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**Alpha Leo's POV** It has been two whole weeks since I spoke to Alpha Rios. I have been meaning to talk to Mila about it, but after the issue with Stephanie she wouldn't speak or look at me. Then when things were going great she kept insisting she didn't want to hear about anything if it was going to upset her. She wanted to enjoy her time with her family, just me and the kids. It's been a great week. We have been taking Amelia, little Brandon, and of course Roman, to hikes, picnics, dinners in town, and even had a pool installed. Mila and I have been making love every morning when we wake up and every night when we go to sleep. Even a few times in the middle of the night when she would wake me up by straddling me. If she keeps this up, we will be having a third baby, but I'm not complaining. I loved watching her grow round with my son.  Right now I am in my office, trying to figure out how to talk to Mila. After having a long conversation with Alpha Rios, we decided it would be best not to mention anything to anyone until I talk to Mila. It would be her decision what to do next.  (MIND LINK) 'Mila, my treasure, can you please come to my office?' I ask softly.  'Yes, I'll be right there. Is everything okay?' She replies.  'We will discuss it when you get here, don't worry.' I reassure her. She has been trying so hard to avoid anything serious, but I can't keep putting this off. 'If this conversation is going to upset me, then I do not wish to discuss it.' Mila sounds like she is getting agitated very quickly.  'Mila, this is important. Please. The news may upset you, but if we do not talk about it then it will only make things worse.' I am trying so hard to reason with her, but Mila is so stubborn. Once she makes up her mind about something there is no changing it.  'I said, NO LEO. All I wish is to put anything stressful on hold for the time being. So drop it!' She growled and closed the connection in the mind link.  I tried to communicate with her further, but she blocked me out. I know I could just walk up to her and talk to her, but I didn't want anyone to be around when she heard what I had to say. I rubbed my temples, trying to calm the migraine that was beginning to form. I can't keep this in much longer, and Mila is making this so much harder than it needs to be. There was a knock on my office door. I really am not in the mood to talk to anyone, but being an Alpha I don't have the luxury to tell people to f**k off. Well actually I do. "f**k off." I call. The door opens and in walks Joseph and Kelsie. I look up and smile. Ever since my beta has found his mate, our pack has been so much stronger and happier. Not to mention I can't wait until they have babies, which secures this packs future to have a beta.  "Hey guys. Sorry, Mila is being difficult again." I mutter. "It's okay." Joseph says as they sit down.  "Anything I can help with?" Kelsie asks. She really is a sweet young lady and so bright, she reminds me of Mila sometimes.  "Get her to come in here so we can have a serious conversation." I answer. Knowing the answer already.  "Oh no, sorry you're on your own with that one." Kelsie shakes her head frantically and we all laugh.  "I figured that, what can I do for you both?" I ask leaning back in my chair.  "Well, we are newlyweds, so I was hoping to cash in some vacation. Maybe a month? I want to go on a honeymoon with my wife, and work on some babies!" Joseph starts to bounce in his chair. No matter how old he gets, he's a child at heart. "Well, a month is kind of long. You have beta duties. Buuuuuuut, you do deserve some time off. Train someone for a few days, just the basics, and then you can start your vacation by Sunday." I replied. I just needed to make sure nothing got messed up while he was gone. "I knew you would ask that, so I have been training Christian. He knows all the basics and even some extra stuff in case you need help with paperwork or anything like that." Joseph had a huge grin on his face. "Christian, really? He's a kid." I laughed.  "Yeah, but he has been eager to do something to pull his weight around here. Mila was talking to you and I a while back about getting personal assistants to take some of the work load off. Well, Christian is a bright young man who was going to college for business management. So I snatched him before you could." He smiled again. "He wants to have a place here, some real responsibility. He is tired of people seeing him as the human who had cancer, and Rose's little brother."  "When is he going to go through his 'transition'?" I ask. I can't have him gone a few days, when I need him to fill in as beta.  "He won't do that until after he and his fiancé are married. Which is about a week after I return. Don't worry, everything is handled. Our flight leaves in like two hours so we best get going." My eyes widened at what he said, and Joseph and Kelsie hurried up and stood up and tried to run for the door.  "Wait, what!" I yell. Stopping them both in their tracks.  "Our flight leaves in a couple hours. I knew that you would want someone to fill my spot so I trained someone, but I knew you would be hesitant since Christian is so young, so I booked our flights for today so you couldn't say no." Joseph was fighting back a smile. That asshole.  "You are such a d**k, Joseph." I growled.  "Love you too!" He smiled, and they ran out of the door.  Great. Now I am going to have a twenty one year old as my beta. Even though Alphas and Betas take their place in the pack at eighteen, we are trained from the time we are sixteen. Some packs start training their ranking children as young as twelve. My parents believed, however, if you do not let a kid be a kid, then they will try to have that fun when they are older. Christian I am sure is a bright young man, but he has probably only had a few crash courses on how to be a beta's fill in. I know I am probably going to be stuck doing most of the work. Another knock at my door.  "WHAT." I growl.  "Alpha, I have some papers I need you to sign." Speak of the devil and he shall appear.  "Come in, Christian." I call out.  The door opens and in walks Rose's little brother. I don't know why I say little. He is only a couple inches shorter than me. Christian is about six feet tall, he has black straight hair like his sister, but he keeps his short and edged up. He has the same green eyes, but Rose's are round while his are almond shape. For someone who is only twenty one years old, he looks older right now. He walked in with confidence, like he belongs here. His broad shoulders squared, chiseled chin held high, and his eyes determined.  "Relax, Christian. You do not have to be so serious with me." I fought a smile. Joseph was right, the kid wants to prove himself. "Sorry, Alpha. I just want to prove I can do this. I know I am young, but I took courses in business management. I know I can handle this." His deep voice echoed the room.  I am not used to seeing him look so sure of himself and sound so strong. When I first brought him here, he was almost a skeleton. The chemo and radiation took a toll on him, but the young man before me looked like he never had to struggle with such an illness.  "I'm happy to see you are doing well. Still in remission?" I lean back in my chair. I signal for him to sit down and he does. "Yes, Alpha. Going on two months cancer free. Soon I will be married and transition into a wolf. Then I'll never have to go through that again." He smiled. He seemed like such a good kid. I guess I will have to see what he is capable of.  I signed the papers he passed to me. Just a few job placements, and teenagers wanting to leave the pack to go to college out of state. No biggie. I hand the papers back to Christian. "I won't take it easy on you. If you want to prove yourself then I'm going to test you." "I wouldn't have it any other way, Alpha. I know I am still young and a human, but I want to be treated the same." He nodded his head and stood up.  I stood up and shook his hand. "Fair enough. Enjoy the rest of your day."  Christian walked out and I straightened up my desk before going to search for my wife. I went into the living room to see Rachel watching TV with Amelia and Roman. "Where's Mila?" "She went to put Brandon down for bed." She smiled back.  I headed upstairs and leaned against the door of my son's nursery. Mila was rocking him back and forth and singing softly.  "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are grey. You'll never know dear, how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away." Brandon soon fell asleep, and Mila placed him in his crib. She looked down at him then smiled. She is such a wonderful woman, and mother. I can't wait to have more babies with her! When she turned to see me standing there, her smile faded and she looked frustrated. Damn, I didn't think she could ever look so scary.  "Mila." I said as she started to walk passed me.  "No, Leo." She replied without looking back.  I've had enough. She was going to talk to me whether she wanted to or not. I ran up behind her and threw her over my shoulder. She kicked and yelled, but I continued to walk into our bedroom and shut the door. I placed her on her feet and signaled for her to sit on the bed. She stomped her foot like a child and sat down.  "Why can't you just respect the fact that I do not want to be stressed right now?" She asked, irritated at me.  "Because if we keep putting this conversation off, you will somehow find a way to blame me for not telling you sooner!" I yelled. I didn't mean to yell at her, but she has been acting so difficult I couldn't help it. "This is important Mila. It affects you, it affects me and our children. So listen!" Just as I was about to open my mouth and tell Mila what she needed to hear a mind link came through for the whole pack.  'Intruder. Intruder. Male. About six feet tall, brown hair, green eyes. Female. about five foot three inches. Black short hair, blue eyes. Hot as fuck.' Seriously. I rolled my eyes. "We will finish this later." I growled. Mila stood and we walked out of our room.  Rachel was running upstairs and I told her to barricade herself and the children in Brandon's room. Just as we walked into the living room, my warriors tackled the two intruders, and tied their hands behind their back.  "Who do you think you are to enter my pack without permission." I growled. Angry as hell. Mila and I walked outside, but stayed on the top step. The intruders were forced on their knees a few steps down. "Take a chill pill, kid. I'm looking for someone. Your asshole guards couldn't answer a simple question." The man rolled his eyes, and the woman laughed. That not only angered me, but also Mila.  "You dare enter my pack, and disrespect my mate!" Mila growled. "My Alpha may be angry, but I am the one you should not piss off! You will answer our questions or I will consider you a danger to my family and slit your throat!" She walked closer to them which each step that she was shouting in the man's face by the time she was done.  "Mila?" He whispered.  She straightened her back and looked down at him with anger. "I do not know you. You will not address me so informal. You are here as an intruder. You will only call me 'Luna.'" "You're the Luna?" He whispered again. "I never thought I would find you, let alone see you as a Luna." His smile spread across his face.  "Who are you?" I spoke up., but I was not convinced with his answer. "My name is Brandon." Then he looked at Mila. "I'm your brother." "Liar!" She screamed. "My brother is dead." "How dare you! I spoke with Alpha Rios, he said you died years ago." I growled. Alpha Rios said Brandon and his beloved died in a rouge attack. They had no children, and were cremated together. Their ashes adorned a shelf in their 'fallen' room. Mila was supposed to decide if she wanted his remains here.  "Why would he say we're dead?" The woman spoke up. "We were on vacation. He surprised us with a month vacation to Paris! We returned when my friend said she found news of Mila." "Who are you?" Mila turned to the woman.  "My name is Hailey. I'm your sister in law." She smiled. "They're lying, Mila. I spoke to Rios. He said they were dead. He has no reason to lie to me!" I growled. "He has every reason to lie!" Brandon growled. "I am his beta. He knew if I ever found Mila I would leave and return home to her! He sent us on vacation in case you investigated. Only when we got the call and told Mila was here did we leave right away !" I didn't trust the intruders. Mila stood there anger filled her eyes, but she didn't speak.  "I swear, Mila. I am your brother. I used to take you everywhere. To my soccer games, to the practices. The whole team adored you just like I did. You have a scar on your right hip, where you fell off the monkey bars at the public park and landed on a piece of glass. I carried you to the hospital a few blocks away and held your hand when they stitched it up. Your birthday is July 7, 1997. I called you my lucky charm since your birthday was 777." Tears started to fall from his face and Mila's. "You used to be scared of the dark, I told you that I would never let the darkness swallow you. I'm your brother, Mila." Mila's face was now streaming with silent tears, however her face was still contorted in anger. "You're a liar." She finally said.  "Why don't you believe me!" He shouted. "Because my brother would not have abandoned me!" Mila's voice echoed throughout our territory. "My brother would not have let me bounce around in foster homes getting molested and beaten everyday!" Brandon's face paled and the tears fell faster. "My brother would not have let me think I was alone all these years! Believing that I had to stay in a shitty marriage where I was raped and beaten because I had no one to run to!" Mila stood up straight and wiped her tears away. "My brother is dead." Mila ran into the house and up the stairs. I heard our bedroom door slam. "Take them to the cells in the abandoned building. I have more questions." I started to walk away.  "Wait." Brandon called. I turned around just as they were pulled to stand on their feet. "Let me call Alpha Rios. Right here in front of you. I will prove I am telling the truth. My mate is pregnant. She will not be sleeping in a cell, or away from me." I nodded my head, and ordered my men to untie them. I have a soft spot for pregnant women. The man pulled out his phone from his back pocket and put the phone on speaker. It rang and rang. Until a voice came through.  "Brandon! How's Paris?" I recognized the voice as Alpha Rios.  "Paris is beautiful! We will never be able to thank you enough for this." His voice was happy, but his face was full of anger and hate.  "No need to thank me. You and your lovely wife deserve it. My pack wouldn't be where it is now, if you weren't my beta." My anger chilled my bones. That fucker lied to me.  "I just called to see if there was an update on my little sister Mila's whereabouts. She was last seen in New York. Please tell me you found something." Brandon asked, raising an eyebrow at me.  "No, sorry. We found nothing. I keep telling you it is unlikely you will find her, but don't you worry. We won't give up!" Rios promised. "Okay, well I have to get back to Hailey. See you in a couple weeks."  "Okay, enjoy the rest of your trip." They hung up.  "I told you. He needs me as beta. He lied to keep me there." I nodded my head and looked away. "Where are we sleeping?"  "You will stay in a cottage just passed the tree line. We use it for visitors. Tomorrow I want a blood test done." I say emotionless.  "Fine." The man replies. "Can I speak to Mila, please." His face was serious, but his eyes were begging.  "No. She has had enough stress for tonight." I lowered my head. "She has had enough stress in her life." "I swear I looked for her." He whispered. His voice cracked a little. "I looked for her every single day. I was at the child protective services building every single day, hounding them to give me my sister. I went to the police. I did everything I could. Then after I was a wolf I tried tracking her on my own. I never knew about what she went through." I saw a tear fall from his eye, which angered me. How dare he feel sadness when he could have prevented all of it.  "I'll make sure you know every single thing she went through. You should drown in guilt for letting your only family go through the s**t she did!" I growled and stormed away.  I mind linked my men and told them to escort them to the cottage. Also to keep surveillance on them at all times. They weren't going to runaway, in case they are lying. After the blood test is done, if it comes up negative I'll kill them both. Pregnant or not. If it is positive, them I am declaring war on Alpha Rios and his pack. That fucker will pay for lying to me! I ran up the stairs, taking two steps at a time. When I reached the bedroom I slowly opened the door to see Mila pacing angrily. "Are they chained up in the cells?" She spat out. "No, Mila. I had them escorted to the guest cottage. The woman says she is pregnant." I reached for her and pulled her into my arms. I could feel the anger radiating off of her. "They are under watch, don't worry." She pulled away from me and laughed. "Don't worry? Of course I'm worried! Some stranger comes here and claims he's my dead brother! Elijah probably sent them here to f**k with my head and then he is going to attack again." Just then something clicked into my mind. "f**k, Elijah could still be watching! If they are telling the truth, the two people Elijah wants to kill are right there!" I ran out the door, Mila on my heels. I mind linked to have my best fighters meet me at the cottage. We arrived there not a moment too late.  "Let's go." Mila yelled to the two intruders.  "Mila." The man whispered. "I was hoping we could talk." "Shut up!" She growled. "It isn't safe out here, follow us to the house." They stood up quickly and followed us outside. The pack warriors surrounded us, and we ran to the pack house. Once settled inside I turned to the two new people in my home. "I guess you can sleep on my Beta's floor. He just left on vacation." I said.  "Thank you, but can you explain why it isn't safe out there?" The woman asked.  "Tomorrow. After the blood test." I replied. We all headed upstairs and went to sleep.  Tomorrow couldn't come soon enough. We needed answers.
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