Chapter 24

2560 Words
Maliha's point of view     As I said those words, my heart was beating a million miles an hour. I thought for sure that he was going to be so mad. Mad that I didn't tell him the night we accepted each other as mates (In my defense I completely forgot), mad that he would have to share me ( which more then likely he wont), or maybe even mad that he only has one mate (Which he might have more, I don't know how all that works).      I risk looking up at him, already prepared for the worst. For some reason when I see his face, there is no anger in any of his expressions. I raise an eyebrow and put my head completely up and stare at him in disbelief. "Ry baby are you ok? Did you hear what I just said?" He just smiles slightly at me and grabs my hand and in a calm tone he says. "Yes babe I'm fine. I was just waiting on you to continue what you were saying before I said anything. I am not upset about you possibly having more then just me as a mate." I smirked in a way that says well, and then went on with what I needed to tell him.      "Don't get mad but Kane from the restaurant earlier, he is kinda my mer mate. I wanted to tell you but I didn't want to cause a scene in front of everyone. He was not happy when I said we were friends, but I needed to tell you in private." I was about to continue when Ry spoke up with a ting of hurt in his voice. "Did you sleep with him, and if you have multiple mates, why does everyone think I am going to be king?" With a big smile on my face I continue, "That's what I was going to discuss next. I may have a mate in fae ability I possess, but I only have one true mate. That my love is you, and that is why you are going to be my king. Also to answer your other question, no I did not sleep with him, I was waiting on my true mate, I was waiting on you."     "You have no idea how happy I was when I knew you were my true mate." He smiled brightly and kissed me passionately, he had a hard time pulling away. "So how does this all work, do we all live together and I'm suppose to share you?" With a slight frown I told him honestly, "Honestly I am not completely sure. I know that I can reject them and have them go through the pain and hope they get a second chance mate. I wont feel to much pain cause I have my true mate, but they will feel the full force of it. Also there is something else, you might also have more then me as a mate, but I am your true mate. I don't want to hurt anyone, but most of all I don't want to hurt you. If you want me to reject them then I will."     Taking my nervous sweaty hand into his smooth but rough hands, he looks me straight in the eyes. "I am not sure how we will do all of this, I know you can sometimes be to kind for your own good and for that I will not ask you to reject them. I love you and will support you in any decision you make." My stomach took off with the onslaught of butterflies swarming around in there. He is so sweet and caring, I am the luckiest woman alive to call this man mine. "I wont promise anything but this one thing, I promise that any future children we have will only be from you. I will bare no other mans child, that is my promise to you."      He smiled brightly but also had a hint of sadness behind his smile. "What is it Ry, did I say something wrong?" He shook his head no but also spoke up. "I am happy with that promise, it's just," he was trying to figure out how to say what he wanted to say. Thinking of how to word it he finally continued. "I'm not sure that it's fair to them, I want children of my own with you. I can only imagine that they will want children also, and I don't want to be the reason they don't get that blessing in life."     I honestly didn't know what to say, so I said the only thing that came to mind. "I have only found one other that is my mate and that's Kane, so I may not have to worry about it. Also Kane got really close to this woman that lost her mate while they were fleeing here. He got injured and stayed back to give them more time to get away. I think honestly if I rejected him that she would be his second chance mate, even if not they would be very happy together. It is something I need to run by Kane and see if he wants me to."      As I am rambling on I look back at Ryker and he has a huge grin on his face, "What? Do I have something on my face?" I say as I am wiping my face for what ever it is, he grabs my hands and say "No. I was just amused at how much and fast you can talk, I have really missed you flower." With that my heart melted like butter and he leaned and kissed me passionately, and now my core is melting. Not being able to get enough of him I pulled him deepening the kiss, and he is quick to comply. I run my fingers through his wet sandy blond hair and tug just a little bit. I received a animalistic growl that made my bud twitch.          If the man had cloths on I would have ripped them off of him right then and there. I moved my hand down and felt his hard shaft in his fin, so I did what any good woman would do. I rubbed it and to my surprise it got bigger. He pulled back and asked "How does this work? How do mer people have s*x any ways?" I just snickered a little bit and shrugged my shoulders. "I honestly don't know, I've never done it but I think you just go with the flow. But if your not ready to try that right now I can create a bubble and we can be our normal selves." Ry shook his head a little in the yes please way so I created the bubble and as we changed back to my human forms.     We had an amazing night, I can honestly say that it gets better and better every time. We made love about three times last night and it was amazing. When we were finally done we laid in each others arms and it was the best and most peaceful night sleep I can remember having. Now awake I look over at my amazing mate and smile at him. I never want to be away from this man, I want to stay like this forever. Wanting to get a shower and get ready for the day we were going to have. As I was pulling back the sea blanket to get out of bed I felt Ry's hand on my stomach. "Where are you going beautiful?" He said in a groggy but very sexy voice. I smile as chill run up my spine and let him know "I a just going to take a shower. Go back to sleep I'll be out soon."     