Chapter 11

1009 Words
Rosie pov, Some people may change deliberately themselves but some people change because of their situation. The people who are change because of the situation even if they try to go back to their old life, they can't. Because, the path they have traversed has already broken their heart into uncountable piece. My thoughts pushed away by manju voice. "Anni(sister in law)" "What manju ?" I asked her in low tone. Currently we are going to varun room. I already told her countless time I can go alone but she is very adamant to not leave me alone.. "Anni, I asked you why you changed ?. I miss my old anni who gave me sweets to get know about my brother. I miss my old anni who would talk with me with cheeky smile. I miss my old anni whose eyes will shine whenever I talk about my brother. I miss you very much anni, Please talk to me like old days". Manju replied me with tear filled eyes... My eyes also welled up with tears by seeing her tears. I wiped her tears and told her in dejected tone, "Sorry manju, Please don't cry, I don't know how to explain you, You have to understand everything changed, You know that how much your brother hates me. He only allowed me to stay here to get divorce. I am not your anni(sister-in-law). Now I understand everything clearly that I can't even match with varun. Its my foolishness that I believed one day I will be your anni(sister-in-law). Its my foolishness that I believed one day he will love me back. But, reality is different. After four month, I won't be here, that's why I didn't talk to you much. I don't want you to get hurt atlast. Please try to understand manju." After listening my words, she hugged me and rubbed my back to pacify me and told me in soft tone, " You are diamond anni(sister-in-law) but varun didn't realizing it. I hope he will realize your worth before losing you. And you will be always my sweet anni(sister-in-law)." After subduing my tears, I just nodded with forced smile.. Yes, I am diamond. Unwanted diamond. Ugly diamond. Diamond which can't shine. Poor manju, she don't know that the diamond which don't shine don't have value in market. In varun eyes, I will always be a ugly diamond. Soon he will replace my place with beautiful and shining diamond. After we went into the room, she made me to lie down on the bed. I can't lie down on the floor infront of her. So I silently lied down on the bed and closed my eyes. I heard varun voice who just came out from bathroom, "What happen to her ?". "Stomach pain. Therefore, mom told anni (sister-in-law) to take rest" Manju replied him in a plain tone. Their conversation slowly begin to vanish from my ears when I drifted into sleep. When I was in deep sleep, I felt someone hand on my stomach and slowly massaging my stomach in circular motion. It felt good and relief.. " Anni.. Anni.. Get up.." As I was in deep sleep, I heard manju voice near me. I opened my eyes and looked around the room with the confusion. Then, I everything banged on my mind. I sat up in the bed while looking at manju with a weak smile. Still I can feel pain in my stomach but its much better now than before. Manju kept her hand on my shoulder and asked me in soft tone, "How is your stomach pain anni ?" "Little pain is there ". I replied her with assuring smile. "Okay anni. Here have this food. Already you missed your breakfast and lunch. Its not good for your health" She said and kept the food plate in my hand and sat near me. "Really !!. Did I sleep until the evening ?.. Why you don't wake me up for lunch ?" I asked her with unbelievable expression. She pinched my cheek lightly and told me in teasing tone, " You are looking cute anni. For your kind information, now time is 10 at night. I came your bedroom to call you for breakfast but its locked from inside. So, I knocked it for few times but you didn't opened it. I was scared that something has happened to you. So i called mom. Then mom told me that varun also taking rest with you in the room. Therefore she told me to don't distrub you." "You mean today varun didn't went office !!" I asked her in surprised tone. She nodded as yes in the way to reply me. After checking around room with my eyes, I asked her in low tone, "Then, where is he now??" "In hall". She also replied back me in low tone I nodded as okay and start to have my food. After taking empty plate from my hand, manju left the room. "Manju wait. Let me wash plate". I called her out hurriedly. "No anni, I will takecare it. Goodnight anni". She shouted from hall. I shaked my head with smile. I slowly went to bathroom to wash my hand. "Is it still paining ?" I was startled due to his sudden voice. "Yes". I replied him in low tone and entered inside the bathroom. "Come. Let's go hosiptal" I heard his voice as I came out of the bathroom. He came and kept his one hand on my shoulder and other hand on my forearm and told me in soft tone, " Gundu, Try to walk slowly".. Regardless of his words, I stood at same place without moving and asked him in weak tone, "Sir, Why we are going hosiptal ??" "Gundu, Are you fool ?. The one who was a fool once will always be a fool. This line perfectly made you. We are going hosiptal to get treatment for your stomach pain. Can't you even understand this single thing without questioning" he admonished with disgustful look.
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