Nocturne Haven

1653 Words

Seraphine’s POV Raindrops danced upon the windshield, creating a gentle, rhythmic patter. Storm released a deep sigh as he opened the cab door, guiding Liz inside with utmost care. Her inebriated protests slurred into the night air, “I don’t wish to depart…” “I believe I ought to accompany her,” I ventured, attempting to step closer to the cab, only to be restrained by Jareth’s firm hand. His touch was both gentle and commanding, making it clear that he intended to keep me from following. Frustration surged within me as I fixed my gaze upon Jareth. To my surprise, he responded with a broad smile and a shake of his head, leaving me puzzled. It seemed as if they intended to keep me close on purpose. The question nagged at my mind, wondering if their actions bore some hidden meaning. Were

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