☆ Of Bloodlust and Unforeseen Connections

1295 Words

Third Perspective (Lucian) As Lucian and Seraphine made their way towards their room, Lucian found himself in a whirlwind of contemplation. Should he or shouldn’t he voice the thoughts that had been swirling in his mind? Unable to resist any longer, he impulsively decided to speak his mind. “I don’t have any clothing for bathing and changing,” Lucian admitted, his cheeks flushing a faint shade of red. He turned his head slightly, hoping that Seraphine wouldn’t notice his embarrassment. Seraphine, her nerves evident in her voice, responded, “You can wear your own clothes for now, and I can have Vesperus bring my clothes from my home tomorrow morning.” Lucian cleared his throat, his gaze shifting to the bed as he continued, “I usually sleep on the right side, so you can take the left.”

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