Chapter 10

1013 Words
Rosie pov, His bitter words pierced right through my heart. Reality slapped me hard against my face. Pain was burning around my heart. It was unbearable. I felt numb. I loved him truly but what I got return, only pain and insult. I don't want to be alive. I want to die. I want to leave this world. Please god take me and relieve this pain from me. I cried out loudly while keeping my hand in my chest. "Ya bit*h, take off your dress and lie down, i don't have time for those nonsense " His voice reached my ears. * Mature Content Warning* After wiping away my tears harshly, I removed my dress and lie down on bed as he told. He came top of me and hold my chin and make me to look at him and told me sarcastically, "Now your are behaving perfectly like a bit*h". Hearing his words, I closed my eyes. Impact of his harsh and soul killing words, tear slipped out from corner of my eyes. Regardless of my broken heart, he began to imprint his foreplay on my body using his hand. I bited my lips hard not to make any sound. I tightly held bedsheet in my both hand and lied down like stone. I think he also noticed it, therefore he told me to open my eyes. I opened my eyes and looked at his eyes directly. He stared at my eyes and penetrated inside me forcefully. It hurts me like a hell. I bited my lower lip and tried to control my tears. The pain began to expand around my body. At the same time, he began to move violently and handled my body as the way he want. As the times went on, it became more painfull for me. I know that he is showing me how much he detest me. I lost the counting of rounds. After letting out all his frustration on my body, he left my body in early morning and laid beside me. *Mature content over* Even after he left my body, I stared the ceiling blankly for few mintues without having strength to move. I despise myself for loving him. After tying bedsheet around me, I slowly bend to get my dress from floor. I felt sharp pain shot through my lower part to stomach. I slowly limped to the bathroom while keeping one hand at the wall. All this time, his stare fixed at me. In bathroom, I removed bedsheet and take bath in warm water. After the shower, when I was about to wear my dress, suddenly I felt something flowing on my thigh from my lower part. Even though I assumed what it be. Still I touched it to know what it is.. Its blood. By seeing blood, old memories flashed through my eyes how I lost my unborn baby. I slid against the bathroom wall. I pressed my palm against my face as the sobs leaved through my mouth. I cried for my foolishness. I cried for my stupidity. I cried for my parents. I cried for my unborn baby. I cried until no tears left in my eye. When I felt the bleeding is stopped, I weared my dress after cleaning the blood from my body and walked out from bathroom. With thought to sleep on the floor, I slowly bend to take my bag from the floor and kept in the sofa. After taking shawl and painkiller, I closed slip of my bag. Again I kept the bag on the floor, I had the painkiller. After spreading my dupatta on the floor, I laid down on it. My whole body pained when my back touched the hard floor. While controlling the pain, I tried to fall asleep. All of a sudden, I heared his voice "Why are you sleeping there ?. Come and sleep on the bed" I sat up on the floor with difficulties and turned and looked at his side and replied him in low voice. "Sir. I think I fullfilled your needs. You are my customer. I don't have rights to sleep in your bed. Especially bit*h like me, only deserve floor. " I didn't waited for this reply, again I lied down on the floor and fell asleep. My sleep distrubed due to door closing sound, I felt my whole body is paining like hell. After twisting and turning sometime, I sat up in the floor. No !. I was lying in the bed.. But how I came here !. The pain banged through my leg when I tried to got out of bed. I felt my legs are numbed. After massaging my legs for some minute, I get up from bed slowly. After finishing my morning rituals, I went downstairs to do my work as a maid. While preparing breakfast, I felt pain in my lower stomach. Due to the pain, tears flowed out from my eyes no stoppingly. I speedily wiped my tears when I saw aunty entering kitchen. But still aunty noticed my tears and asked me, "What happen rosie ?. Why are you crying ?." I replied her with forced smile, "Nothing aunty. Just Stomach pain". She nodded and asked me "Is it because of your monthly cycle ". I just nodded as yes in the way to reply her . I lied to her because how can I tell her that her son is the reason for my stomach pain. After knowing the reason of my stomach pain, aunty called out manju name loudly. Manju yelled back from her room. "Coming" After a while, manju came into the kitchen and looked at me with a smile and came near to us and asked her mom, "What mom ?. Why you called me ?" "Rosie is not feeling well. So take here to varun room". Aunty told her in causal tone "No aunty. Its okay, I can manage it". I told aunty in convincing tone but she is not ready to listen my words and strictly told me to take rest.
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