1465 Words

And without more words he clattered down the Hill, and went and stood with the Laxing band. But the old Dayling arose and blew the horn, and there was at once a great silence, amidst which he said: “Children of Slains-father, doth the Folk go to the war?” There was no voice but shouted “yea,” and the white swords sprang aloft, and the westering sun swept along a half of them as they tossed to and fro, and the others showed dead-white and fireless against the dark wood. Then again spake Agni: “Will ye choose the War-duke now and once, or shall it be in a while, after others have spoken?” And the voice of the Folk went up, “Choose! Choose!” Said Agni: “Sayeth any aught against it?” But no voice of a gainsayer was heard, and Agni said: “Children of Tyr, what man will ye have for a lead

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