Chapter 3

885 Words
~FREYA~ He's looking at her. It's the day of our wedding, but Lucas only has eyes for my sister. He hadn't spared me a single look for the entire night, and I wished I could ignore the pain in my chest, but it wasn't something someone like me could easily overlook. Avery is looking at him, also. Any chance that she gets where she thinks no one is watching her, she's watching him. I feel a pang of jealousy. While they're both looking at each other with longing, I'm all alone, stuck with my own feelings that neither of them will ever be able to understand. I wish I knew how to stand up to my father. I wish I knew what to do to excuse myself from this torture. I knew that if I had to spend the rest of my life watching my husband lust over my sister, I would go insane. It didn't help that Lucas was always so kind and gentle. It wasn't possible for me to ever hate a man like him. I knew that with time, my feelings would only grow. A part of me wants to walk up to both my sister and Lucas and ask them to marry each other instead. I want to tell them to fight to be together. I want to be their support. However, I knew that my father would lose his mind. I didn't want to lose Avery or Lucas because of my own actions. "It's time to get dressed," Ace tells me as he takes my hand and guides me towards one of the rooms. My older brother has always been my support through hard times like these. He's done everything to protect all of us. I looked up to him and always will. "I'm sorry you have to go through this, Freya," he apologizes as he opens the door to the room for me. He can barely look me in the eyes, and I know he thinks that he failed me when, in truth, none of this was his fault. This was all our father's actions. He was responsible for all of this. This wasn't the first time he's interfered with our lives. His actions almost cost all of us the life of my brother Arthur. He fell in love with his mate and that was the biggest betrayal in the eyes of my father. Gabriella, my brother's mate, had powerful allies, and they fought to protect her from my father. During the battle, my family faced intense fear and uncertainty. It was a brutal and grueling fight, and we were on the verge of losing everything we had ever known. The worst part was when our father nearly took the life of my brother Arthur with his own two hands. He intended to take the life of Gabriella, but Arthur stepped in front of the sword, and he was pierced instead. The events of that day still haunt me to this day. The experience left us all traumatized, and we are still trying to heal from the emotional scars. Father acts like he's unbothered by those events, but I know he still worries about Arthur and misses him dearly. I haven't seen my brother since that day and miss him so much. I wish to tell him that I love him and I'm sorry that we weren't there to protect him or his mate. "Are you thinking of Arthur again?" Ace asks me gently. I smile, "how did you know?" He wipes the tear from my cheek, "I know you well, Freya. I know what your face looks like whenever you think about our brother." I hug him tightly, "I wish he were here today. He was stronger than me. I wish I had the guts he had to fight against Father's orders." Ace's hands tighten around me, "I wish I knew how to stand up against him also so that all of you didn't have to suffer the way that you have to now." "Stop blaming yourself!" I scold him. "None of this is your fault. Absolutely none of it. It's not your duty to give up your happiness for the sake of ours. It's not your duty to fix our messed up lives. It's about time you start thinking about yourself." He sighs, "Let me worry about my duties. Let's not buy any more time and let these ladies dress you before our father comes here and causes a scene." As I nodded in response, I could feel the butterflies in my stomach increasing. I hugged my brother one last time before entering the room to change into my wedding dress. The dress was breathtakingly beautiful, with intricate lace designs adorning the bust area and an open-back design that added a touch of elegance. The veil was equally stunning, long, and flowing, requiring more than one person to hold it up for me while I walked. I knew that when I walked down that aisle, all eyes would be on me. . . All except Lucas. He would be staring at Avery, and it wouldn't matter how beautiful I looked today or any other day. It would never be enough. Lucas will always only have eyes for my sister, and nothing I do could ever change that.
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