Chapter 4

1780 Words
LENA Fuck. I was kissing the good-looking Greek god. This has to be a dream, surely. His tongue licks my bottom lip, and I open my mouth, letting him have access. His tongue slides in and roams my mouth, fighting for dominance. His hands gripped my hips tight. After a few seconds, Emmett returns and pecks my lips before placing his head on mine. “Mmm…” he said as his eyes met mine, and smiled. “I could do that all day,” he said, making my stomach flutter. What the hell is this guy doing to me? I clear my throat and lean back slightly, but Emmett stares at me. His eyes bore back. “So, what do you do for a living?” I asked, trying to make a conversation with him. Emmett smiled but still didn’t move away. His head moves to the side as he studies me. “I own some businesses,” he said. “But I’m in real estate as well. I have many properties around.” My eyes widened. Well, he must be rich. Emmett looked at me and smiled. “What about you?” he asked. “I know you like painting, but what else do you do?” I let out a sigh. “I work in a cafe shop,” I say as my eyes linger on him for a moment before I continue. “Boring, I know,” I said, shifting slightly from one foot to another. My boots were killing me. “I work there part-time,” I said, looking toward the house. “It’s not the best job and not what I wanted to do with my life, but it pays towards the bills.” I felt Emmetts’ eyes on me, but I didn’t look back. “I used to work in an art gallery,” I murmured, looking back at him. His eyes were soft. “But the owner fired me two weeks ago.” “Why?” Emmett blurts, causing me to tense slightly. I didn’t want to discuss this topic, as it only happened recently. I loved art more than anything, but my boss was a d**k. “My boss is a painter,” I said with a sigh. “He stole one of my works, and when I confronted him, he fired me.” Emmett’s face hardened. “What a d**k?” he growls, making me stare at him in confusion. Why would he act like that? It didn’t happen to him. “Who knows?” he grits out. My eyes furrowed. “No one,” I murmured. “I was going to convince him to take me back after it happened. But I know it’s no use. He made a big show of it in front of clients—degrading me as a wannabe artist.” I watched as Emmett’s body tensed. I move my hand and give his hand a squeeze. His eyes moved to mine as he let go of the breath he was holding. “Sorry,” he murmured. “I—” I shook my head, cutting him off. “Don’t be sorry,” I said. “This is why I didn’t tell anyone, especially not my friends Whitney and Sasha. They would have killed him if they knew.” His eyes soften. “They sound like good friends,” he said. A smile slid across my lips. “They sure are. The best of the best,” I said, thinking I should return to the party to find them. Emmett moved back slightly but placed a hand on my waist. His finger drew circles over the costume's material, but it raised slightly, exposing some of my thigh. His finger touched my thigh, causing a ripple of tingles to shoot through my body, sending a cold shiver through me. The man's touch was like ice. “Are you cold?” I blurt out as I leaned toward him. Emmett shook his head. “No, darling,” he said. “Your hands are like ice,” I murmur. “Have the—” Emmett’s finger went to my lips, cutting me off. His face came nearer to mine, causing his breath to fan over it. Ripples of goosebumps appeared over my body, but not in a cold kind of way. The way his stare lingered on me made my body ignite in a different way. It was clear that we wanted each other, or was I reading more into this because of the drink? “I want to kiss you again,” he murmured. My eyes met his, and only then did I see his true eye colour—deep chocolate brown. Fuck, they were stunning. After a few seconds, my eyes lingered on his lips. “Go ahead,” I whispered. “I won’t stop you.” Emmett’s lips curled up. “You won’t,” he murmured, moving his lips closer to mine. “No, I won—” I said as he cut me with his lips on mine. The kiss was soft but full of need. Emmett leaned further into me, pushing me back against the gate. His hands moved up the material of my costume and grazed over my panties, causing a sharp breath to escape my mouth because of the contact. He caught it as he deepened the kiss, and his tongue slid in, devouring every part he could get like I was his last meal. I moan into his mouth as his finger teased my folds over my thong. I was wet. My p***y throbbed with need for this man to do something to her. What the hell? I acting like a needy slut. I have never done anything like this before in my life. But Emmett was bringing something out in me, and I liked it. Emmett moved back slightly as he pecked my lips. “You are insatiable, darling,” he murmured as he rested his head on mine. I tried to catch my breath. “You taste sweet.” A slight laugh escaped past my lips, which made him grin. “If the taste of style alcohol does it for you, then so be it,” I said. Emmett chuckled. “Oh, I think you know what I mean,” he said as he cupped my face. His eyes bore back into mine before he hovered over my lips again. “But the wetness on that little thing you’re wearing makes me wonder if we should take this somewhere warmer and cozier so I can taste you more.” My mouth dropped slightly. Fuck. Should I go with him? I knew what my p***y wanted; it wanted him inside me, but my head had an inner battle. I’m not used to having this much attention from a guy, especially a good-looking one like Emmett. Emmett’s finger smoothed over a small part of the cheek. “Don’t overthink,” he murmured. “I want you.” Staring at him for a few moments, I cleared my throat, but as I opened my mouth to speak, someone shouted from the house, making us both look toward it. Something smashed, and high-pitched screaming flooded around us. I tensed. What the hell was happening? I stood up straight and stepped forward, only to be stopped by Emmett. He held me in his arms, which made me look up at him. His eyes were glued to the house, so it was hard to read anything. Another smash came from inside, causing my heart to beat hard in my chest. What the hell was going on there? More screams echoed around, and the beat of the music we could hear from the party had now stopped. “Move,” Emmett blurts out. He placed his hand on mine and moved me back toward the gate. I slam into it, but Emmett leans over me and opens it. We nearly fell out of it until Emmett caught hold of me and held me to him. “Move fast,” he said as he pulled me along the road and away. We headed towards another street, where we saw a parked black car. He pulled out some keys and pressed a button, making the car beep. My eyes widened as he opened the car door for me and looked at me. “Get in,” he said. I tried to read his face, but he was blank. “I shouldn’t,” I blurt as I stop. “You have been drinking.” Emmett shook his head. “I don’t drink,” he said. “I only came here to—” but he stopped and looked behind me. I turn to look and spot a man staring at us. I move toward him. His hand goes to my waist. “Get in the car,” he whispered, and I did. Climbing into the car, Emmett closed the door behind me and walked toward the man. My eyes lingered on them as I placed my seatbelt on. They clearly knew each other. The other man's eyes went to mine and gave me a smile, but he looked back to Emmett. I couldn’t hear what they were saying. After a few more moments, the man leaves, and Emmett goes to the driver’s side. I watched every move he made until he got in the car. Emmett climbed in and started the engine, but I had to ask before he moved. I place my hand on him, making him look at me. “What happened?” I asked. “I need to go back and find my friends.” Emmett stared at me for a few moments and let out a breath. “There was a fight in the house, and the police were called,” he said, widening my eyes. “My friend came to look for me to make sure I was alright.” I nodded, but my eyes went to where we came from. “But what about—” I asked, but I felt Emmett’s finger go under my chin and move me to look at him. His eyes search mine. “They will be fine, I promise.” I stare at him as he lets my chin go. Emmett starts the engine as I look at him. “Where are we going?” I ask, making him look back at me with a smile. “My place.” A slow smile slid across his face as he placed his hand in mine and drove away. I looked ahead as my mind raced. I wanted to go with him, but I was concerned for my friends.
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