Prisoners in Each Other’s Skin

1652 Words

Seraphine’s POV Standing on the podium before Lucian’s entire werewolf pack while inhabiting his body, an overwhelming fear coursed through me. My heart raced, and my palms grew sweaty as I stood before the intimidating crowd of werewolves. Being a vampire in a werewolf’s body, with every wolf’s eyes fixated on me, was nothing short of a nightmare. In this moment, I had to channel every ounce of my inner alpha, attempting to emulate Lucian’s presence and authority, even though I had no clue what that truly entailed. Gathering my courage, I cleared my throat, aiming to address the crowd with confidence. “Thank you, everyone, for coming,” I began, forcing a tentative smile to grace my lips. “I understand that many of you might be questioning what’s happening and why there’s a vampire her

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