Chapter 15

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Bianca strode over towards the sound of clunking and banging in Matt’s shed with a smile on her face. Standing in the doorway she watched as his muscles bunched and released with each deft pull on the wrench; he was always working on one of the machines in the shed and never believed in buying new when he could tinker and bring an old machine a new lease on life. “Might be time you got an upgrade,” she said baiting him with a grin. The scoff she heard before watching his magnificent body slide out from under the plow, was worth getting her hair ruined as she anticipated his usual scruff of her hair and he gave his reply. “Don’t make ‘em like they used too.” He replied and grabbed a rag from the workbench she was leaning on. “This beauty will be roaring like a lion by the time I’m finished with her.” He grinned. She went to reply but the Ping of his phone beside them went off and she gestured for him to go ahead and check it, she was expecting Mike to suggest dinner at the pub and wanted to be there to ensure Matt joined them. Matt picked up the phone and soon his face lit up with a brilliant smile and let out a short laugh before quickly typing something back; his smile was so infectious she couldn’t help but smile along with him. “Good ne’s then?” she nodded towards his phone as she watched him type. “Something like that.” The corner of his mouth quirked up and he replaced the phone back on the bench feeling suddenly re-energised again. “Wonder if Mike and Dee are feeling like a pub dinner tonight?” he grinned over at her mischievously, knowing her brother was always up for a pub meal and her heart almost gave way with the weight of love for this gorgeous man. Surely, he’d suffered enough and was ready to move on to greener pastures. And she was hoping she’d be the one to take him there. ********************************************************************* Matt looked down at an incoming message from Kadence and smiled just upon seeing her name. He knew it was ridiculous and she was spoken for, but there was just something bright and innocent about her, that made him want to get a little closer too. He quickly tapped away a return message, careful not to sound too keen but justifiably as upbeat as her text. THAT’S A RELIEF. I WAS WORRIED IT WOULD COME BACK PINK! MATT   When Bianca left, Matt walked inside to grab a quick shower before heading to the pub when his phone made it’s Ping for a new message again. SHE’LL GET A SET OF LASHES NEXT TIME. K He clicked on the picture message to make it bigger and laughed out loud at the picture of a VW Beetle with a set of long lashes above its headlights and shook his head. He quickly typed back and left his phone on the counter, he had a shower to get underway and was looking forward to seeing her smile tonight. LORD HELP ME, I WON’T RECOGNISE MY OWN TRUCK BY THE TIME SHE RETURNS. MATT ******************************************************* Kadence smiled as she put her phone back down and placed the lids on the containers ready to take to Trev’s house. She made a quick dash to the bathroom to make sure there was no hint of marking showing, while he didn’t particularly feel like going out, she had made a promise to herself she would ensure he had proper meals to eat each week as thanks and intended to keep it. She picked up her keys and phone and felt the familiar buzz of a message coming through, expecting it to be Matt, her smile faltered a little upon seeing Dee’s name instead. WE’RE ALL HAVING DINNER AT THE PUB AT 6 – COME!!!! As tempting as it was to join them for dinner at the pub, she wasn’t ready to face the questions or the scrutiny, especially in a gossip mill like the pub. SORRY – ALREADY HAVE A DATE PLANNED. NEXT TIME X Placing her phone down, she picked up the bag of meals she’d put together and loaded up the Beast. *************************************************************** Matt looked around expectantly, assuming Dee had messaged Kadie to invite her to dinner; surely after the long drive back from the city, she wouldn’t feel up to cooking. When Bianca followed Mike up to the bar, Dee turned to him, “She’s not coming.” And watched him intently. Matt could feel Dee’s eyes as through they were piercing into his soul and quickly averted his eyes. “Who’s not coming?” he knew it was weak, but he didn’t want anyone to see how much she affected him. Dee just smiled as Mike and Bianca sat back down and handed the ferried the drinks out. “I was just telling Matt here what a shame it was Kadie couldn’t come out tonight.” “Yeah,” remarked Bianca sarcastically, “Real shame that. What did she have another ugly turtle neck convention to go too?” she laughed to herself. Dee frowned over at Bianca who quickly shut up and looked down at her drink, “No, she said she already had a date planned for tonight.” Watching intently as Matt picked at his drink label and took a swift drink when he saw her watching him. “And when have you ever seen her wear a turtle neck, Bianca?” Dee threw at her once she was satisfied, she’d hit her mark with Matt. “Umm, earlier this afternoon.” Bianca retaliated before she could stop herself. “If that isn’t a red flag I don’t know what is. Long sleeved turtle neck in this heat, the woman either has incredibly poor taste in fashion or is completely insane.” “Maybe she just didn’t have time to change after the drive,” Matt suggested even though it sounded weak to his own ears. Whatever the reason, he didn’t care; he just wanted to know who this date was with or whether she brought the boyfriend home with her. “Besides, even if she’s on a date presumably with her city slicker boyfriend; is our pub not good enough for them or something?” the group remained silent until a cragey voice interrupted their musings. “That new teacher of yours back at Trev’s place again this evening with a bag of something, I see,” she directed at Dee, then looked around at the rest of the table. “All’s well for the rest of you I hope?” her eyes focusing on Matt. “Yeah, yeah, farm is running well,” he looked up at her with a charming smile, “looking lovely as always, Edna.” “Oh, young Matt,” she gasped but he could see a slight brush rise on her cheeks and smiled that he could at least bring a smile to the older woman who’d always believed in him. “I’ll leave you all to it then. Evening.” She nodded at all of them and walked over to the table with all the usual suspects preparing for the weekly gossip updates. Gift from the gods,” Mike related to him in a whisper, “She still gives me the creeps and I’m not a little kid anymore.” Hearty conversation continued as memories poured out from each of them, regaling who got in more trouble from Edna and her watchful eyes.
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