The Slytherin Triad

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QUOTE OF THE CHAPTER: Polyamory isn't about having a number of partners, it's about loving the ones you do - Unknown. QUICK NOTE: This is a Harry/ Hermione/ Draco one shot, no Draco/Harry in a romantic sense. __________ SETTING: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy. The Marauders Era. DATE: 25 October, 1978. "James, change it back!!" Lily Evans,girlfriend to James Fleamont Potter, screeched as she chased her boyfriend through the corridors of Hogwarts, and burst into the Great Hall. Lily now had Gryffindor colour (Red and Gold) striped hair, which showed that she was supporting the Gryffindors in today's Quidditch Match; even though she wore a Gryffindor Jersey that had 'POTTER' written in bold, black letters on the back, James wanted an extra protection. The Professors shook their heads amusedly at the pair, and continued with their breakfasts. The Gryffindors cheered loudly when they saw the said witch. The Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs were just chuckling amusedly, whilst the Slytherins ignored them completely as they lost themselves in their own chaotic thoughts. Regulus gazed at his older brother longingly, as he saw him laughing and enjoying with his friends. Regulus knew that he was in a deep-s**t, being the UNMARKED Death Eater of Voldemort and having already killed a 20 year old Muggle man to prove his worthiness to his Master. Only after going on a few missions with the older Death Eaters, the (new) Heir to the Black family is having second thoughts about his childhood fantasy of being in the Dark Lord's inner circle. Severus Tobias Snape, the best friend of Regulus Arcturus Black, found himself in the same situation as he too started having second thoughts about becoming a Death Eater. He had a rough childhood, and because of peer pressure he joined the Death Eaters. Just like Regulus, he came to realise that being in the dark side really isn't going to help him anyhow. It's not going to give him family, friends or love. Lucius Abraxas Malfoy's rational side was raging a war against his obedient-perfect-Pureblood-son side. Lucius was extremely disgusted at himself when he came into terms that he had killed a muggle, that too defenceless one at that. The one thing that the Heir of the Malfoy family hated more than Beggars, Cheaters and Muggles was taking advantage of a defenceless person, even if that person was a filthy Muggle. He being the Head Boy, and his betrothed being the Head Girl made matters much... Insufferable. Not that he hated her or something, but he surely hated being weak in front of her. Lucius had broken down in front of her when they were having their favourite late night talks. Lucius knew that the next step he is about to take is going to determine his future: it would either get him humiliated and will kill him every bloody day (The Dark Side) or will humiliate him and give him a chance at a new life. A new life without killing, blood, gore and guilt. (The Light Side). The only constant thing in his life now is.. Narcissa. He felt butterflies fluttering in him when she threw a breathtaking smile at him. Sirius, Remus and Peter laughed wildly at the sight of James running towards them laughing madly, even though fear was evident in his face, with a mad Lily hot on his heels. They didn't stop even when the Muggle-born witch sent a leg locking jinx and a tickling spell at James, which ended him up on the floor, laughing again like a retard. But stopped when she sent leg locking jinxes and tickling spells at the now-trying-to-escape-the-crime-scene-without-suspicion Marauders. Lily plopped down onto her seat, her respiration was laboured and coerced herself into eating her delicious breakfast, ignoring the hysterical marauders and their pleas. "Lily.. Lil-Lily, p-please, let-let us go-go.." "Only if you accept my condition." Lily declared, still not looking from her breakfast. "Anything! We'll do anything!" Peter squeaked loudly so that the Muggle born would let go of him. The other Marauders were laughing so hard that they decided to let the comment slide. All they wanted now was fresh buckets of oxygen and if accepting Lily's condition is the only way, then they're okay with it. "Promise me not to pull anymore pranks on me anymore." She announced, her peer mates and the teachers all were awaiting the moment in which the Marauders will finally give up. Everyone was very sure that the boys cannot go for a day without prancingiling up Lily, and even if they had promised her, one knew not to trust the Marauders to break a promise. 10 minutes later, the boys finally accepted the condition and ordered her to stop the torture. "No, no, that's not a good way to request for something. Ask nicely boys." Lily tutted, much to the amusement of the Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaws and the Professors. "LILY, PLEASE ! WE BEG YOU TO PLEASE STOP THE TORTURE! CANT TAKE.. IT.. ANYMORE.." they shouted at top of their lungs. Lily, at last, gave in to their pleas, as she cancelled the jinxes and spells, to which the marauders were forever in-debt to her. All of a sudden, a thunder and lightning bolt hit the Great Hall, making a few to cry out loud and scramble away from their seats. Even the Professors were confused by this. Dumbledore was also included in the list. An ethereal feminine voice was heard, out of nowhere. "Today is a day off for every single one of you-" All of the students and (some) Professors cheered out loud at the sudden announcement. Albus Dumbledore and Minerva McGonall made a motion to object, but were interrupted by the same voice that continued without giving anyone a chance to contradict