Chapter 19

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Between Matt and the rodeo clowns, the crowd watched on as they managed to get Japer into his holding pen and he wiped a hand across his brow, never a dull day around here, he thought to himself then remembered it was Kadence who risked her life going in after that little boy and would be shaken. He trotted over to the fence where one of the boys had opened it for him to slip back through and didn’t hear a word the men were saying as his eyes followed Kadence being led towards the First Aide table. Thank goodness Bianca was there, she’d look after her until he got there. Trev led Kadence over to the First Aide table that was set up and Kadence was surprised to have so many people thanking her for her quick thinking and not throwing the book at her for her stupidity, especially since she’d risked Dane’s life even more telling him to run for the fence line. Mortified she could even be that stupid, she kept her head down and didn’t make eye contact with anyone. Reaching the First Aide table she wished she could reconsider and just go straight home, she could already see Bianca’s condescending look and hoped she got called away, so she could sit in peace, then reprimanded herself because that would mean someone else got hurt. “Hi there, Trev. Wasn’t expecting to see you here today.” Bianca smiled cheerily at Trev as he pushed Kadence into one of the chairs. Trev set his mouth into a straight line, he wasn’t in anymore for small talk, “Just want this young lass checked over, may go into a bit of shock, I’m sure you saw what happened from here.” “That I did. Why don’t you go grab something a bit more tangible than saltines for her to eat and I’ll give her a check over.” She smiled sweetly at Trev and Kadence knew she wouldn’t receive the same reception. She watched as his back retreated out of the tent and towards the food van. Bianca grabbed a bottle of water from under the table and tossed it at her, “Don’t expect any sympathy from me, I don’t expect Matt will be all too pleased with your performance out there. Risking beautiful Starstruck like that just to save your arse, I mean could you be anymore city?” Kadence bit back the retaliation that came to her throat and reminded herself she was just being a spoilt brat because she felt at risk of losing her toy, Matt. Kadence unscrewed the bottle and took a long slug, deliberately ignoring Bianca knowing it would only rile her up more. “I mean seriously, could you be any more of an attention seeker? Everyone knows bulls don’t actually respond to colour but to movement.” Bianca scoffed, rolling her eyes. “That sweet little boy you almost got mauled should be over here, not you. I’m surprised the town didn’t throw rocks at you.” “Do you know what Bianca?” Kadence said slowly and clearly to make her point perfectly clear. “It’s not my fault Matt doesn’t see you as any more than a friend.” She paused to let that sink in and almost felt sorry for her when she looked down clearly upset, “But I do care for that little boy out there and bull or not, I would do it all over again to ensure his safety.” Kadence was about to stand and leave when Matt walked around the front of the tent. “Holy s**t, are you crazy?” he said in a rush, making it come out harsher than he meant. Kadence looked over and saw the glee sparkling in Bianca’s eyes at her getting reprimanded by Matt. Matt reflexively grabbed hold of her arms as he checked them over to ensure no damage was done and cupped her face in his hands; his thumb wiping away the smudge of dirt left on her cheek. His eyes were pools of concern she felt herself falling into and had to stand to break the trance. “Sorry, Matt, but I saw a child in trouble and I just reacted without thinking of the implications that could have come to him.” Kadence stood making his hands drop from her face; yet he was still taller and more intimidating. That was until he took a step forward with his arms opening like he was going to embrace her in a hug, then realised how inappropriate that would be and closed them again quickly. Heart pounding, Matt just stared at her bug eyed, and drew a calloused hand across his face, he’d never met anyone like this incredible woman, who jumped into the line of danger to protect a little boy she didn’t even know, and now she was apologising? Wishing he could wrap his arms around her and take away the pain in her eyes, and looked at her, “You scared the s**t outta me, that’s all. You shouldn’t be saying sorry; this town should be saying thank you for taking such a dangerous risk to ensure the safety of one of its locals.” He risked placing his hand on her upper arm and once again the zing of electricity sparked his fingers. The two of them stood staring at each other, the tension building until Bianca spun on her heel and walked away from the tent. Spell broken, Matt cleared his throat, but Kadence jumped in first. “I guess I have a lot to learn about the animals out here,” she looked down at the ground instead of at his puzzled expression, “I should have grabbed him and remained still. I suppose I’ve watched too