Chapter 8 - Broken hearts and broken dreams - Crossover chapter

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Star Forest was almost running towards my room and I wondered why she would be so excited about going to my room. She opened the door and there she was. My best friend in the whole world was standing in my room with her arms held out to me. I ran into her embrace, tears running when she hugged me. “We will leave you girls to catch up.” Leo smiled and he and Forest were gone. “Don’t worry Star, everything will happen the way it’s meant to happen.” My shoulders shook as I cried. “Cry as much as you need honey.” I had no idea how long we stood there, but she did not move until my tears dried. “What happened Star? The day I left on holiday, Leo told me Luc was your mate and the day we returned I felt your broken heart.” Giselle looked at me with concern. Coral appeared with tea and biscuits, leaving the tray on the little table in the corner. We walked over and sat down to talk. “Honestly, Giselle, I have no idea what happened. One minute I thought he wanted me and the next he was furious.” I waved my arms through the air feeling frustrated. “Okay,” She frowned. “Start from the beginning honey. If he hurts you, he is going to face Alpha, and she is not going to treat him with kid gloves.” She looked even angrier than Luc did before. “No, it’s okay. What’s done is done. I just want to get on with life.” I avoided looking her in the eyes. “Star?” She frowned. “Yes?” I sighed. “Did you have s*x with him?” Of course, she would go straight to the heart of the problem. “Hum … Yes?” I admitted. “Have either of you officially rejected or accepted the other?” She co.cked her head to one side and I couldn’t make out her expression. Her poker face was excellent. “No, I thought if you had s*x, you accepted each other, and you would be mated!” My eyes brimmed with tears. “Why are you asking all these questions Giselle?” I felt frustrated, on the verge of crying all over again. “When he saw you the first time, did he call you mate?” She prodded some more. “Yes, then he kissed me. Then I hid in Lorelei’s kitchen, but he found me there and kidnapped me.” Again, she had a poker face! “What are you getting at Giselle??” I was feeling awfully confused by her questions. “Star, I need to ask you a very, very personal question and I need you to tell me the honest truth.” I nodded. I had no idea where all this was going and she was scaring me. “You weren’t a virgin when you had s*x with him by any chance?” I sat there wide-eyed. “Yes. He was my first kiss, in fact.” I blushed. “Star, baby. Didn’t you date? Or go out with guys in high school?” She frowned when I shook my head, making my braids almost hit me on my nose “Nope, once they heard I didn’t do that or even kiss, they would just disappear. I was waiting for the one.” I looked down at my lap where I was picking at my nails. “I knew that it was most probably a long shot and some people even said it was a legend. Lonely people told themselves to give them hope for a possible love.” I looked up at her and a tear ran down my cheek. “Now my one is angry at me for not being what he wanted.” I burst out in tears again. She moved her chair over to mine and held me tight until the tears subsided. “Do you know what you need?” She sounded excited. “A bucket of ice-cream?” I asked hopefully. “No! Silly girl. You need a spa day.” Forest and Coral appeared with beauty chairs, hair and nail accessories. Everything you could think of. “No, Giselle, I couldn’t,” I was stunned. “How did you get this organized so quickly? Forest? Coral? This is not something you girls do?” Forest grinned at me. “Star, we can do anything and everything. If it helps heal the body and soul, we can do it. Spa days are the most fun.” She winked at me. We sat down and the girls started. “Star, ever thought about a hair change?” Forest asked. “Not that there is anything wrong with your pretty unicorn hair, but I have heard the human expression that change is as good as a holiday. Did I say that right?” The poor girl was really trying her best to cheer me up. Giselle and I laughed. “Yes, Forest, you said it right and you are right. Star? Change is as good as a holiday.” Giselle grinned. I sat there looking at my brightly coloured hair. Maybe they were right. Maybe it was time to grow up. “Let’s do it.” I smiled at them. We looked through hairstyle books and colour charts, so many styles and colours that my eyes were pulling skew, but I finally decided to go for a longish pixie style in fire red with black highlights. I still wanted to keep some of myself in the mix. When Forest was done, it looked exactly like I pictured it. “Wow you are good girl.” I gave her a high five. We sat there in our chairs while the girls did our nails and toes, which incidentally I found a bit weird, talking all the time. I learned so much about seeker life, and it was way more interesting than I thought. I told them about being human and Giselle filled in where I left things out on purpose … It was a great afternoon and by the end I was feeling like myself again, just with a wicked new hairstyle and colour. Forest and Coral gave us hugs and they and their kits were gone. “I seriously need to learn how to do that!” I said and Giselle laughed. “How is your heart honey?” She asked. “Still broken.” I sighed. “I wish I knew what I did that made him so angry at me, but it is over. I will stick my head into settling the new packs when Alpha arrives. Thank you for today, Giselle. I know how busy you are.” My nail picking seemed to be very interesting today. She lifted my chin with her long index fingernail. “You are my best friend. I will always make time for you above everything and