her statement. "-which means there are no classes, also no Quidditch." the students that cheered for the first part, protested loudly at the last one. They were stopped when they heard the same voice interrupting them. "-Today, we are going to watch a movie." Almost 2/3rd of the population were confused by the word 'movie', even the Muggle Studies teacher. So, it was time for the Muggle-born students to explain what a movie was, to their friends. "Hey, you can't cancel Quidditch just for some stupid movie!" Sirius screamed with red eyes, looking like his family was just killed in a battle by his arch-enemy and now he wanted to revenge for their deaths. Most of the Purebloods were disgusted to know that they were going to do some Muggle stuff, whilst the rest were plainly curious. "Sirius Orion Black, this movie could save you and your beloved ones if you get to know its contents. For the starters, the movie is quite about Sirius' niece though." The same voice reprimanded him. Sirius' mind started darting back and forth in is family tree, wondering where in the hell he had gotten a niece from, that too all of a sudden. Don't forget the fact that there is a movie about her. "Nymphadora Tonks?" He questioned out loud, and the response he got was a salient laughter. "No, no, of course not. It's- oh no, first there is something that I OUGHT to do." For a few minutes everything was silent. Like totally silent. Then, a high pitched groaning was heard, like how the closing of a concrete wall would sound after so many years of being unused. People cried in surprise when they felt sudden intrusion of a very powerful magical being next to them. The feminine voice continued. "Do not panic. I have just awoken Lady Hogwarts from her nap that lasted just for a century. She is the host of very powerful white magic and doesn't like the way a few are sullying her by bringing in dark items. If you'd give her a few moments, she'd first cleanse herself." Just as the voice stopped explaining, many items flew through the corridors, above the students heads and dunked into the Black Lake. Those items were discovered to be the properties of most of the Purebloods. Then, the whole school saw as the Giant Squid rose from the Lake and juggled the items in its tentacles before throwing them at the Whomping Willow. The magical tree automatically caught all of the items and crushed it, destroying them completely, leaving just the dust particles that blew away in the wind. No one could talk or do something. They were all frozen in their places. Then, a ancient female voice announced. "Good day to the respected Teachers, Non-Teaching Staffs and dear students. I, Lady Hogwarts, am awake from my little nap, and am here to assist you in developing your future along with Lady Azalea here. And, yes, I'm alive. I awake every century to set the future right along with my friend, Lady Azalea. This wouldn't be printed in Hogwarts: A History, since I forbid it to be spread. Even your Headmaster wouldn't have known about it-" Dumbledore looked sheepishly and that confirmed everything. "-What you all have witnessed right now is just the first part of the cleansing. The next one is the wards." With that, they could feel the magic tingling along with theirs. The hair at the back of their necks stood up. "-And, the wards are up and about. Next part is infiltration." All of a sudden, 3/4th of the Slytherin house were up from their seats. They all got into the table and lowered their sleeves, to reveal.. the Dark Mark. People yelled in shocked-surprise and backed away from the Death Eaters. A huge flash nearly blinded everyone. "This would prove to be an evidence." Lady Hogwarts mused, and only then they understood that Hogwarts had taken a picture of the Death Eaters who were proudly displaying their Dark Marks to the world. "Say goodbye to your friends, dear students." Lady Hogwarts added in a sweet voice, many First year students actually waved to the Death Eaters before the latter were flung out of the Castle's gate this time. Every single one of the Death Eaters were out. Except for 3. Regulus, Severus and Lucius were the only Death Eaters that sat at the Slytherin Table with the rest of the girls. Hogwarts continued. "Young Lords Black and Malfoy along with Mister Snape were coerced by their parents/peer mates to join the Dark Lord. They are regretful now, so they get to stay here. Under my protection. With a special benefit." Lucius hugged Narcissa tightly, as a few manly tears escaped his eyes. Severus and Regulus man-hugged each other in relief. The boys pulled away with a cry as the place where the Dark Mark was present started tingling and itching. They hurriedly lowered their sleeves, only to see that the marks were gone. Like, gone gone. Instead of the mark, they could only see their reddish skin. Cries of happiness echoed all throughout Hogwarts, as the other students watched the ex-Death Eaters celebrate their freedom. "Do not celebrate all of this just here, a few other people are needed for this.." Lady Hogwarts exclaimed. Another lightning flashed, and many voices were heard. "Wh-What is happening in here?" Euphemia Potter questioned as she suddenly appeared out of nowhere on another table that too had appeared out of nowhere, along with her husband, Fleamont Potter. "I-I don't know, my love. We're at Hogwarts." Lord Potter looked as confused as his wife, as he answered her question. "What in the world are we doing here? I don't remember anything about this.." Walburga Black berated, as she glanced around in search of familiar faces. "I don't know about this too, dear. We should just wait and watch what happens.." Orion Black said calmly, as he tried calming his high heart. "Oh