Chapter 25

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Ryker's point of view     When Maliha told me she wanted me to meet her grandparents I was a little excited and a lot nervous. I was excited because not only am I meeting her grandparents but I am also meeting the past king and queen. Maliha had told me before growing up that her mothers parents were the past king and queen and that her father was from the high blooded vampire clan. The high blooded clan is like royals but in their own fae species. There was no royal pack at the moment because they got wiped out when the royal kingdom fell. So I knew that these grandparents had to have been from her mothers side.     I was also very nervous basically because of the same reason. But mainly what if they didn't like me, or they didn't think I was good enough for her. I want their approval just as much as I knew she wanted my parents. "Ry baby are you ok, you need to get out of your own head, it will be fine. They are going to love you." I looked up shaking the thoughts out of my head and gave her hand a little squeeze. "Yea of course, sorry baby I juse hope they think I am good enough for you, that's all." She chuckles a little, goddess I love it when she smiles. "Baby you are more then good enough for me, they will see that and they will love you."     I give her a yea ok smile and we tread on, we swim through the huge, beautiful hallways till we get to a enormous golden door. Maliha knocks and I hear a gentle but firm male voice come from the other end of the door "Come in" he said and she opens the door. I look up with me stomach in knots again, my nerves are back, my eyes fall upon a man that doesn't look to much older then I. I must have a confused look on my face cause Lea chimes in. "Oh yea I forgot to mention that after 21 we almost stop aging. The aging process after that is so slow that its almost non existent." She smiled at me sweetly and squeezed my hand reassuringly, so I smile back. I look back at the man and the woman that was standing next to him. You could see the resemblance between them and Maliha. He had the blue eyes while she had silver eyes. Maliha had her grandmothers facial features but not as sharp as Leas. I cleared my throat as I looked at them. For some reason they looked grumpy with their arms crossed and a scowl on their faces.      "Grandma and Grandpa, this is Ryker, my true mate." Lea said with so much love in her voice. I got closer to them and held my hand out to them to shake it "It's a pleasure and an honer to meet you both," I said. They didn't uncross their arms to shake my hand so I awkwardly put my hand down and went back to Lea. I looked at her and then her grandfather piped in "Huh this is the best you could do, this puny little wolf. Maliha you are going to be the queen, do you really think he could be your king?" He shook his head in a disapproving way, now I was getting angry. You don't talk to her like that, it's not her fault the moon goddess choose us to be together. I squeeze her hand and look at her expecting to see her upset or crying. She looked like his words didn't effect her at all.     "Come on Maliha, we can find you someone better for you then this squirt." Her grandmother chimed in. I was shocked and now that was to far. I am better then this. "I am sorry that you both feel this way, but I will not sit here and let you talk about me like this. I am a trained alpha, a great warrior and I am completely head over heels in love with your grand daughter. It is not her fault that the moon goddess choose us to be mates, and I don't appreciate you talking to her like that. If she does not want to be with me that is her choice. With all do respect I think I will just take my leave." I turn on my tail to leave as I hear a lot of laughter behind me. Confused as to what part of that was funny, I turn around and all three of them are laughing.     I look at them like they have lost their minds, as I also look around to make sure I am not on some hidden camera show. As the grandfather finally controls his laugh he gets up and swims toward me. He slaps his hand on my shoulder and while still laughing he says "Boy you should have seen your face, it was priceless. Sorry son I had to do it, that is how we welcome you to the family." He says, but I am still confused. "What are you talking about, you being rude is welcoming me. I don't get it." Lea comes over "Baby they were cutting up with you, everything they said was them joking, they didn't mean any of it." She still has laughter in her voice and I understood so I laughed a little when the grandfather pats me on the shoulder again. "Boy I had a hard time keeping a straight face on that one, I almost lost it on the first sentence." He said still laughing and I was laughing a bit with him.     So after a few hours of talking, getting to know each other and joking around, my stomach hurt from laughing so much. I really liked these people, they were carefree and funny, but could also be serious when they needed to be. I learned a few things in these last few hours like how when their original home got attacked, these two combined their magic and created a portal to get the people out of there and to here. This was a place where the mer people would meet up at if they were ever attacked. This place had many spells and wards on it that no evil will ever be able to penetrate these barriers, Her grandparents saved many lives that day.         