many American movies where they say bulls are attracted to red.” She shrugged but felt the emotion building until once again, a single tear ran down her cheek. Matt couldn’t stand it any longer, seeing that tear broke down all barriers stopping him, and he reached forward and drew her into his arms where the floodgates opened, and she sobbed for all the mistakes that could have gone wrong. Trev heard Kadence crying and rushed back over with a bag of hot chips and a hot dog; but stopped short when he saw Matt embracing her. Matt couldn’t help wondering if perhaps he was finally ready to let someone back into his life and if maybe, this gentle souled woman would be the one to heal the rest of those wounds he still held. Stepping back so as not to be seen, he waited for another opportunity to arise and hoped she wouldn’t run back to the city. Back to her boyfriend. When she was done, he looked down into those deep blue eyes of hers and had to resist lowering his lips to hers. If he wasn’t careful, he could easily forget she wasn’t staying and fall in love. Kadence was first to look away, “Gosh, I must look like a right old mess,” she swiped at her face mortified, “I think I might just head home for the day, I’ve caused enough drama for one day.” Matt was shocked to hear her running down her heroism like that and stopped her, “You do realise you saved that little boy’s life, right? He would have been trampled or gored by Jasper’s horns, if you hadn’t thought quickly and run in.” “Too right there, young lass.” Trev stepped around the tent and into view, “He was a nasty bugger that Jasper, he wouldn’t have stopped for anyone and end up in the abattoir.” Kadence sucked in a deep breath at the mention of the abattoir and shook her head, “But I should have just stood still. I shouldn’t have told him to run.” She looked back up into Matt’s eyes and he held them firm. “Your instinct told you to do exactly what you should have done, run.” Matt confirmed, and Trev nodded his agreement. “He would have charged anyone in his space after being ridden.” “Oh, so I didn’t make things worse and make the town want to throw rocks at me?” even saying it out loud Kadence couldn’t believe she’d let Bianca bully her thinking and sat back down in the chair to have another drink of water. “And this too, love.” Trev hobbled over and sat in the chair beside her, handing over the goodies he’d grabbed from the takeaway van. Kadence reached into her back pocket, but Trev didn’t want to have a bar of it, “Now, I won’t have none of that, so don’t insult an old man like that.” Feeling guilty for having someone pay for her food, but not wanting to upset Trev she just thanked him and took a bite of a golden chip covered in chicken salt. Groaning out loud at how delicious it was, Matt had to look away and thinking of the Queen of England to stop his reaction turning pornographic. Clearing his throat, Matt reluctantly suggested, “Well, I better head back. Few more events to go, I hope you hang around to see them, but they won’t be as eventful as the last one.” He looked back at her one last time, concern filling his eyes. “Is there anyone you want me to call? Your boyfriend maybe?” At the mention of Richard she spat out the water she’d just taken a slung of and covered her face in embarrassment. Trev handed her a stash of tissues he’d pulled from a box nearby, “Best off not mentioning that fella again, mate.” He whispered to Matt as he walked over to retrieve a few more. “Oh, sorry.” Matt said to Kadence who continued to clean herself up without answering. “Can I get you anything? Do something?” “Thank you, but I’m truly fine.” She smiled back up at him, but he could see the tension behind it and was sad to see their easy rapport vanished. “I’m sure everyone is wondering where their favourite hero is.” “Right.” He continued to watch her for a few moments; when Trev put a hand to his shoulder. “She’s right, mate. I’ll keep an eye on her.” Trev comforted him and with a nod, Matt turned around to head back out to Starstruck. “Chip for the road?” Kadence offered, holding out the bag of greasy goodness. “I’d never say no to Norma’s hot chips,” Matt reached over and pulled a chip from the bag. “Thank you, for saving my life too,” she stood and kissed him on the cheek, then turned back and sat on the chair beside Trev, offering him a chip as well. “And thank you, Trev for talking me through it. You guys are my guardian angels, I think.” She smiled back up at Matt and he felt his reserve slipping, falling ever so slightly for this beautiful hearted woman. “Anytime,” he heard himself saying, cleared his throat and made his leave. “Be gentle on his heart, love.” Trev patted her knee and nodded towards Matt. Kadence was about to ask what he meant, but after seeing the look in his eyes decided better of it. There was clearly another story there for another time. Perhaps the next casserole night. Turning back around to watch Matt’s long strides before he glided up and into the saddle with ease, she pondered what his story was and why a man as good as him was still single. 
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