Regulus." Walburga said as she placed a kiss on her youngest son's cheek and sat down next to him, with her husband on the other side of her. "Mumma! Dad!" James and Sirius shouted in excitement as the two crashed into the Potters and hugged the living day lights out of them. The Lady Potter giggled as her boys hugged her tightly and proceeded to kiss her cheeks, as if though they're were little boys of 5 that have been away from their mother for too long, and are just being reunited with her. The second she heard Sirius' voice, Walburga had immediately assumed that her oldest son was talking about her, and readied herself for a hug, but felt disappointment and jealousy flood through her when she saw HER oldest son hugging the Lady Potter instead of HER! Orion chuckled at the antics of his wife. She was not like how many assume/claim her to be. She's extremely over-protective of her family, just like every Pureblood woman, but is very temperamental and a short fuse, that she usually lashes out at first, and then feels guilty about it later. "Do you know why we are here, boys?" Euphemia questioned her sons, who were now seated on the either sides of her in the new table, leaving her husband to sit on the opposite side of her. "Nope, we don't, Mumma. But there is some sort of abracadabra going on. Suddenly, a voice comes out of nowhere and gives us a day off, and decides to cancel the match because we are about to watch a movie about my niece! Then, Hogwarts comes into life, throws dark items out, sets up a few powerful wards, then displays Death Eaters with their marks and tale pictures of them, before throwing them out! Then, it makes the marks on Reggie, Malfoy and Snivellus disappear!" Sirius exclaimed out loud, completely pissed as well as curious. Euphemia turned to James, who nodded his head at her, confirming the facts that Sirius had told her were true. Orion and Walburga gasped when they saw the Dark Mark on their youngest son's hand had disappeared. Instead of being angry like everyone had expected them to be, the parents hugged their youngest son in utter relief. It is to be noted here that the Black Family only supported Voldemort because he was fighting for the Supremacy of the Purebloods. But, when they really figured out that their son wasn't into it, they instantly backed away and wanted to support their son instead, This time, Lady Azalea's voice was heard. "Before we start the story, we should welcome few special people here." Again, lightning flashed and thunder rumbled. Then a light skin coloured baby girl of around 5-6 years old with black hair - wearing a grey coloured short dress - who was fast asleep flew down from the bewitched ceiling of the Great Hall and straight into the lap of Regulus. He squealed in surprise when she landed on him, but when he saw her, he felt his heart skip a beat. Next to him, Severus gasped when he noticed the similarities between Regulus and the little girl. On the other side of Regulus, Walburga and Orion gasped out loud when they saw the resemblance between the two of them. "Is she Sirius' niece?" She voiced her opinion, not realising that she had talked out loud. Sirius snapped his head in their direction at the comment, almost immediately. His eyes softened instantaneously when he saw that his brother was staring at the little girl with... Love? "Yes, which means-" the ethereal voice started, but was interrupted by Regulus himself who announced in a aristocratic, regal and proud voice. "My daughter. She is my daughter." All of the Blacks gasped again. Sirius' eyes bulged out of his sockets. He had always assumed that his mother had completely affected Regulus, and that his younger brother wasn't capable of feeling soft, but still powerful emotions like this. But.. he had been wrong. "You're right, Regulus Arcturus Black. 5 points to Slytherin!" The voice said, but no one laughed at the poor-excuse-of-joke because they were all shitty scared and confused of everything that was happening right here. Right now. Then, another flash, two baby boys around the same age of Regulus' daughter descended down. The One with platinum blond hair and grey eyes, wearing grey button down shirt and black trousers landed on Narcissa Black's lap. Whilst, the one with messy Raven black hair and emerald green eyes with a lightning scar bolt wearing emerald green button down shirt and black trousers landed on Lily Evans' lap. The difference between Regulus' girl and these boys aside from the gender, likes and dislikes is that she was asleep, while they weren't. Narcissa and Lily had one look at their respective children, and then crashed into their betrothed and boyfriend respectively, squealing in sync. "He's ours!" Lucius and James were in the shock of their lives. And, for a few minutes, no one dared to breathe. "He's ours! He's ours! He's our son!" They (James and Lucius) shouted in excitement and in sync as they hugged their respective partners' tightly. Euphemia and Fleamont emitted a loud whoop as they brought James, Lily and their giggling grandson into a family hug. Sirius was found smiling excitedly at the family. He was very much happy for the Potters, who had done so much for him, without expecting anything in return. A frown made its way into his handsome face. He gazed at his parents, brother and niece longingly. But before he could make his way out of there, Lily pulled him into the family hug. Now, it was Walburga's emotions' time to turn into wistfulness and anger. She had always loved both of her children. She wanted them to be obedient to her, but at the same time, she wanted them to love her. All she ever wanted was to give a good life to her children, the ones that they deserve. She hadn't really