As we got done catching up, me an Lea were very hungry to say the least. We had a very busy morning in the shower. I am getting horny just thinking about it, but I pull them thoughts back while we are in the presents of her family. We have been talking to her grandparents for hours and I keep hearing Lea's stomach growl. Some times I wonder if her lycan is yelling for food, that's how loud her stomach keeps growling, I can't help but snicker though. "It was very nice meeting the both of you, but I am afraid if I don't get poor Lea here some food, her stomach is going to eat her whole." I say with a chuckle. Her grandparents agreed while laughing themselves. Lea had a fake scowl on her beautiful face when I said that, but then her stomach chimed in again and she burst out laughing with us.     We headed out, to a building that looked like it was a diner, nothing fancy like yesterday. It was still beautiful with the black slate floors, smooth stone walls, glass tables and heavy duty looking coral chairs. There were some pictures on the walls that are in looks like regular frames, they have to have been spelled to be waterproof. We take a seat next to a wall, a two seater table. I look through the menu and am surprised, its like a normal human diner menu with a big selection and lower prices. I find that sometimes the food they serve in those restaurants are so much better then the fancy uptight places.     As we are looking at the menu I hear a female waitress clear her throat and ask if we are ready to order. I could tell by her voice she is nervous, she must be new to the job. Looking up to tell her what I wanted to eat, My eyes lock on to some beautiful purple orbs. Her eyes go wide as we both say in union Mate. I see a tear start to form in her eye as she puts her hand over her mouth and runs into the back of the diner. I look at Lea with a confused look and she is mirroring my look as well. "Ok what was that?" Lea ask me. "I don't know, I guess she is my mer mate, but why did she run?" Lea starts to stand as she lets me know, "I will go find her and talk to her, order me a lobster and kale salad please." She says as she takes off and gets the attention of another waiter to come and take my order. I give him my order almost like a robot cause my mind was wondering. Why did she run, did she not like me, was she going to reject me, do I want her to reject me. I don't know, I just kinda shook my head to myself. Well it would make things alot easier if she did reject me. Maliha's point of view     As I get up from the table to go find out what is wrong with Rykers mer mate, I stop at another waiter "Excuse me sir, but could you please go take my mates order over there and cover for this young lady for a few mins, I will tip you well." He shakes his head "Yes your highness, and no need on the tip." he said with a smile and a bow. I head to the door that the young woman went through to be met with the kitchen. I look around and see one of the chefs point to another door, guess he knew what I was after.      As I open the door I hear a girl crying, I walk around a shelf so I am guessing this is a storage room. I see her huddled up with her tail bent so she could wrap her arms around them and lay her head in her lap. I bend my own tail down so I can be more eye level with her. Reaching my hand out to her shoulder I say in a soft almost whisper tone, "can you tell me what is wrong?" She jolts her head up in shock, guess I scared her and she wipes her tears away. Well being as we are under water, it was pretty much just the motion although mer peoples tears are a bright glowing blue but fade when they hit the water, so it doesn't look like you have even been crying.     She scurries up in a hurry, "I am sorry my queen, I didn't mean to run away from you like that. I don't know what happened, My emotions were all over the place." I put my hand up in like a calm down kinda way, she stops talking for a moment and I tell her. "It's ok, I am not mad. We were worried about you that is all. What happened back there," I waved my hand behind me indicating what just happened. "Was that you have found your mate. What we want to know is why did you look terrified and run off, is something bothering you?" She just puts her head down and tried to shake her head no but I chimed in "Please don't tell me there is nothing wrong, I want you to be able to trust me enough to tell me what is bothering you." I put my hand under her chin and lifted her head to look at me. "Please I only want to help."      I see her looking into my eyes, from one to the other like she is looking for something. Guessing from her eyes slightly getting larger and then back to normal, she found what she was looking for. She looks very nervous but starts telling me. "Ok so the thing is, I kinda have a boyfriend." She looks up at me gaging my reaction, "I feel like there is more to it then just that," I tell her and she just kinda shakes her head. Looking nervous like she doesn't want to say anything. "Ok so tell me everything from the begining and then we will figure it out from there." She just shakes her head in an ok motion and starts. "Ok so my boyfriend is kinda my twin sisters mate."
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