Burning Flesh

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**Mila's POV** When I shifted to my wolf, I gave Opal full control. It was weird being in the back of my own mind. Feeling and seeing what is going on, but having no control. Opal was strong, and fierce. She tore through so many wolves, ripping them to shreds. Her once white coat was now tainted with dirt and blood. We are definitely going to need a long hot shower after this.  I take a break after ripping someone's throat out to look around. We are winning it seems. I see a few injured wolves, but thankfully no lives have been lost on our side. I look over to Leo who is fighting off two wolves. I run towards him and launch in the air, tackling the wolf that was on my mate's back to the ground. The wolf turned around and snarled at me. They seem familiar.  I attack them without warning, without holding back. Opal is biting and clawing at whatever she can reach. Before I know it the wolf stumbles over their own paws, and falls. Immediately surrendering knowing that I can tear their throat out easily. I growl in their face loudly, making them shift to their human form. What I see in front of me, was not what I was expecting.  Stephanie. This b***h dare to attack me again! I am too focused on my anger and rage that I do not notice the two wolves flanking me. I am taken down easily, and Stephanie stands up with a smug look on her face.  "I knew you would be the easiest to take down. I knew once you saw my face, you would be too distracted to keep fighting. Silly, Luna." She shook her head, still glaring at me. "Drug her and take her back to base. DO NOT SPEAK TO HER." She growled.  Before I could react, a large needle was plunged into my neck, and soon my body felt heavy and I blacked out. Unsure if I would ever wake up again.  **Alpha Leo's POV** After Mila helped me by taking down the wolf on my back, I easily slaughtered through the wolf charging at me. I looked over and saw Mila standing over a surrendered wolf, I thought she had it under control so I turned to help the rest of my pack. I was caught off guard when I suddenly felt like there was something wrong. I frantically looked around and the sight I saw, made my heart almost stop.  Stephanie was standing naked in front of Mila, smiling evilly. There was two wolves holding Mila down, and a man was walking up with a needle. They drugged her, and she shifted back to her human form. They wrapped her in a huge sheet, and dragged her away. Just before Stephanie could get away I charged for her and instantly took her down. She looked up at me full of fear. I mind linked a few warriors to lock her up in the cells, and then I gathered some of my best fighters and trackers to look for my mate.  We ran into the woods. My trackers in front, and my warriors flanking from all around me. They were just as eager to find their Luna as I was. What I loved about my pack was that they were so damn loyal. I knew we would find her soon, or they would never stop looking.  After about twenty minutes, we came to a stop and we crouched down low. My warriors told me through mind link to listen. What I heard chilled me to my bones.  "Come on man, no one is around." One man whispered.  "Steph told us to take her back to base. We should have been there by now, but you keep on with this stupid idea." The other man said through gritted teeth.  "Look, if you don't want to then fine. But she is unconscious and hot as f**k. I'm gonna f**k her and then we can take her back to base. Or you can have your turn with her, and then we return. Either way I'm going to have some fun."  I couldn't listen anymore. Just as he started to unzip his pants, I launched at him and ripped his head off of his shoulders. My men easily took the other man down. I shifted back into my human form and walked over to him.  "DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM!" I growled. He nodded frantically. "DO YOU KNOW WHO SHE IS!" He nodded once more. "YOU WILL TELL ME EVRYTHING I WANT TO KNOW OR I WILL TORTURE YOU ENDLESSLY!!!" I ordered my men to take him back to the pack house and lock him up. I carried Mila in my arms and walked back home, heavily guarded.  When we reached the pack house I saw Stephanie tied up and gagged. Next to her were three others, including the man we took down in the woods.  "We had to shut her up, Alpha. She wouldn't stop spitting out vulgar words against our Luna." Lincoln spoke. I nodded my head.  "Take them to the cells that we boarded up. I'll be there soon." I ordered.  There is a concrete building with ten cells, about five hundred yards into the woods in the back of the pack house. We boarded it up and covered it with rocks and boulders. When I took over as Alpha, I decided we would use cells located two hours away to make sure the families here were never in any danger. But with Mila's condition I wanted to stay close to her as I tortured whatever information I could get out of them.  I walked upstairs and gently laid Mila on our bed. I quickly ran over to the bathroom, turned on the water to the bathtub, and let it fill a little over half way. I walked back into the bedroom and lifted Mila's naked body into my arms. I stepped into the tub and sat her down onto my lap. I washed the dirt and blood off of us both. Once satisfied that we were both clean, I drained the water, stepped out of the tub, and laid Mila down. I carefully dried her and dressed her in sweats and a muscle shirt. Once she was tucked in peacefully, I dressed quickly and walked outside.  I headed straight for the cells, needing answers right away. When I reached the abandoned structure I was pleased to see that the boulders were moved and the boards were taken down. I walked inside, happy to smell the blood of my enemies. There will be more blood spilt, especially from that traitorous b***h, Stephanie. I walked down the hall and headed straight for the last cell, where Stephanie was being held. "Chain her to the wall, ungag her." I ordered. One of my men quickly did as I asked.  "Baby, I'm all for kink but these chains are a little uncomfortable." Stephanie smiled.  "Why? Why attack your own pack? Why try and take Mila?" I asked. Hate and anger filled my voice.  "Why not?" She asked. "There was nothing for me here. You rejected me! Gave that b***h my title!" She screamed. "I was going to torture her so slow. Cut her up and mail you the pieces. A finger, toe, eyeball, a breast." She started to laugh. "I was going to let rouges f**k her every hole and record it. Mail that to you too. I was going to make both of you suffer." I couldn't listen to her anymore. She wasn't going to tell me what I wanted to know, she just wanted revenge, but I knew there was no way she managed to get that size of an army in such a short amount of time. There was someone else pulling the strings.  "Kill her. I have no use for her. She is an angry, bitter b***h who doesn't even deserve to rot in this cell." I growled as I stood up.  I started to walk away before she started to laugh. "Go ahead and kill me. I'll tell your parents hello. It's funny that Mila is going to die by the same hands your parents did."  I stopped and turned towards her. "Elijah is behind this?"  "See, you can't kill me. I'm the one who knows his plan." She laughed again.  Anger filled my body. I wanted so bad to slit her throat and watch her bleed to death, but if she is telling the truth then I couldn't kill her. Before I could command my men to bring me my tools to torture her, a voice broke the silence.  "Kill her. She knows nothing."  I turned around, on the other side of the hall was another cell. Inside was the man I took down in the woods. "Ignore him, he is just a fighter. He knows nothing." Stephanie laughed.  "On the contrary w***e, I know everything. I am Elijah's second in command. I know everything. Including that he lied to Stephanie. He told her he would let her kill your Luna. But he wanted her for himself. The all white wolf with colors radiating in the sun, she was definitely blessed by the Moon Goddess." He smiled. "I'll tell you what you want to know. Just please let ME kill her." I eyed him suspiciously, but his heart was steady the entire time. Stephanie's heart, however, was beating so quickly I thought it would explode. I waved my hand over to Henry. He handed me a knife. I walked over and unlocked the man's cell. "Kill her." I handed him the knife. "Try anything and I'll skin you alive." He nodded. He walked over to Stephanie, she screamed and begged for her life. She begged me for forgiveness, and asked that I spare her. The man put the knife to her throat and he put just a little pressure to make her bleed.  "Stop." I looked over and saw Mila standing there. Anger in her eyes. "She is mine to kill."  Mila walked up to the man and took the knife from him. He walked back to his cell and we locked him in. Mila put the knife down on the table and looked over at the other tools.  "Mila, please. Spare me. I promise to never cross you again." Stephanie begged, but Mila wasn't listening. She was too focused on how she was going to kill her.  "That is the problem isn't it. You've crossed me three times. I am not going to give you a fourth chance." Mila spoke. Not once taking her eyes off the different knives, and other tools in front of her. She had a small smile playing her lips as she came across one of my personal favorites. "Ah this looks interesting." Mila picked up the tool and weighed it in both her hands. She smiled big as she turned around, and placed it behind her back, out of Stephanie's sight. She walked a few steps closer and stopped right in front of Stephanie. Mila tilted her head to the side, and brought the tool in front of her. Stephanie spotted it and started to pull against her chains and scream.  "It is so small and convenient, yet can cause so much pain. I wonder just how hot it can get." Mila turned towards me, and smiled. "Leo, can you turn the blow torch on please?"  I walked over and showed her how to turn it on and turn the heat up and down. She smiled big and gave me a kiss on my cheek. I backed up and leaned against the cell wall. watching my mate take her revenge. (Our mate looks hot as f**k holding the blow torch.)  Hades says proudly. I couldn't agree more! "What shall we burn off first? Maybe burn your eyes out, so you can't see what I reach for next. No, no, I want you to watch." Mila tapped her finger on her chin as she thought more. "I know! I'm going to burn a whole right through your chest where your heart SHOULD be." Mila turned on the hand held blow torch and slowly raised it to Stephanie's body, causing Stephanie to cry and squirm. When the fire pierced the skin, Stephanie let out an ear deafening scream. Mila pushed the torch closer to Stephanie's chest, literally burning a whole straight through. Stephanie started to cough up blood, blood was also spilling from the now see through hole in her body. She continued to cough until she died. Her lifeless body hanging on the wall, blood spilling on the floor, and Mila dropped the blow torch. The room now wreaked of burning flesh. It was suffocating. "She shouldn't have f****d with me again." Mila turned to the man in the cell and eyed him closely. "Do you want a hole where your d**k belongs or will you tell us what we want to know!"  "I'll tell you everything I swear!" He cried. "Just please don't use that on me!" He feared my woman. s**t, I was even scared of her a little bit. Mila nodded her head and walked towards the exit. "I need a shower and food. You boys have fun."  "Your Luna is f*****g scary." The man whispered. "Elijah is stupid to think he can tame her."  "Tell me everything. Or I'll make sure Mila follows through on burning your d**k off." I growled.  