Chapter 16

1184 Words
Trev was waiting with his door open by the time Kadence reached his front door and he waved her on through, sniffing the air as she walked past. “Someone’s been cooking again,” he said following her down the hallway. “Something a little different this time,” she smiled over her shoulder, “I hope you don’t mind a little company, I made dinner for two as well.” “I’ll get the plates out then,” he said stepping past her once she reached the table and collected the plates from the cupboard by the sink. “Make yourself at home.”   Once the meals were dished out and the additional containers stocked up in Trev’s fridge for the week, they sat down and Trev took a big sniff, “Smells like my old Bessy used to make it.” At this little tid-bit, Kadence pounced, “Bessy Was your wife?” “She was a little more than that, love,” he said with a hand resting over his heart, “Bless her soul, she was my best friend and everything in between.” “I’m sorry,” she reached across and laid a hand on top of the one still holding the spoon on the table. “She sounds like she was a wonderful woman.” Clearing his throat, Trev nodded and took the heat off himself, “So, tell me about your fella.” “Oh,” she said, and her hand automatically reached up and rested on her throat, making Trev frown and when she realised what she was doing, quickly dropped her hand back down into her lap, “actually we parted ways earlier this morning.” At his look she quickly laid his mind at rest, “It was a long time coming, it was just the right time today.” Trev continued to watch her, so she picked up her spoon and ladled another mouthful of stew into her mouth, savouring it loudly, hoping he’d drop it and move on. They sat in companionable silence and finished their meals, then washed up together; her washing and Trev drying and putting them away. After they’d finished, Kadence thanked Trev for his company and went to pick up her now empty cooler bag. You’re welcome to stay a little longer if you like, my Bessy used to love nothing more than sitting out on the back patio with a cup of tea after a meal. I’d be glad of some company. Kadence paused as she deliberated between wanting to stay and needing to leave so she didn’t get caught out in anymore personal questions she wasn’t quite prepared for, then picked up the cooler bag with a smile on her lips. “Thank you so much for the offer Trev, but can I take a raincheck for next week?” she bit down on her lip, hoping she hadn’t offended him, “I’ve got a bit of school work to prepare ready for tomorrow, sorry.” “Of course, love,” Trev said flapping a hand, “Next time I’ll have some biscuits for us to have with our tea.” Smiling at his generosity and feeling a little guilty for fibbing, she started walking down the hallway and paused by the front door. “Actually, I was wondering if you’d be at the Rodeo this coming weekend?” “Oh, well. No, love.” Trev stammered, looking uncomfortable, “Getting a bit long in the tooth, I leave that for all the youngens.” “You’re not exactly prehistoric,” Kadence laughed with a quirked eyebrow, “Besides, it will be good for you to get out with the town. I have the feeling you’ve been avoiding town events like this for some time.” She placed a hand on her hip, challenging him to say different. “I’ve had a few things on,” he dodged weakly, but Kadence could see an opening and went for it. “Do you think you might be able to clear your schedule to show a townie like me around and explain all the rules?” Kadence looked at him with pleading eyes, hands clasped together in front of her like a prayer. Trev deliberated for a few moments and Kadence had a feeling he was going to run for the hills with a flat out no, but surprised her by saying, “I’ll see what I can do.” Excited she let out a tiny squeal and jumped wrapping her arms around him, “Thank you, you won’t regret it.” “Yeah, we’ll see.” He gave her a pat on the back then released her. Kadence walked over to the photo of Bessy by the front door and gently touched the frame, “Don’t worry Bessy, I’ll get this trouble maker back out in the town.” She said with a subtle creak towards Trev. Walking back towards the front door, she said another goodbye to Trev and a goodbye to Bessy’s photo before walking down the steps. “Night, young lass. Drive carefully and watch for roo’s.” Trev waved from the porch. “Will do, thanks Trev.” She called and pulled away. He couldn’t quite put his finger on it, but there was just something about that girl that was oddly familiar. Taking a couple steps over to stand in front of the photo she’d just spoken to, he picked up Bessy looking seep into her soulful eyes and whispered, “You woulda like that one, Bessy. Spirited, just like you.” He placed the photo down, shaking his head with a rueful smile and walked back down the hallway to continue on with his night. ****************************************************************** Dee saw Kadence heading towards the lunch room and waited for her to enter before pouncing with her first question. “So, spill?” Dee said as soon as Kadence rounded the corner. Container wobbling among the crafts she was carrying, as she jumped in fright, Kadence stopped and re-caught her breath, “My goodness, Dee, you scared the living daylights out of me!” Wrestling with the pile of boxes and assorted coloured card Kadence collected from a newsagent on her way back into town the day before, she manoeuvred her lunch into the fridge and stepped back to find Dee standing patiently waiting. “What?” Kadence asked frowning confused. “Umm… your ‘date’… spill, spill!” Dee asked, eyeing off Kadence’s turtleneck long sleeve top. “And why are you wearing that, in this heat?” Suddenly, Dee’s eyes widened, “O.M.Gee, you cheeky thing. You’re necks covered in…” Dee looks around suspiciously, Kadence’s whole face and neck start burning in mortification, tears prickling her eyes knowing Dee has found out her dirty little secret. Dee leans in closer and whispers, “Hickies! Eeep!” Kadence lets out her breath, looking down and placing her hands on her hips. When she looked back up, she’d schooled her face, “Oh, umm... you got me!” “No wonder I didn’t hear a peep until you arrived home, you go girl!” Dee grinned mischievously. “Well,” Kadence pulls herself together, “I have a room to set up and kids to prepare for. Have a great morning!” And quickly hurried out. Closing the classroom door behind her she leant back against the door and allowed her slumped body to slid down its length and sit on the floor. ‘What a day and it’s only 8am’, Kadence thought to herself. After a couple beats, Kadence shook herself out of her slump and tried to focus on the task at hand, setting up the best classroom and giving the children the best adventure-led learning, they have ever experienced.
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