planned to disown Sirius from the family. It was never in the script, but she had done the unholy act in adrenaline. Only after adrenaline had settled down, the reality dawned her. From that moment on, she's been in regret. Orion was wondering what was going on, as he tried connecting the dots, but soon realised that it wasn't going to take him anywhere, so he returned to his youngest son, Regulus, who was still gawking at his asleep daughter. Regulus didn't flutter close his eyelashes, even for a millisecond. His upper lip curled into a smile when he felt his daughter stir in his arms. The little girl stirred again, and yawned adorably that made many girls, even lads to emit an 'aww', but the most important thing was: Walburga awwing at the adorableness of her granddaughter. Orion, Sirius and everyone's eyes widened at the sight and sound of it. When Walburga's mind registered what she had done. She broke the trance that her granddaughter had put her in, and cleared her throat, as she sat up right. Since, Regulus was preoccupied by his mother, he couldn't get to see his daughter waking up. But, his attention was brought back to her, when the little girl giggled and cupped her father's cheek with her baby hands. "Daddy!" Again, more than 2/3rd of the populace oohed. Regulus turned to his daughter with a huge grin on his face, as he kissed her forehead cautiously, not wanting to hurt her, even the slightest. "Hello, my love." Hermione giggled at her father's affection, and placed a kiss on his cheek as well, as she burrowed herself closer into her father's strong arms, enjoying the warmth that he and only he provided. "Isn't she cute, James?" Lily cooed, as her boyfriend held their curious and precious son in his arms. James placed a kiss on her forehead, and agreed to her. "Of course, she's adorable, love." The little boy in his arms smiled and nodded his head at Regulus' little girl who smiled back at him with a glint in her eyes. "Yeah, of course, she gets that from me. She's my niece for Merlin's sakes!" Sirius exclaimed as he flexed his arms, which gifted him a few eye-raping hormonal teenage girls that made googly eyes at him. Lucius and many boys rolled their eyes at the Gryffindor's resident playboy. Narcissa was now found cooing at her little boy, who was bouncing on his bum, (he was sat on the table) and making grabby hands at his mother. "Mumma!" The boy tittered as his mother swopped him up in her arms. Awwws were heard all over the place. "What do you want, honey?" Narcissa cooed. "Mia!" She couldn't understand what he said/meant, but it seemed like James' son did, because he started chortling. "Bahaha! Draco! I want Mia too!" Everyone turned to the black haired little boy and looked at him questioningly. "Draco? Mia? What do they mean?" Lily questioned anyone out there, who knows the answer to her question. The Potter heir simpered as he pointed his index finger at Regulus' little Angel, who was now conversing adorably with her father. "That is Mia!" Then, Lily convulsed into pit of giggles. "So, Mia is Sirius' niece." Lucius' son turned to James' son, looking all serious, and blew a raspberry at him. No one could stop the peals of laughter that escaped their lips. Even Walburga. They couldn't understand what was happening, or what the kids were conversing, but they understood that James' son was taunting/teasing Lucius' son. "But you did say that you want Mia too, right son?" James questioned his son, who nodded his head excitedly. This raised the eyebrows of the occupants as the future Malfoy Heir and the future Potter heir made googly eyes at Regulus' daughter. The response the future heirs got was Regulus growling at them. The little boys weren't scared of him. Well, maybe little. Okay, they were f*****g scared of him, that they started shaking. Lucius and James went over board and bellowed in sync. "Do NOT growl at my son!" The Young Lords looked surprised that they were talking in sync, but quickly diverted their attention over to the Young Lord Black. Just as Regulus was about to start an argument of how it was THEIR sons that were making eyes at HIS daughter, he was interrupted by his daughter who shook her head at him adorably. She then reprimanded him in the most beautifulest voice. "Don't shout at Draco and Harry, Daddy. They are good boys." Everyone awwed. Sirius started laughing, when Regulus was put straight that too by his own daughter. "You're the right girl for him, love. You'll make him think about HIS FAMILY rather than to be the ass-kisser of some PSYCHOTIC CANDLE STICK!" Regulus' daughter actually nodded her head at her Uncle and saluted him. "Yes sir, sir!" What really made everyone laugh was the little kiss that she blew Sirius after saluting him. The entire hall convulsed into heaps of laughter as Sirius had a huge s**t-eating grin on his face, that seemingly looked un-wipeable. Lucius' smile was brilliant and blinding as his son climbed into his arms. "Dad! Look!" The future Malfoy heir said in eureka as he pointed to the ceiling, where a thin but heavy book-like-something was descending, making a bee-line for Sirius' head. Lucius just shook his head smirking lightly, and placed his index finger on his lips, symbolically telling his son to NOT tell anyone about it. His plan went successful when the thing landed right at its target's head sending the target onto the floor, sprawled out. Everyone laughed out loud at the sight of seeing Sirius Black on the floor. Even Walburga. Even the kids. "Bahaha! Bleh!" The platinum blonde haired boy said, that made Regulus' daughter giggle. "Siri! Bahaha!" Sirius was up on his legs at that with a huge s**t-eating grin on his face. "My niece knows my name! My niece knows my