Chapter 5

1893 Words
EMMETT Tingles rippled through me as Lena kept her hand in mine. I kept looking over every so often to see her, but she was too busy looking out the window. My mind was racing. Some vampires went crazy at the party, trying to feast on the humans. But one human was a designating driver, which meant they were sober and witnessed someone being fed on. They screamed, and a few vampires tried to deal with the person. But it was too late as the human fell down the stairs and broke his neck, which led to other humans screaming. It was a disaster. Coven vampires tried to deal with the situation. But there were a few new ones who learned about the party, who came and took advantage of the whole thing, and some even killed a few humans. Gage came looking for me and found us. He knew the plan, but he kept his voice down and explained he would deal with everything. I couldn’t be more grateful for my friend and his words. “I will sort this whole mess out, even if it takes all night,” he said, looking at Lena with a smile. “You be with your mate. You shouldn’t have to wait another night to have her.” I would have taken her home and gone back to help, but being this close to Lena was making it hard even to leave her side. My mind raced over the outsider problem I have had over the last few years of new vampires coming into town. Many wanted to join and have, but some never understood or followed the rules that were in place. I placed the rule to keep vampires and humans safe from one another. The only time we ever went near humans was when there was a big event, and there was loads of drinking involved. I usually plan and explain what they should and shouldn’t do. I was the oldest of the vampires and knew what precautions we needed to make sure no one knew about us. Many followed the rules, keeping it all within the coven. Blood was no issue as Whitney and three others were nurses in a hospital nearby and could get blood bags on hand if we needed them. The ones who didn’t follow were the ones that caused more harm. Some would kill a human without even batting an eyelid. They didn’t understand the concept of living amongst the humans to survive. Many left, and we, as a coven, never saw them again. Shaking the thoughts away, I turn onto a long road in the middle of nowhere. I felt Lena tense, which made me look at her. Her eyes were glued to the front. “So, where do you live?” she asked, looking toward me. I could tell she was terrified. I gave her hand a squeeze before I spoke. “It’s okay,” I said. “We are not that far. I live away from the town. I share it with a few friends.” Friends was an understatement. We were family, but how can you tell a human when we are all different races living together? Lena would never understand, not until she becomes one of us. Lena stared at me and gave me a small smile. “That’s fine,” she said, as her cheeks turned red. “I thought you were taking me somewhere to kill me.” I chuckled. I love where her imagination goes. “If I did that,” I said, leaning over to her but keeping my eyes on the road. “I wouldn’t be taking you to my house now, would I?” I move back and sit back, but my eyes meet hers for a moment before turning back to concentrate on the road. The car was back to being silent. Our conversation about her d**k boss at the art gallery returned to mind. Once everything is sorted with the house party, I will take a little visit to see him and make him suffer. No one takes advantage of my mate. Whitney had a bad feeling about the guy before. He seemed to have a few art galleries but no other artists to help in his work. I wonder if he stole from others, like he did with Lena. As we got closer and the house came into view, I heard a gasp from Lena. “Wow,” she whispered. “You live here.” Looking over at her, I smiled. “Yeah,” I said, looking back and going to my parking spot. “There are over a hundred rooms here, and friends live some in. I sometimes lease some rooms out to people if they are only stopping by, but they usually stay.” I glance over at her as I stop the engine. Her eyes were on the building. I stared at her as she took a mental image of the place. This was her home too, but I needed to tell her what I was, and soon. The blood moon was in a week, and I was hopeful to have her with me, as mine, when it came. Lena looked over at me and moved her head to the side. “What?” she said. “Why are you looking at me like that?” I grinned and leaned toward her, placing my finger and thumb on her chin pulling her toward me. Her eyes widened. “I can’t wait to taste you,” I murmur as I hover her lips. “Shall we go in, or should I kiss you here?” Lena’s eyes softened slightly but lust-filled as she licked her lips. Her eyes moved to my lips as she whispered. “Kiss me.” My lips met hers, and with no hesitation, I slid my tongue back into the piece of heaven. I could kiss her forever. She tasted ever so sweet, and I wanted to taste every bit of her, including that damn cunt. The wetness I felt had my c**k straining in my pants. My c**k twitched as I deepen the kiss. Lena moaned into my mouth as I pulled back slightly, panting. “I need to get you in here, or I will give every damn person a show with you being f****d on the hood of this car,” I gritted out. Lena stared at me with desire as she bit her lip hard. A grin spread across my lips. “Move,” I murmur. “I’m taking you tonight and right into the morning, darling, so you better keep your schedule free.” Lena gave a slight laugh, instigating she didn’t believe me. Letting a low growl rumble through my chest and move fast, I pin her back in her seat as her eyes widen in shock. I hovered over her as I placed my hand in hers but moved it to my hardening bulge and placed it there. Her eyes bulged more when realization set in where her hand went. A slow smirk skimmed over my lips as I looked at her. “This is what you did to me,” I mumble as I peck her lips. “I want you all night and morning. I’m not even lying. I can take you back after breakfast, but I must admit, you are my breakfast when my head is buried between your thighs.” “Oh god,” she whispers, which only makes my smirk widen. “Not god, darling,” I said, kissing her again but pulling back. “Emmett, and that’s what you will be screaming tonight.” I move back and lean in my seat. Her hand is still on my bulge, and throbs at her touch. “You are so full of yourself,” she blurts, making me look over at her, amused. How brazen is she? “Oh, you have no idea, darling,” I said with a smile. “Now get that fine ass out of my car.” Saying nothing else, I got out of the car and used my speed to approach her. I opened her car door and gave her my hand to take. Lena looks at me and smiles as she places her hand in mine and exits the car. She stood before me as I cupped her face and gave her a peck. How I longed for this day. Fifteen years was too long. Lena steps away as I close the door behind her. We walk away as I press the lock on the car and head up the steps to the entrance of what I call home. As we step inside, Lena takes in every inch of detail, letting my hand go and moving away. I close the door behind us and watch as she takes in every detail she can. Her eyes scan over the wooden banisters to the walls where a few paintings of old people hang on the walls—people who used to live here centuries ago. When I bought this place, it foreclosed because of the untimely death of the last member of the house. I don’t know what happened to them, but I know they didn’t suffer anymore. Lena looks back at me and smiles. “This place is amazing,” she said as she came closer to me. “Full of history.” I grinned as I wrapped my arms around her waist and leaned into her neck. “Shall we make history tonight?” I whispered close to her ear. “Shall we see how loud I can make you scream?” I place a kiss on her neck as a moan escapes. “Come with me, darling,” I mumbled against her skin. “Let me show you the place where you will be fucked.” I pull back as a blush spreads across her cheeks. I love seeing her cheeks that colour. Have to keep a mental note to do it more, but now all I can think about is my c**k. I move back, place my hand in hers, and lead her up the stairs to where I stay. As we walk up, I sense someone looking at us. My eyes dart around until I see a bright pair of red eyes staring at us. I knew who it was—Marshall. Marshall has only been with us for the last six months and has been a thorn in my side ever since. He never follows the rules and has been trying to shake everyone up here. Trying to turn everyone against me and the others who follow. Some follow him, and it wouldn’t surprise me if he were behind what happened at the party earlier. I stare at him for a moment, but he moves away. Odd, why would he be here? He usually was the one who would be the first out the door. I felt a hand go to mine, which made me look back at Lena, who looked at me, confused. “You okay?” she whispered, looking to where I had moments ago. I stepped in front of her and smiled. “Now I am,” I murmured as I opened my door and guided her in as my lips captured hers again.
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