anything else, okay?” She smiled at me with sincerity in her voice. I almost jumped her with a hug. Leo appeared just then. “Your Grace,” He nodded his head. “Oh Leo, stop it!” She smacked him on his shoulder. “Ow Beautiful! That hurts.” He grinned and walked over to me, giving me a bear hug. “Just call or at least feel and Giselle and I will be here, okay?” He smiled. “We love you honey,” Giselle added, and they were gone. I really had to learn how to do that! “Forest.” I called out into the nothingness of the room. “Yes, Star?” She gave me the fright of my life! I knew she was just going to appear out of thin air, but they did it so quickly and silently! “I think I will eat in the cafeteria tonight, thank you.” She smiled at me. “Sure, that sounds like a good idea.” She grinned, looking happy. “Anything else you need?” I stood there, but my mind was far from the here and now. “Oh, sorry I was just thinking. No, nothing else. Thank you.” I had to ask Giselle when we would be returning to the pack house. I was starting to feel horrible living in the seeker's house with all this asking them for this and that. I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked different with my new hair. I felt different. I felt rejuvenated. I got to the cafeteria for dinner, but Luc was nowhere to be seen. My heart sank into my shoes when I reached my room after dinner and I had not seen him. I took a shower, and was too tired to even bother putting on my pj’s. There was nobody to see anything, anyway, as I climbed into bed. I would find out tomorrow if there was a way for me to move back to the pack house, so I didn’t have to stay there and possibly run into him. I left for Lorelei’s early in the morning, not bothering with breakfast. Megan and the others were returning today and I had to make sure the paperwork was ready should Megan decide to jump into work immediately. At least I hoped she wanted to. That would give me some private time to talk to her about me moving back to the pack house. I spent most of my morning in the office, trying to avoid Luc. They arrived, and I kept to one side, until I heard them come in after the official welcome. Joining my friends, Meg jumped in. “Star, what is this about you and Luc?” She frowned. “It’s nothing.” I said, looking at my lap where I was picking at my nails again. “There is no way it is nothing. Out with it! Or I am sending Anthony, Matt and Leo to ask him what his problem is!” Megan did not sound happy with the turn of events. “I don’t know. I don’t want him to be more upset than he already is. It is a private matter.” I tried to avoid telling Meg about the fact that I was no longer a virgin, and he was angry about it. “Anthony!” Meg called. “No please, Alpha, it will just make things worse, please.” I begged. “Then talk girlie.” Megan’s Alpha voice didn’t actually work on me, but I couldn’t hide anything from my closest friends. “I have already explained to Giselle. It is all taken care of. What’s done is done, Meg. We can’t go back and change the past. I am just waiting for his official rejection.” I said, when tears started quietly running down my cheeks. I was not crying, but they just filled my eyes out of nowhere. “Star, honey, there is no way I am going to sit here with you in tears without finding out what happened.” Meg crouched in front of me. “Your heart is one of my most precious jewels. I will not allow it to be broken. ANTHONY!” She shouted again. “Yes, my love, I’m here.” He appeared behind the chair where she was sitting. Matt and Leo also joined the conversation. “What is going on?” Matt asked when they saw me crying. “It’s Luc, isn’t it!” Leo growled. “Now boys. Before you do anything drastic. He has not officially rejected her and nobody knows if he will.” Megan tried to calm them. “I told you to let me at him, Giselle.” Leo growled. “I didn’t because Megan is the Alpha, and it was Star’s decision to leave it alone.” Giselle reprimanded Leo. “But we have to sort him out. How could he break her heart like this?!” Megan jumped in. “Yeah, he is not worth being one of the top warriors if he treats the Alpha’s right-hand girl like that!” Matt elbowed Anthony, whispering. “Where has Star gone?” Megan’s super sensitive hearing caught the question, and she scanned the room for me. “How can she disappear like that? Does she also have powers we don’t know about?” They were all stunned and Meg followed my scent into Giselle’s office where I was sitting behind the desk catching up on paperwork. I had gotten up and walked out while they were all busy discussing Luc … “Star? Honey? Is everything okay?” Meg asked me. “Everything is perfectly fine, Alpha. I am making sure everything is ready for you and her Grace for your discussions later.” I smiled at them as if we hadn’t just been discussing my disastrous love life. The girls were standing just inside the door while the guys were hanging around the door like cartoon characters. Come to think of it, it did look funny. “Star, honey …” Megan started. “If you don’t mind Alpha, I would like to carry on with my work. Am I dismissed?” Being formal was the only way I could think to get them off the subject. Being their friend, Star would make them want to save me. “Yes, of course.” Meg frowned. “What time will you need me to be back?” I said, looking down in submission. She was going to lift my chin, so I could look her in the eyes, but something must have stopped her. “Nine tomorrow morning will be fine, thank you, Star. Have a good evening.” Meg didn’t sound happy. “Your Grace, everyone, have a good night.” I excused myself, tears running as I left them behind and quickly made my way to my room in the seeker's house.
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