name!" Then he blew a raspberry at everyone and performed a victory dance at that. His victory dance was a cross between a person who was having a seizure and a chicken dance, so it proved to be a good entertainment for everyone. His niece's giggling became uncontrollable. Lucius' son in turn was staring at the said Black family's oldest son in glee, and convulsed into heaps of squeals and laughter. Even, James's son could no longer control his laughter, as he chortled and tittered. Everyone in the hall were now staring at the three kids who were laughing in mirth, with awe. The most happiest one was Sirius who was still dancing like a chicken, blowing raspberry now and then. Another flash came out of nowhere, that blinded everyone for a few minutes. The kids now had beautiful silver bracelets with a serpent holding it together, in their left hands. The bracelets had the respective names of the respective children. Lily gasped when she saw the bracelet in her son's hand."James, he has a bracelet." At that, James looked down at his son's hand and read: Harry James Potter. "Harry... His name is Harry.." he said in glee. Lily kissed her son's head and greeted him. "Hey, Harry.." Harry, in turn, giggled at that. "Hey, Mumma, Dad!" Narcissa read from her son's bracelet. "Draco Lucius Malfoy. That's a suitable name.." Lucius' smile's intensity only increased at the remark. Draco smirked the infamous Malfoy smirk, making a few laugh out loud. "The Malfoy genes are always very strong." Lucius commented, looking very proud at his son.  Severus read from the giggling Regulus' little girl's bracelet. "Hermione-" Regulus smiled internally at the name selection for his daughter. He had always loved the name 'Hermione'. It refers to all of the stars in the sky. "-Regalia Potter-Malfoy née Black." Everyone gaped, not knowing what to do at the discovery. Harry and Draco were tittering proudly, whilst Hermione's face was cherry red which showed that she was blushing. Peter, the shy one (in comparison to the Marauders) questioned the kids disbelievingly in a squeaky voice. "You-You.. m-married?" He managed to choke out, his throat burned like hell. The three kids nodded their heads in sync. The Marauders, Lucius, Regulus, Fleamont, Orion, Severus and a few others downed glass after glass of fire whiskey, to accept the fact that was laid infront of them. Many girls were found fanning their faces and chugging down cold water, since they were not supposed to drink in public. Walburga smiled when she realised that her granddaughter was married to Purebloods. (Imagine that Lily had descended from a long line of Squibs. But she is a Pureblood) She held her hands out to her granddaughter, who looked up from her father's face to her grandmother with a confusion. "Hermione honey, come to your grandmother." Hermione giggled and climbed into her grandmother's arms. "Gramma!" Everyone were in the astonishment and disbelief of their lives as the Lady Black hugged the little girl and placed her on her lap, as she pushed her black curly hair away from her little grey eyes. "If you all would pay attention to me. Can someone read the title of the disk?" Azalea said, and Sirius took the disk that had hit him on the head, and read the title. "The Slytherin Triad." Again, gasps resonated from every corner of the Great Hall. Harry, Hermione and Draco were nodding their heads at the observation, agreeing to the voice. Their parents, grandparents and relatives' eyes widened. They all knew what a Triad meant. When three witches/Wizards' magic are compatible with each other, they would form a bond, called as a Triad. The same would apply for Quartet, etc except for the number of the compatible beings in the bond. A triad can share their magic, and talk to each other using telepathic bonds. A Triad is much powerful than a Quartet, since three is considered as a holy number in the magical world. The Deathly Hallows. "So you mean to say that... Draco and Harry are interested in.. both men and women?" Narcissa said, disbelievingly. At her words, the boys' faces turned blue as they shook their heads no. Hermione announced. "We 'v' no thee tiad! We 'v' tiad!" Everyone released sighs of relief. (It's not like I don't support gay marriage, but in here, you have to understand that the story is set in 1980, and also to add on to the fact that the Wizarding World is stuck in the Victorian Era). "Your futures are all shady. Some of them don't have futures at all! The Slytherin Triad: Harry, Hermione and Draco had wished for an alternate future, since the future in which they were living was terrible. These three were orphans-" Lady Azalea said. Everyone gwaped at the bombshell, whilst the parents of the three kids were quite green. "-they had no parents or grandparents or any relative-" this sent everyone to the edge. Sirius, Fleamont and Euphemia, Walburga and Orion were all in trepidation at this. "The whole world was destroyed when Voldemort-" many cries of fear were heard st the mention of the name. "- sent an Avada at them. The magic that emitted from the three of them to stop the spell, and the magic that was emitted from the Dark Lord to kill them clashed with each other and destroyed the entire world. Since, they were not given a choice at their lives, they were given a second chance. By the Fate." The kids squatted at this, agreeing to the voice. Many were turning purple, blue and white at the explanation by Azalea's ethereal voice. "All of the above mentioned here is true. And, I want immediate action to take place-" Albus Dumbledore made a motion to object, but was interrupted by her again. "-This is for the greater good only. Everyone knows it's bad to mess with time, but if doesn't happen, you'll