gagging but my knowledge is for naught and I grow frightened, gagging as I do. You release and I pull back completely, gasping for breath as I blink away the tears in my eyes. Your hand gently caresses my hair once more and I look up at you, seeing the look of calm serenity mixed with the soft flush of desire that has filled your face. You know I have calmed once more and the pressure of your hand on my head increases for a second. I don't wish to stop but my mind balks a little of immediately taking you completely back in my mouth again. Instead I lick you once more, my fist wrapped at your base now working up and down slowly with the pressure of my thumb riding right against the vein on the underside. The sound of your pleasure fills my ears again and once more I am eager to please you to the fullest. Working you back into my mouth I test how far down my throat I can take you without gagging. Each time I feel your hand squeeze my hair but you don't press, letting me work at my own pace. This fills me with more joy, knowing you are giving me a chance to please you own my own. Just as I begin to suck on you vigorously you pull my head off your lap. Looking up at you I feel my lips form in a pout but say nothing, knowing it is not my place. You pull me up and have me straddle your lap facing you. In this position I can see your hard p***s pointing towards me and I shiver with the thought of you shoving it inside me. I swear you read my thoughts as you command me to place my hands behind my neck, keeping my arms out. After my fingers are threaded together you look at the position and I feel the breath constrict in my chest. I can't help but feel this blinding need to feel you press into me, f**k me madly with your fingers bruising my soft skin while lost in the moment. As your fingers dip between my spread thighs and touch the delicate satin that covers my bare labia you cluck your tongue in disapproval and tell me to watch. A shudder runs up my spine as I open my eyes and look at you. I see your eyes locked on mine as you smile and I feel the need to kiss you, but now is not the time. You are in full command. My eyes travel down my body to where your warm fingertips rest against my covered mound. With my attention now where you want it I swallow hard and try not to move much as your fingers begin to rub gently once more, slowly pressing the material between the lips and rubbing your fingers against the entrance to me. Moaning softly my hips rock forward a bit and I bite my lip. You murmur softly, softly mocking me for being wet without the need for him to touch me. I know I should feel some amount of shame but I don't. I can't when it is you who caused me to feel this way. You call me your little slut as you tug the material to the side, baring me to your gaze. Your fingers part my lips a bit and I feel the firm pressure of a finger against my throbbing clit. My mind begs for mercy but the words never leave my head as a whimper slips from my pressed lips from the circular motion your finger takes up. My position becomes hard to hold as I strain to remain erect beneath the attention of your hand, my muscles straining as a light sheen of sweat begins to coat my skin. You seem to relish in the knowledge of my predicament as your finger dips down to gather some of my juices and rub it into my clit a little before tapping it with your finger. My hips jerk and my fingernails begin to bite into the flesh of my neck, trying to keep myself as still as possible, even as my hips twist and jerk beneath your torturous finger. Unconsciously I whimper, feeling my face and chest heat. I can't tell you in words how much I need you, though I'm sure you have an idea as you speak to me, telling me I am so wet and asking if your little slut needs to c*m. Without a sound I nod my head, my gaze lifting up to yours to plead with them. The finger stops its torture and I feel your hands slowly tug the delicate band of the g-string down, your hands warm on the cool skin of my thighs and ass. You press the garment down until it's stretched tight, the sides biting into my thighs but leaving be bare. Your hand slips back between my legs, stroking my inner thighs and teasing against the lower curve of my ass. As you draw your hand back out you slide it along the lips of my p***y, gathering juices on a single fingertip before holding it to my lips. Stretching my head forward I envelope your finger with my mouth, tasting my sweet juices on your skin. After, your hands pull my breasts free from the demi-cup bra, chuckling at my already rock hard n*****s. Twisting them and pinching them I moan with the sensation, wishing you would drive d**k into me. Looking down I still see it hard and erect, ready to plow me and fill me with your seed. Involuntarily my hips rock forward, watching as the wet satin of my panties stroke of your tip. The slap of your hand down on my ass is unexpected and I jump a little, my hips snapping forward again from the shock. As my gaze leaps up to you, I see you frown a little, telling me greedily little sluts should always behave if they ever wish to c*m. I feel tears gather in my eyes, knowing I wanted to c*m so badly yet wanting to please you more. You are unaffected by the tear that slips from the corner of my eye and just seem to be watching me as your hand, which had been left to rest on my warming butt cheek, slips down to the open entrance from behind. Feeling your finger slide into me I try not to wiggle my hips. You ask me who I belong to and I say you. Only you. The answer seems to please you but I can't tell and with your finger sliding in and out of me slowly, I can't help but groan and lose thought, my eyes dropping down to lose focus while staring at your shirted stomach. Your other hand rising to my ass and pulling the cheeks apart bring my gaze back to yours and you just tell me to relax. I don't understand but give a nod anyway, hoping that it pleases you. As your finger leaves my entrance to press against the star of my anus, my eyes flare wide, still watching you. In a stern voice you tell me to relax and I do, though tears gather in my eyes. I can't deny that it's a wicked pleasure, feeling your finger message the bud of my asshole like that, but I'm still scared. The pressure of your finger slowly increases until your fingertip paces through the ring of muscles of my ass and slowly works past the second ring until you are embedded within my rectum. I shudder, my eyes having lost focus once more as I concentrate on the feelings. I don't notice that my breathing is hard and labored, the shudders of delight riding through my body, seeming to pinpoint at my clit. Your finger begins to saw back and forth within me, eased by the copious amount of juices my body had created with arousal. As my body relaxes to the ministrations of your finger, you slide one back into my p***y once more, my hips pressing back against your hand in surprise. I cannot imagine why I am doing this. I cannot even think that me, an angel would be used in this way by the worst of all demons, the king of Hell. Lucifer and he is forcing me to enjoy it. Was this the reason that I fell from heaven? And then I saw her. She kicked down the door open and screamed obscenities at my Master and I thought, who is this powerful and gorgeous creature standing on the other side of the door?
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