He mumbled out a ok I think so I continued to the bathroom, actually feeling a bit disappointed. I wanted him to want to take a shower with me, I don't know why so throwing that back to the back f my mind. I chuckled at how childish I was being and started the shower. Yes there are showers in this castle and especially in my room because even when I lived as a mermaid for about six months, I still loved my showers. I also still had the air bubble in my room and me and Ry were on our legs still. Getting the water to the right temp, I stripped and took my cloths off.     I got in the shower and let the water cascade down my body, it felt so good. With my hands on the wall faces toward the shower head, I had my head down and let the water run over my body. I jerked up when I felt arms snake around me, turned around and was face to face with an amazingly sculpted chest. I look up in the most beautiful emerald green eyes as they are turning black. "You scared the crap out of me Ry," I said with a slap to his chest and sounding outta breath. He smirked at me and shook his head no, I know I had a look of confusion on my face when he spoke up. "Not Ryker this time sweetheart, he let me out to play for a little bit." He said this with a deep husky, very sexy voice and I almost came undone right there. "Xander, well its nice to finally meet you."     He captured my lips in a rough way that I could not get enough of, and as he pulled back he flipped me back around to face the wall. As I almost hit the wall with my face he held me back and pulled my hair to the side and started kissing my neck. Maliha can you let me out to play to, I want Xander so bad right now. I smiled at Sheba's request and let her take the rains. I will still be enjoying it just as much and feel everything but it will be her up there in the control seat. As she took control she let out a small growl and let Xander know that it was her. He stopped for a split second and then continued even rougher. I have to say I enjoy when Ryker is making love to me but it was a major turn on when Xander is being rough.  As he kissed down my neck and to my shoulder he put my hands up to the wall so I could hold myself up. He was kissing back up my neck when he then lifted my leg up and thrust his shaft into my core in one movement. I let out a moan s***h growl that Im sure the whole castle could hear. He let me adjust around his shaft, might I add is even bigger then I remember from a few hours ago. As I got adjusted he would pull out and then slam right back in, doing it harder and faster I couldn't hold it in any more and I came with out warning. He pulled out and I squirted all over the floor as my legs were shaking and almost gave out on me. He must have known cause he was holding me up. When I was done shaking he thrust back in me and I almost came right then and there. I held it in and he was thrusting faster and harder as he grabbed my neck and squeezed a little as he thrust into me again as I came undone again. As I was cumming I was about mid way and he let go of my neck and some way it made my orgasm start all over again.     When I finally come down from that one he flips me over and gets down on his knees, pulls my knees up to lay on his shoulder and spreads my lips. "Baby you have a beautiful p***y, I could eat all day." In his sexy deep voice and then started lapping up all pf my juices. It felt amazing, letting out a few moans Ry taking it as he is pleasing me. He then thrust two fingers into my core. He looks up at me with a sexy smile on his face. He has two fingers in me one curved to hit my g-spot and he has his thumb rubbing my clit. Looking me in the eyes, not understanding why that turned me on even more, he thrust in and out with his fingers and then rubbed faster with his thumb. I couldn't hold it any longer and moaned out his name as I came and my body shook. When my body was done shaking Xander put me down, stood up and lifted my legs to wrap around his waist. This man was gana be the death of me, I think I might have c*m twice in one go but I have surpassed that already. While I was hoisted into the air and his hands were holding my ass, he smashed his lips to mine. sucking on his tongue, He moaned and I sucked harder. As I was playing with his tongue he thrust into me again and out of surprise I bit his tongue. I thought I hurt him and was about to pull away and say sorry, but he let out a growl and he squeezed my ass hard and went at it harder. I shudder at the low sexy growl of his and I was done for. "Xander I am about to c*m," Sheba said. He just growled and thrust his amazingly large shaft into me harder and I met my peak. As I was cumming I bit down on his neck and he let out a moan and I knew from the throbbing of his shaft that he was cumming. As I was coming down from my high he bit down on my neck, but this time it wasn't his lycan canines, it felt more like vampire teeth. I couldn't really think about that cause I started cumming all over again. I finally came down after what felt like 10 mins, as Sheba looked up at Xander his chest was going in and out fast as he was outta breath. With a smirk on my face I told him in my breathless tone. "Dam baby, you know how to rock a woman's world."      With a smile in his eyes and a s**t eating grin on his face he just simply replied, "don't you know it." We both just chuckled a little and they both gave us back control and I look at Ry "I love you so much baby" and we kissed. Looking down noticing that my feet still weren't touching the ground, I snicker at him, "Can you put me down so we can finish out shower?' he laughed and pulled out of me and set me down. "They sure did leave us in a spot didn't they," Ry laughed out. We finished our shower, I then took the bubble spell off the room and we turned back into our mer forms. Ryker looks at me and ask "Why don't you just teleport us back to the pack house?" I look over at him and smile "I want you to meet my grandparents."     
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