all be seeing a future which would make Hell look like vacation.." Many gulped loudly in fear at that. "-I'm not trying to scare you or something. But that's the truth.. I'll show you a glimpse at what happens in the future. The final battle that destroyed the entire world." Azalea said, many made objections at that, not wanting to see the future, but their attempts were fruitless as the Great Hall's lights all darkened. The bewitched candles at ceiling were blew out, with chilly wind that sent shivers in everyone's spines. Everyone held each other's hands in fear. Suddenly, the seats of all changed into comfortable recliner chairs, and an invisible force pushed the people so that they were resting their backs against the backrests, many squealed in fear. "I'm just trying to get you all comfortable, my children." Lady Hogwarts said gently. They sighed in relief and settled on the chairs comfortably than before. Lily, Narcissa and Walburga squeaked in protest when the kids in their arms, wiggled out of the grasp. "Let the kids be.." Azalea tutted, and instantly the mothers and grandmother let the babies get out of their arms. Everyone watched them as the two boys and girl of 5 years walked towards each other. Regulus growled loudly at the sight of the boys kissing his daughter, and had to be held down by Severus and Orion, from attacking the little ones. Even though they only kissed her on her cheeks. Sirius' smirk only increased in intensity at that. "She's going to be a great story in the boys locker room!" He sniggered. Harry and Draco turned to him waspishly, and showed him the 'middle finger' gesture. Everyone guffawed at that and Sirius was not discouraged by this, as he kept smirking and wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. The three rushed to a new couch which was made for babies, and climbed up, to sit down. They tossed and turned, before settling down, so that Harry and Draco were on the either sides of Hermione, who was holding both of their hand(s) in her small ones. They were sitting so close to each other, that they looked like they were attached at each other's hips. "Let's start.." With that the lights went out again. Cold winter air flew inside the hall, and everyone pulled the duvets till their chin to shy away from the biting cold. With a flash at the ceiling, pensive like-screen was showed. Lightning hit the place, illuminating the Hogwarts castle and the area surrounding it, making the centuries old castle look quite haunted. Thunder rumbled roaring like a blood-hungry lion that was revenging for the death of his family. The focus moved from the first floor of the castle to the seventh floor, where across from the Barnabas the Barmy was a huge wall. To outsiders and people who are uneducated of the Magical room, the wall appeared to be a simple, ordinary wall. But to the others.. The wall opened with a silent click, revealing a huge room which was converted into a hiding place by the students of Hogwarts who were seeking refugee from the Death Eaters lurking in the infamous educational institution. The room, also known as the Room of Requirement (RoR), or the 'Come & Go room', now posed to be the Head Quarters of the students that are fighting alongside the Light side and against the Dark side. The entire auditorium like room was housing every student that was now living in Hogwarts. There was a line separating the room, on the either sides of the line were around 20-25 bunk beds meant for 4 people each, with huge separate lavatories meant for the either genders. The highlight was that every bed seemed to be occupied, and the entire population was under the clutches of sleep at this moment. The focus now travels past the line, exiting the male territory and entering the female territory, and with a sharp left turn, a large bed - more larger than a King size bed - inhabited the corner of the room, facing the large bay windows, which now reflected the midnight sky which illuminated once in ten minutes, due to the lightning and thunder. A figure tossed in the bed disturbed at the impending thunder, which roared like as if though the entire sky was about to crack apart and fall onto the ground. Outline of two other figures next to the first one could be seen when the lightning hit. The first figure sat up right on the bed, and when lightning struck again, the face of James Potter-like boy of about 17 years old came to visibility. That's Harry!" Remus shouted in eureka. "You're right, Mr. Lupin." Lady Hogwarts and Lady Azalea said in sync. Harry Potter had the signature Potter hair - messy raven black and unruly - with tired emerald green eyes. He had a strange lightning bolt scar on the left side of his forehead. He turned to his side, to see the two other figures. When the Lightning struck again, the two figures were revealed. One was a beautiful girl with black hair and looked like Regulus' female counterpart, who was identified to be Hermione. The other was a platinum blond haired boy, who was identified to be Draco. Regulus growled out loud at the fact that his daughter was sleeping, that too with two boys. Draco was spooning Hermione from behind, whilst Hermione had her hand on the duvet, from the looks of it, anyone could see that she must've been lying on Harry's chest previously. Harry gazed at the two of them for a few minutes, before pressing a lingering kiss on Hermione's forehead and squeezing Draco's arm lightly. "It's all for the greater good. I ought to do this. I know you won't let me, but I'm doing this." Harry whispered and then, placed Draco's hand on Hermione's. Unknowingly, the blond boy entwined his hand with hers and pulling it to her stomach, as he shuffled closer to his Mate. "I know you'll