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“I dwell in the House of the Hrossings of the Mid-mark, and I am now made a man of the kindred: howbeit I was not born into it; for I am the son of a fair and mighty woman of a folk of the Kymry, who was taken in war while she went big with me; I am called Fox the Red. “These Romans have I seen, and have not died: so hearken! for my tale shall be short for what there is in it. “I am, as many know, a hunter of Mirkwood, and I know all its ways and the passes through the thicket somewhat better than most. “A moon ago I fared afoot from Mid-mark through Upper-mark into the thicket of the south, and through it into the heath country; and I went over a neck and came in the early dawn into a little dale when somewhat of mist still hung over it. At the dale’s end I saw a man lying asleep on th

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