He nodded his head and began speaking. "A few days ago, Elijah decided to take a quick surveillance walk around your perimeter. We had been planning to attack and take over your pack for a few years, since he failed at his first attempt. Well while on his walk he saw your Luna running through the woods. He said she was an all white wolf and was huge even for a ranking wolf. He was immediately intrigued. When he returned he consulted our witch. She told him that the white wolf was heavily blessed by the Moon Goddess with strength, speed, and fighting abilities. Once she learned to tap into all of it, she will be unstoppable. Elijah got the idea that he would kidnap her, and mate with her. Make an army of stronger wolves. He was going to beat her until she submitted to him, and accepted him as her mate and Alpha. Stephanie has been working with Elijah since you married. She wanted revenge and he was going to let her have it, until he found out Mila was special. He was going to kill Stephanie once we made it back to base." I tried to take in everything he just said. Elijah saw my mate, he wants her, he has been planning another attack, Mila is blessed, and Stephanie has been betraying us for over a year. "Go and gather anyone Stephanie was close to and bring them here! Now!" I commanded. Three of my men left. "Where is Elijah now?" I turned back to the man.  "I do not know. I am telling you everything I know because well I don't want your wife to come back and use that torch on me, and because when I was captured Elijah mind linked me and told me I was on my own. I've been by his side for over five years and now he is turning his back on me. I owe him no loyalty." He shrugged.  "What's your name?" I asked.  "Dante. Dante Lewis. I belonged to a pack in California. I had a disagreement with a human who was trying to join with his wolf girlfriend, and ended up getting banished." He rolled his eyes.  "Explain." It can't be, can it? Can this be the information I have been searching for?  "This guy shows up and says him and his girlfriend need shelter. Just for a few days while he goes through his transition. She was going to bite and change him. I was angry. She was a beautiful wolf and from what I heard she was an Alpha's daughter. But she lost everything because of a f*****g HUMAN." He grew angry. "I'll admit maybe my advances on her were a little aggressive." He shrugged and laughed. "I tried to mark her forcibly. I hadn't found my mate and here this beautiful woman was. Well, I was banished."  "What was the human's name?" I asked.  "I do not know. The woman however was Hailey. Hailey Sanders." He sat down and rested his head on the back of the wall.  My heart picked up, and my hands became sweaty. So Mila's brother's last known whereabouts were the pack in California! I have to call them as soon as possible. "Do you know if they are still there?" I asked. Please let him still be there. Please.  "I don't know. Like I said I was banished. My own family was embarrassed by my actions that when I tried to reach out they ignored me. I didn't have anyone." His voice sounded tortured. It must have been hard to lose everything in one day. At the same time, he only had himself to blame. "A few years passed and I ran into Elijah and his army. There wasn't as many as he has now. He said his numbers dwindled after he lost the fight with you." "What do you know about Elijah?" I asked.  "Not much. Just that he wants to take over your pack, and will stop at nothing until he gets what he wants." Dante continued to stare at the wall.  He doesn't know everything about Elijah. Doesn't know that he is connected to the very woman he tried to forcibly mark. "Elijah was Hailey's mate." I said. Dante tensed and turned his heard towards me. "She rejected him to be with the human. Elijah is building an army and trying to take over my pack, only to find her and kill her and the man she chose. All of this is just because mighty Elijah couldn't stand being rejected." I laughed.  Before Dante could say anything, my three men returned with Stephanie's parents and her four best friends. "Hello everyone!" I clapped my hands in front of me. "Now that you are all here I have some disturbing news." I gestured to Stephanie's cell. Her mother screamed and fell to the floor in a fit of tears. Her father reached down to console his grieving wife. Stephanie's best friends all paled and started to tremble in fear. "I will only ask this once. WHO KNEW STEPHANIE WAS PLOTTING AGAINST MY WIFE!" I yelled. They stayed silent, confusion written on their faces. "Stephanie did not die because we were bored. She was a part in the attack today. Her main goal was to kidnap my wife and torture and kill her. So ANSWER ME. As you can see, Mila does not give mercy to traitor's. I however will simply banish you." I said, looking to each and every one of them.  "Stephanie said she was helping someone." One of the friends spoke up. "She took her calls in private and would sneak out a lot. I swear I just thought she was seeing someone. But these last few days she kept saying over and over 'the b***h will pay'. I swear to you Alpha we didn't know what she was up to."  "I tried to follow Stephanie one night, when she caught me she choked me and told me to go home. She said if I ever tried to follow her again she would kill me. I have known Stephanie since we were kids, I swear she was not herself. I knew nothing of her actions I swear." Another friend begged.  One by one they swore they were telling the truth. I could see the fear and worry in their eyes, but as far as I could tell they were telling the truth. "If I find out you are lying I swear to the Goddess, you will receive even a worse death than Stephanie." I growled. They bowed and ran out of the door.  "Dante. As much as I enjoyed getting the information I needed without wasting my energy, I cannot allow you to live. You see, the human Hailey chose, is my wife's brother. If you were a threat to him then you are threat to my wife. I will grant you a quick painless death." I stood and walked out of the building. I told two of my men to go in there and shoot him in his head. When they are done they have to tear him apart and burn the remains.  I walk to the pack house, and into my office. I sit in my chair and rest my head on the desk. f**k it has been a hell of a day. I pick up the phone and dial out.  RING RING "Hello?" 
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