take care of our Mate, mate." a humourless chuckle was in order. "Take care of yourself too." With that, he was seen walking out of the room. The scene changed with a swirl of black, as the image distorted. "Harry Potter is DEAD!" Voldemort's hissing voice shouted in glee, as he walked towards the Hogwarts with unmasked Death Eaters behind him. Everyone shuddered, but no one more than the Potters. Hagrid was found carrying Harry who was NOT breathing. "NO!!!" Hermione, a beautiful girl of 17 years, was shown shouting at top of her lungs in agony. Her grey eyes were red rimmed with tears and pain. Next to her, was 17 years old Draco who had tears streaming down his eyes, as he pulled her into his arms to stop her. "No, love, no." Next to Draco and Hermione were Minerva McGonagall and many other students. All of them had fear, disbelief and hopelessness in their eyes and face, and determination was too low to be kick started. Voldemort chuckled evilly as he horribly imitated Draco. "Yes, love, don't fight the Dark Lord. He'll kill you. Don't be like your father." The Death Eaters laughed like banshees at that, and Bellatrix cackled evilly. Everyone trembled at the hollow, evil woman. Regulus shuddered at the 'don't be like your father' comment. His parents reached for him to calm him down, even Sirius moved from his place and walked towards them. He quietly slipped next to his brother, he had assumed that no one saw him, but this was seen by everyone. A few familiar faces were seen in the Death Eater crowd: Arthur and Molly Weasley, and a whole clan of red heads who were a splitting image of Arthur and Molly Weasley, Antonin Dolohov, Alecto and Amycus Carrow, etc. Everyone sat gaping at the Weasleys. The Weasley family was in the Light Side ever since their family was formed, but seeing them fight for the Dark Side and against the Light Side, everyone were disgusted by that, and imagined the Weasley forefathers rolling in their graves by this foolish act. "Don't dare talk about my father, you!" Hermione screamed. Regulus had the nerve to look proud at that. The Death Eaters and Voldemort again squawked evilly. "Well, I'm sure, Hermione dear.. I can find you a post in our organisation. Everyone are not satiated... without a Pureblood woman, you know, Mudbloods can be quite filthy." The Blacks, Malfoys, Potters and many others growled loudly at that. Everyone had a disgusted look on their faces at the words of the Dark Lord. Draco's upper lip snarled and his eyes flashed silver, frightening a few. He hugged Hermione tightly, tucking her head underneath his chin, as his other hand entwined with hers. He kissed the crown of her head discretely, as he whispered to her. "I won't let that happen, love." The male Death Eaters stared at the young woman in a quite leering way. Regulus bit back the urge to rip the head of the teenage blond boy for hugging his Angel, but at the same time wanted to thank him for looking after his daughter. He turned to the small blond boy of 4 years and nodded his head at him. Young Draco grinned at him, as he gave him a thumbs up gesture. Again, everyone growled feeling very disgusted by the way those older men were staring at a mere teenage girl. "Harry Potter is dead, it means that you've lost the war! I can forgive anyone that will join us. But for the ones that won't... I won't make a fuss. Anyways, I'm sure we have room for more." Voldemort sneered, grinning creepily. No one from the Light side made a move, but suddenly, a boy who was the splitting image of Frank Longbottom and Alice Burke moved forward, limping heavily. In his hand was the sorting hat. Frank and Alice identified him as their son, and felt insulted and embarrassed when he moved to join the Dark Side. They received quite disgusted looks from the on-lookers. "Neville?" A dark skinned boy started. "People die everyday, Dean." Neville said, shaking his head. The people from the light side stared at him hopelessly. "And, who might you be, young man?" Voldemort hissed in his normal creepy voice. "Neville Longbottom." He said confidently. The Death Eaters again laughed like maniacs. Bella flexed her fingers as she cackled. "Neville. We can do better than that. But, I'm sure we can find a place for you amongst our ranks." Again, the Death Eaters laughed evilly. "I want to say something." He said quickly. Voldemort sneered, then paused and nodded his head. Neville turned back to the Light side and said. "Harry started this. He may be dead, but he's still with us." At this many Death Eaters backed a few steps away. Many of the watchers were gaping with their jaws slackened. Frank and Alice were eagerly waiting for what Neville was about to do . "-In here-" Neville said as he pointed to his heart. Hermione looked up from Draco's chest. Voldemort cackled evilly. "We'll end it! For Harry!" Neville screamed, as he drew the Sword of Gryffindor in all of its glory from the sorting hat, his brethren echoed his words with the same amount of determination in them. A few Death Eaters screamed in fear. Only a true Gryffindor will be able to retrieve the sword from the sorting hat in the time of dire need. Frank and Alice could no longer contain their excitement as they screamed in encouragement for their son, and the ones that looked disgusted at them previously, hung their heads low in embarrassment. Everyone took their posts and pointed their wands at the Death Eaters. The Dark side too mirrored their actions. At the same second, Harry jumped from Hagrid's arms and sent a stupefy at Voldemort who was thrown back onto the Death Eaters. Everyone cheered out loud, not really realising that their cries of encouragement will have no effect on the future Harry, whose fate was already