Chapter 15 — Veiled Intentions

1676 Words

Seraphine’s POV Amidst the lively hum of a 1920s speakeasy joint, the bartender’s voice echoed through the air, blending in with the clinks of glasses and murmured conversations that formed a harmonious backdrop. “What’ll it be, pal?” he asked, nonchalantly tossing a cloth over his shoulder, his hands resting gracefully on the counter, as he sent a charming smile my way. In response, I couldn’t help but return the gesture with a sly grin. “Surprise me,” I replied in a hushed tone. He nodded knowingly, and with curiosity piqued, I observed as he skillfully maneuvered behind the bar, firmly grasping a glass, all the while maintaining that enchanting smile. Returning to my spot, he slid the glass toward me with finesse. I caught it effortlessly and paused, lifting the glass halfway to my

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