Chapter 2

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~LUCAS~ The first time I saw her, my whole world stopped spinning for those few seconds when she sprang across the room with the sweetest smile I'd ever seen on a woman. It took only those few seconds to know that I would do everything in my power to spend the rest of my life by her side. Avery. Avery Blackner. My mate. She had my heart in her hands and knew nothing of it. I've never had a single proper conversation with her, and it's all because of her sickening father. The Blackners were different than the rest of us. As werewolves, we're supposed to search for our mates; the second our mates are found, we're supposed to claim them. Of course, it doesn't always end up that way. Usually, most mates undergo many challenges before they can get together. My brothers, for example, all had a difficult time when they first found their mates. But at the end of the challenge, it's always worth it. Having your mate is always worth it. I watched my brothers make mistakes their whole lives, especially with their mates. I made a vow to never make the same mistakes that they made. I planned to stick to that vow, but life had other plans for me. In a few days, everything changed when I made a difficult decision to make a sacrifice for the sake of my family. In an instant, my entire world was turned upside down, and all of my hopes and dreams were taken away from me without any warning or preparation. It was like a cruel twist of fate that left me feeling lost and alone, struggling to come to terms with the new reality that I found myself in. Despite the pain and heartbreak that I felt, I knew deep down that I had done the right thing for those that I loved the most. As long as they were happy, I could find a way to be happy as well. There's no escape for me now; if I tried to run, my family would be in danger, and all of my sacrifices would be in vain. I'm stuck with the Blackners, a family I was not very fond of. We were supposed to be enemies after what happened to my family. But now I'm forced to marry Gideon Blackner's daughter and not the one my heart beat for. It wasn't Avery that he wanted me to marry. Instead, I was being forced into a marriage with Freya Blackner. I didn't understand why fate disliked me this much. What have I ever done to deserve torture such as this one? I've been good my entire life, as good as a man could be. I've seen villains have a better love story than mine. How was I supposed to marry the sister of my mate? There wasn't a single thing I could think of that could make this worse. In the life of a werewolf, other than their mate's death, there wasn't anything else worse than being forced to marry the sister of your mate. I saw the way that Avery looked at me. She had the same longing in her eyes that I had whenever I looked her way. I knew that the second I got married to Freya, I had to stop staring at her sister. I've never been an unfaithful man, and I would stay that way for the rest of my life. There isn't a force in this universe that could make me change the person that I am. There wasn't an option to tell Gideon that Avery was my mate, either. The Blackners had a rule against any member of their family having mates. It was a crazy, stupid f*****g rule. Only a f*****g maniac would come up with a rule like that. Gideon truly was a sick piece of s**t to make his children suffer like this. They believed that mates made you weak, but it was quite the opposite. Having a mate meant that you had a reason to live, you had someone to fight for, someone that you would give up everything just to be with. Having a mate made you f*****g strong; you would kill anyone that threatened the safety of your mate. The Blackners had it all wrong and maybe one day, they may realize it before it's too late for each of them. "Lucas." Gideon roars. "Why are you quiet?" His question prompted me to lift my head and glare at him. I couldn't believe what I had just heard, and his words cut deep into my soul. All I felt for this man was pure hatred. It was a feeling that I had never experienced before, and it hurt to even think about what he had just announced. The weight of his words pressed down on me like a heavy burden, making it difficult to even breathe. 'You will marry my daughter today.' All I could do was try to keep my emotions under control and not let him see how much his words had affected me. It kept repeating in my head over and over again. The wedding was finally here. It was time to marry Freya. I'd run from it for a long time but there was no place for me to run any longer. My time was up.
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