sealed. "Go Harry! Go Harry!" Many death eaters started fleeing when they found out that Harry was alive. Draco entwined his hand with Hermione's as he pulled her inside the castle. Together, they put up wards using Wandless Magic easily. Everyone were in wonderment at the sight in which Draco and Hermione made the 'putting up of wards' as easy as 'wingardium leviosa'. Harry jumped from the ground and ran towards the school, a few Death Eaters tried blasting him, but he dodged, avoided and blasted them off instead. Draco and Hermione were already doing a good job at fending off the enemies, and when Harry joined them they were a force to reckon with. The on-lookers were in amazement at the three's understanding of each other. It was as if though they were in too much sync with one another. They knew that it couldn't be achieved if they haven't been friends for years. "We should get the snake." Harry screamed over the ruckus, as he blasted a death eater into pieces. "Where is Neville?" Hermione screamed as she jumped over Harry who was on the floor, and stupefied 5 death eaters in same go. Draco pulled Hermione out of the way as he sent 10 nerve cursing spell at the death eaters in one go. "He was lingering with Finnegan and Thomas." "POTTER!!!" An enraged pissed off hissing voice was heard. Harry chuckled humourlessly as he joked. "That's my cue to go." Hermione choked a hard sob and enveloped Harry in a tight hug, Draco hugged the both of them turning it into the Slytherin Triad's hug. And, a bright golden glow enveloped them. The sign of a soul bond. The on-lookers had tears in their eyes at the raw, at the same time, a tender moment. The way the three hugged each other showed their desperation that there would a chance at them not be able to see each other. As if though it was the last time they're going to see each other again. But only few could see that the three were drawing strength from each other. They pulled away when they heard the voice shouting again. "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU, HARRY POTTER!" Harry captured Hermione's lips in a hard intense kiss. One could see the desperation that was underlying in the kiss. They pulled away from each other hesitantly, and he kissed her forehead. Harry looked up at Draco, and the said blond joked humourlessly. "I don't want a kiss, mate." They shared a humourless laugh, before he squeezed Draco's bicep tightly, and ran towards the snake-man mutant figure that was walking towards him from a distance. Instantly, Hermione and Draco started duelling their enemies with renewed strength. Everyone stopped fighting when they heard a horrible wail-scream that echoed through the place. "THE SNAKE IS DEAD!! NAGINI IS DEAD! GO FOR IT HARRY!!!" Neville was seen shouting at top of his lungs, as he swung the Sword of Gryffindor in victory as well as slaying a few death eaters. The watchers were biting their nails and lips in anticipation for the moment. The scene changed again. Right now, the death eaters had advanced. Many dead bodies lay on the ground. Including Minerva, Neville. Only the Slytherin Triad and a few others were standing. The Death Eaters were all squeaking in delight. Bella was found standing next to her master again. Harry, Hermione and Draco were having their arm around each other's waist, using each other for support. Everyone could see that they have completely exhausted their magical core from the looks of them. And, that was really bad for a Triad, as it could potentially kill them. "Already dead, huh?" Voldemort snarled. The Triad hugged each other, hoping to rejuvenate their magic and energy so that they could fight their enemies. But this time there was no glow, which shocked the on-lookers. Their magic was completely drained out. When they pulled away from the hug, they still had their arms around each other. Hermione choked a sob, as she gazed at her Mates. Everyone had tears streaming down their faces at this time. "I-I-" she started. But, was interrupted by Harry, who said. "Yes, we know, you're-" Draco continued, looking very proud. "-pregnant. With our sons-" Again, everyone gasped out loud. "-James Sirius Potter-Malfoy and Scorpius Severus Potter-Malfoy." That was the final straw, and she hugged them tightly. "I'm so sorry! I should've told you, but-but.. I was so scared!" Harry and Draco wiped away her tears, and kissed her cheeks in sync. "It's alright, love." Hermione cupped their cheek(s), her eyes confessing all the words that she wanted to say. "I love you two. For now, for then, for ever." The boys too mirrored her words. The pure longing in their voices made the on-lookers to choke a sob. It was as if though the dreams and hopes of the three was completely ruined, shattered and lost. Oh, but how true it was. As they hugged each other again, a enraptured voice yelled. "AVADA KEDAVRA!" The green light sped through the air and just as it touched the Triad, a blinding white light exploded. The lights were put on and the beds magically disappeared. The on-lookers groaned as the comfortable beds disappeared, but they contained their longing and turned it into curiosity as they waited for the voice to continue with the story. "This is what that happened in the Battle of Hogwarts... If you don't want your children to face this future, which many don't have, please do as we say.." "What are we waiting for? Magical chicken to come and tell us that we are all doomed if we don't follow them? I don't want to miss my sons, husband, grandchildren and great grandchildren. Tell us what we are supposed to do, Lady!" It was an enraged Walburga that yelled, and for once, no one contradicted her statement. __________
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